Revolutionary? No. Worth your time? Yes.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc PC
Rayman 2 blew the doors off 3D gaming, with it's creative, puzzle-solving formula, interesting characters, and decent plot. Rayman 3 does not even come close to what Rayman 2 achieved. This doesn't however, mean that you should skip playing Rayman 3; the graphics still hold up today (scarily enough, R3's graphics are better than several games currently out, not least of all the "Legend of Spyro" series), the dialog is still fun, the worlds are still fresh and new, and the game as a whole still works. The easy (indeed, this game will never be considered as "difficult") campaign is much less serious than the last time around: When Globox swallows André, the Lord of the Black Lums, Rayman has to take him to a doctor in order to have the maniacal ball of fuzz removed. This new Rayman is much more combat-oriented, and players will find "laser detergent" cans that give Rayman various abilities through combat fatigues. The mild puzzle-solving (if one could call it that), usually revolves around "use powered-up fist to hit a button." The music is nice, albeit repetitive (I didn't realize that I was listening to different tracks until I actually physically compared them all), with noted exceptions to The Bog of Murk, The Longest Shortcut, and The Fairy Council.
Despite the fact that this game is NOT the newest "Rayman 2," it remains my personal favorite Rayman game to date and definitely should not be skipped.