A suspencful thrillar.

User Rating: 9 | Resident Evil 0 GC
Zero is truly one of the best in the series. A real smine tingaler, really brings out fear for first time players. Really suspensful, a surprise in every corner.

Story, It is actually good, shows what really happens before the Spencer estate, how it all started. It is well done. Cut seance are also well done. Alot of depth in the charecters reaction. But at times fail to show the right amount of emotion. The ending could of been better though, it felt "half a$$" in a way, it was too quick, to sudden. I can't really put my finger on it...

Graphics are good at the time, 2002, but compared to now (2009). Hey its old, but it still works. Its not the best but good of last generations consoles.

The music is phenomenal, alot of the music can really make your skin crawl, such as the "Safe Haven" and the "Study room" theme. peacful but still fear riden. and Suspenful music such as "stop the train" and the "adrenaline rush" Its very well done.

The game play is... okay, not really all that great. The fixed camera thing kinda kills it for me. it makes the game akward at times, especialy during boss battles, you are unable to see most of the room despit the fact the charecter is faceing that direction. The controls wern't any beter, Charecters are slow to react and makeing dogeing impossible.

Charecter development is well done, between Billy Coen and Rebecca Chambers. Its almost kinda cute how the convict saved the officer that tried to arrest him multiple times.

There is one major flaw that one charecter has that makes it a bit of a burdian, Rebecca's health. One bite form the zombie just throws survival out the window. Her health is way to low. Billy can take far alot more hits before his health reaches "cauntion" Billy's only flaw is not able to mix herbs and can't fit in small spaces, its not as bad. His strenght and charm kinda makes up for it.

In overal this game is well done, I give it a 9 because it was GOOD, but not GREAT.