Insomniac never fails to provide a very solid, very high-vintage, very entrancing platformer for generations to come.

User Rating: 10 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
Ratcher and Clank: Up Your Arsenal is the third installment in Insomniac's most popular platforming franchise for the ps2, and a part of a most successful series of all time gaming. It falls under the category of "Specials", joining games like Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, and Final Fantasy.

The graphics were mesmerizing, and that includes the look of Ratchet's weapons, the layout of the many maps of planets, and the actual gameplay navigation as the player jumps from environment to environment, using gadgets which make the process so much cooler. Example: its fun to use ur green cable grapple to go over cliffs and such. Even the enemies looked neat, each displaying behaviour appropriate to their level of mind(stupidity =P). Also, the freefall feature during an invasion actually made me feel like going skydiving the next day; so real, save the incoming missles. (Y)

The gameplay proved to be just as enthralling. This is emphasized by the huge number of varied cutscenes which deepen the storyline so much that the player feels Ratchet's every blow given and taken. We musn't forget the efforts of Captain Qwark, who manages to keep the player laughing through and through =J. Boss battles were very challenging, as some could not be beaten by brute strength, like Nefarious who requires lots of tactical maneuvering to beat. Also, the weapon building-up system was well planned out, as it grants the player the chance to use an all newly uprgraded array of weapons on even tougher enemies. I got ticked when I didn't know how to use the strafe button in Going Commando =P

The game's duration is undefinable, thanks to the repeat-game feature Insomniac was kind enough to throw in; still long if you don't go for seconds. It should be played from time to time, just to remind one of the memories of such a great game, if nothing else.

Overall Equation:
- Gameplay: 9/10
- Storyline: 10/10
-Graphics: 98/100
- Content, Style, and Mechanics: 4/4.175
-Duration: 100/100
-Playability rate: 70% per 2 weeks.