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#1 verparanoidpers
Member since 2007 • 695 Posts

[QUOTE="verparanoidpers"] alright decessus, If I killed a person because I said you told me to, would that make you responsible?xxDustmanxx

Of course not, but I am not a system of beliefs. Religion is.

okay. If I killed someone because I believed in evolution, would that make evolution wrong or bad?

No it wouldnt,the fault would be yours.

The same applies to religion (unless, of course, the religion demands that people be killed for so and so reason. . .then the religion is at fault).

There are several verses in the bible(old testament)that demand the killing of people.

Just putting that out there...

new testament>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>old testament
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#2 verparanoidpers
Member since 2007 • 695 Posts

[QUOTE="verparanoidpers"] alright decessus, If I killed a person because I said you told me to, would that make you responsible?xxDustmanxx

Of course not, but I am not a system of beliefs. Religion is.

okay. If I killed someone because I believed in evolution, would that make evolution wrong or bad?

No it wouldnt,the fault would be yours.

exactly. its their fault that they fought the crusades, its not christianity's fault

could you give me a verse out of the bible that could support the crusades?

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#3 verparanoidpers
Member since 2007 • 695 Posts

Do you believe the official story or do you believe the inside job?

Personally i truly believe that it was an inside job.

Google video "loose change", it's a good place to start.


Disproved many a time dear fellow.

Was is disproved, or actually disproved? That's the thing. It's funny how people use the video "Screw Loose Change" as a great countering tool that "proved" the two guys who made Loose Change were idiots.....And how no one questions how badly of a job they did at countering the argument....All it was were a bunch of captions added to the regular video with irrelevant things like "how come the sources weren't shown?" when at the beginning it showed a bunch of quotes by politicians...

you're supposed to cite your sources in a real documentary, and you're not supposed to resort to quote mining, which is the same tactic creationists use
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#4 verparanoidpers
Member since 2007 • 695 Posts

[QUOTE="verparanoidpers"] alright decessus, If I killed a person because I said you told me to, would that make you responsible?Decessus

Of course not, but I am not a system of beliefs. Religion is.

okay. If I killed someone because I believed in evolution, would that make evolution wrong or bad?
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#5 verparanoidpers
Member since 2007 • 695 Posts

The Crusades, the Holocaust, ect. :|


Niether of those were religious.:|

The Crusades were made in order to gain land that people wanted.

The holocaust. . . .wait, how in hell was the holocaust caused by religion?

Religion may not have been the sole reason for the Crusades, but to deny its involvement is to be completely ignorant of history.

alright decessus, If I killed a person because I said you told me to, would that make you responsible?
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#6 verparanoidpers
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[QUOTE="verparanoidpers"][QUOTE="JadedEagle04"][QUOTE="verparanoidpers"][QUOTE="GettingTired"]You tried arguing with a creationist, that was your first mistake.JadedEagle04
really? cuz I owned the s*** out of him, and I dont regret it one bit

Really? So you mean to say you feel so good of yourself because you were able to own one creationist... you deserve a medal. The difference between you and him, is that he probally debated with you in hopes of helping you see his point of view, not to get some measely satisfaction and bragging rights on Gamespot. But, nonetheless, good job, I can't believe what an amazing feat you were able to accomplish.

actually I was arguing with 5 creationists. and im sorry if you feel that way

Feel what? Feel the egoism... yeah, I can feel it resonating in this thread. But that still doesn't void my point, the fact that you did it for bragging rights.

if I did it solely for bragging rights, I would have posted it yesterday
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#7 verparanoidpers
Member since 2007 • 695 Posts

[QUOTE="thnickaman13"]See, some Christians (like me) read the bible as a literal rundown of what happened, whereas others (like you, I guess) don't interperet it literally. My question is, why would you write a non-fiction book if you didn't want it interpereted literally?xxDustmanxx

My question is, why would we assume that a book originally written from an cultural oral history remembered by Abraham, Issac, and Jacobs ancestors would include an accurate account of the evolutionary process.

"And on the five hundred trillionth 24 hour period since the initial explosion that allowed the universe to for, God struck goo with lightning to bring it to life....And in the four billion, five hundred and sixtieth 365 count of 24 hour periods since the forming of the earth (since of course a day is an earth only measurement) an ancestor of mankind stepped out of the trees and began to walk on land..." And so forth.

I mean do we really believe that people would have understood that 3000+ years ago?

You dont really believ that god struck a build up of "goo" with lightning to form man,right?Im sure if god exists it would have found a better way to bring about the creation of man.

For all those that laughed, good, this was supposed to be amusing.

this isn't supposed to be taken literally. We don't know how life came into being. We have theories, but none have been able to stand up to the tests of time as definitive. It could have been lightning, it could have been his "divine breath" But I think the point the TC is making is that:

A) In what way does evolution say that God doesn't exist? Just because it provides a means for the adaptation and change of animals over time in a way that doesn't force us to try to accept the "poof, and everything alive on earth came into being" does not mean that it denies God's existence. God could direct evolution, he could make sure life doesn't go extinct (a miricle in itself considering all that has happened on this planet.

OK, I gotta go, I'll continue this later.

You're right,it doesn't disprove the existence of an intelligent creator,but it doesn't prove it either.

you know what they call science that tries to do either of those things?
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#8 verparanoidpers
Member since 2007 • 695 Posts
[QUOTE="verparanoidpers"][QUOTE="GettingTired"]You tried arguing with a creationist, that was your first mistake.JadedEagle04
really? cuz I owned the s*** out of him, and I dont regret it one bit

Really? So you mean to say you feel so good of yourself because you were able to own one creationist... you deserve a medal. The difference between you and him, is that he probally debated with you in hopes of helping you see his point of view, not to get some measely satisfaction and bragging rights on Gamespot. But, nonetheless, good job, I can't believe what an amazing feat you were able to accomplish.

actually I was arguing with 5 creationists. and im sorry if you feel that way
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#9 verparanoidpers
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I just don't see why people have to fight over things. It's so immature. Let people believe in what they want to believe and they'll return the favor. It's called respect.Boring_Bland
its one thing to believe in something that could be right, like God and christianity in general, buts its another to believe in something that is flat-out wrong
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#10 verparanoidpers
Member since 2007 • 695 Posts

[QUOTE="thnickaman13"]See, some Christians (like me) read the bible as a literal rundown of what happened, whereas others (like you, I guess) don't interperet it literally. My question is, why would you write a non-fiction book if you didn't want it interpereted literally?Insane00

My question is, why would we assume that a book originally written from an cultural oral history remembered by Abraham, Issac, and Jacobs ancestors would include an accurate account of the evolutionary process.

"And on the five hundred trillionth 24 hour period since the initial explosion that allowed the universe to for, God struck goo with lightning to bring it to life....And in the four billion, five hundred and sixtieth 365 count of 24 hour periods since the forming of the earth (since of course a day is an earth only measurement) an ancestor of mankind stepped out of the trees and began to walk on land..." And so forth.

I mean do we really believe that people would have understood that 3000+ years ago?

EXACTLY! when looking at the bible, you have to realize who the target audience is