If it was even possible, I would kill this game, and hope it never sees daylight again.

User Rating: 1.5 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
This game being uninspiring, and a complete total fail. And since GameSpot wants me to back up this claim, I will. Lemme start, ok the freakin' broken and completely pointless storyline, no I wouldn't even consider what this game calls a storyline, a storyline is complex, actually makes sense, and actually has a point, this on the other hand has no point, you do pointless missions and go through pointless scenes that doesn't even have no significant value to the game whatsoever. Nothing you do or see effects you or how you play. Another reason why this game is a fail, is actually one of my main reason this game belongs in Hell for all eternity, is the completely broken and uncontrollable controls. Half of the time the stupid excuse for controls wouldn't even respond or work, and when they did, they usually didn't do what you expected or they would do the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do. Making the game completely unplayable. Theres actually one good thing I can say about this game, at least it looked good, graphically it was amazing, so well designed and complex just like the other Ratchet and Clank games. Which this game brings shame to the Ratchet and Clank name. I actually liked the series especially Deadlocked. But this game is just a sad excuse for a game. If you want to buy a Ratchet and Clank game I do not recommend this one even if you are a huge fan of Ratchet and Clank, I recommend Ratchet and Clank Deadlocked, its a much better game and you won't waste any of time or money like you would with this abortion of a game.