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User Rating: 8 | Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy X360
Ever want to know what it's like to live life like Jason Bourne? Well now you can with The Bourne Conspiracy, a new action adventure game, developed by High Moon Studios.

The game is based off the first Bourne movie, The Bourne Identity.The game starts with Bourne floating in the ocean, dreaming about his most recent mission that went haywire. It takes Identities script and re-writes it to deliver a new Bourne experience. You'll see a lot of scenes from Identity, but most of the time you'll be playing Bourne's past missions as he remembers them throughout the game.

Hand-to-hand combat is where this game excels. You string together combos in hopes of landing crippling blows and gaining adrenaline to use various take-downs. Bourne will also use the environment around him to do some brutal take-downs on bosses and enemies. Take downs give Bourne more health and they can be a godsend when fighting certain bosses. The shooting mechanics are wonky and take some getting used to. One thing that bothered me at first is the way Bourne puts his gun away to fight enemies up close. At times this can be a potential issue if there multiple enemies using guns, because they will still be able to shoot at Bourne. This puts more pressure on the player to take out the enemy faster. Once the fight is finished Bourne will quickly whip out his weapon and resume the firefight. The enemies seem to lose their sight when Bourne is in a fist fight also because the ones shooting at you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if they were standing right in front of it. The game suffers from hit detection issues and the driving level is simply horrid. There isn't a large variety of guns but it really isn't an issue when you get the aiming system down and start delivering easy head shots. Passports leave you looking in every nook and cranny in every level, hunting them down. And the quick time events keep you on your toes during cut scenes. The game is also very short.

The graphics are about average but they still deliver that cinematic experience. The sound however, does not deliver that experience.

To be honest the game is good and fun. However, the game is short making it only worth a rental. There's not enough replay value to warrant a $60 price tag. It something that will occupy your time on a rainy day but that's it.