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#1 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts
I have a 40 gig fat too, and LA Noir makes then fan go schiz almost instantly. Uncharted 2 makes it work hard too.
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#2 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts
I feel that I come down on the side of Crysis 2 on this one. I've finished the campaign on both, and spent some time on MP on both - though I must admit I've not spent hours and hours on them. The Crysis 2 campaign just grabbed me much more than Killzone 3. KZ 3 really just felt like an on rails shooter, and I didn't really get into the story. At least Crysis 2 gives the illusion of some choice, even if that's only in how you get the endpoint, rather than having any influence on what the endpoint is. For MP, Crysis 2 has been a little laggy at times, and I've been stuck in the lobby a few times, but I just find it more fun than KZ3. I found KZ3 quite restricted compared to KZ2. I find it hard to explain why, but I just clicked with Crysis 2's gameplay more.
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#3 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts


I hope we get something like this happening in the UK sometime soon.


Really? You WANT to see weeks of civil unrest and the government firing on protestors, deaths running into the thousands and the infrastructure being so damaged it will take months if not years to fix? Why not just hope for something like Tunisia or Egypt? Or then again, why not just realise that we al;ready have what these people don't and if public opinion wanted it enough the government would be changed?

Yes I do want to see all that, will some cherries on top.

This place is turning into a croc of **** it needs a serious shake up. We bail out a bank who then give themselves 6,500,000 bonuses while we have to tighten our belts and lose jobs, paying the people who caused the mess in the first place and let them walk on water, walk all over us. Take it by storm, our government fails. I can list all sorts of other reasons but that means writing a full on SA and I only do that if I'm going to get a grade for it or I'm being paid.

I so hope something happens like this. I know I will probably lose Internet Connection while all goes to hell but that's ok, I still got my surfing.

I assume that you're referring to the figure recently announced for Barclays? They didn't receive any help or bailout from the government; though I agree that the bankers are utterly arrogant and corrupt and need to be regulated severely in these times. If the government fails - and if that is truly the feeling of the majority - then they will be voted out. No need for thousands of lives to be needlessly lost and to put the country in a state that it will take years to recover from.
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#4 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts

I hope we get something like this happening in the UK sometime soon.

Really? You WANT to see weeks of civil unrest and the government firing on protestors, deaths running into the thousands and the infrastructure being so damaged it will take months if not years to fix? Why not just hope for something like Tunisia or Egypt? Or then again, why not just realise that we al;ready have what these people don't and if public opinion wanted it enough the government would be changed?
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#5 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts

pubs not clubs!

Definitely this! And it should be pubs that don't pump the music so loud you can't talk. And that have a good selection of hand-pulled ales - not just your Fosters/John Smiths/Grolsch nonsense. And that aren't very busy! I'm such an old man....
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#6 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts
Or maybe they'll just be extra ruthless with any Russians on board vessels they capture now. The problem with sending in in forces to their bases is that many of these pirates are fishermen who live in largely innoncent communities. Don't get me wrong - if they're caught on board a ship with hostages and there's an opportunity to take them out, then do it. But defeating piracy is not simply a case of sending in the Marines. Remember, a lot of these pirates are desperate fisherman who have lost their trade and don't see any other way to survive. Maybe a bit of support for the stuggling communities would be a better way to prevent piracy then chasing them around the oceans in Destroyers.
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#7 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts
Ah, poot. My smug, all knowing bubble has been burst.
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#8 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts
I can't remember the name of the dude but... There's this homosexual french dude that runs a parfume company, I'm really digging just that amount and colors of his tattoos. xWoW_Rougex
That would be Jean-Paul Gaultier.
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#9 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts

They're ugly, just as the people who get them are.

I suspect I may be responding to a troll here, but this is a ridiculous statement. Cheryl Cole is ugly? Megan Fox is ugly?
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#10 yellerbelly
Member since 2008 • 1008 Posts
I have one tattoo, and used to have rings through my nose and eyebrow. They came out for work though. Still get tempted to get them back though. I think it looks good on some people, not on others. Some designs are good, some aren't. So i guess it depends on what they have done and where, and on the person. That is such a non-answer to the question. Move along people, there's nothing to see here.