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#1 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts
anyone else notice that twilight zelda is a brunette yet sheik is a blonde.
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#2 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts

I understand where your coming from some days, except i don't have to deal with kids, usually its soccer moms that are my biggest problem. I work at a pretzel place, and all the time i get soccer moms who make blatant lies to try and get free stuff. One woman told me that she was manager of another store and should get free food, but she couldn't even say where her store was. Another told me that we took a bite out of her food and gave it to her but she said that she decided to wait to complain for a couple of days before doing something about it. I would blame parents like this who do this sort of blatant crap in front of their kids more then anything else for the current state of peoples morals.

P.S. its not just the moms who do this stuff, its also the dads, just usually the dad's try and intimidate you into letting them cut in lineor giving them something free.

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#3 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts

For God to be good, he must have a perfect standard. We are not robots who have to follow that, but we can't anyway. For God to be merciful, he must provide a way for people to come to him without being perfect. He allows us to make that choice.

God would be evil if he forced suffering on people without hope for redemption or a way to avoid it. If God did not punish those who wronged him, then there would be no reason for him to have a standard, and thus he wouldn't be God.


He's correct. The Problem of Evil leaves no room for either a merciful, just, or good God. If God were truly powerful then it would have made a world exactly like this one bar the evil. Either it chose to allow evil, it cannot control anything and things happened beyond its power, or it just doesn't care.

Just look at the Garden of Eden myth. What idiot decided to allow the "talking" snake in there? What idiot decided to punish beings who eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? If they didn't know of that before they ate it how the hell could they have known what an evil choice was? What idiot punishes for an infinity any finite wrong? That idiot is the one people seemingly call 'God'.

Sounds more like you're angry at God than anything else, but you forget that if God had left us without the ability to choose right from wrong, good from evil, then we would be slaves to him. What's good about that? Nothing, which is why he allows evil to exist. Evil is anything apart from God, which naturally exists by virtue of the fact that God must be absolutely good. There doesn't even have to be an absolutely evil being... anything not of God's standard is evil.

Didn't God originally create us without the ability to choose right from wrong, good from evil, since wasn't eatting the fruit of the tree of knowledge what gave us the ability to know what was right or wrong, good or evil. So how could people have originally been able to choose if they had no knowledge or understanding of what they were choosing? If we suddenly gained the ability to choose when God did not want us to have it, does that show that he does not have complete control and therefore does not have complete power, and if he does not have complete power then he might not have power to stop or control evil and that is why he didn't want us to have the knowledge to choose good or evil in the first place.

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#4 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts

Id hit her with a sack of oranges.


Make sure to use a sack of sweet valencia oranges. It'll let em know who's boss and it won't leave a bruise.

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#5 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts
It should count but only within context to the art style and feel of the game that the developer was going for.
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#6 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts
one of my sisters bought a xbox for her boyfriend and another bought a ps2 for hers. Then they broke up with them only a week apart and gave both systems to me. Finally my mom had bought me a gamecube for christmas while all of this was happening so I ended up with all three systems last gen without ever having to spend a dime.
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#7 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts
super mario brothers or zelda I can't remember i think mario
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#8 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts

Resident Evil 4 Wii cover

The british coverof re4 is the best to me

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#9 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts

If you want a really good wow game then I would recommend getting Shadow of the Collossus for the ps2. That was a game that I loved every part about and it even had a moment when I shed a few tears towards the end and I was 17 when I played it.

and I gotta say that super paper mario was pretty good especially towards the end. The story kept getting better as it neared the end of the game.

I do agree that gaming is different then it used to be, but I think that is mainly because I'm older and I need a more complex story to satisfy me if I'm looking for that.

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#10 vega528
Member since 2005 • 242 Posts
yes. My dad couldn't stop laughing at first and then just said remember if you plan to stick it wrap it, and that was the entire talk. It was horrible.
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