A great sequil. With many new features this is what a sequil should be like.

User Rating: 10 | Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded PS2
The original Ratchet and Clank was and still is my favourite game, but this comes really close to first ( along with Jak ii). With the intruduction of armour Ratchet looks awesome! The new weapons pack twice the wollop, the new racing is great and the space combat is fun. The story is that Ratchet and Clank are famous after deafeting Drek and are bored, then the head of a company called Megacorp calles on them to retrive an experiment from ' The Thief ' along the way there are many twists and turns. The gameplay is awesome and fun. The graphics are superb and the weapons can also be upgraded once they've reached a certain level and become more powerful. There are different variaties of armour with different colors and different enjurance from attacks. As I said before this is one of my favourite games, I know you'll love it if you like these types of games.