thorn3000's comments

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Edited By thorn3000

@samantha_sneez Bioware srsly? come on, Bioware is one the best non-indie development studios, if not the best...the always strived for quality, and if you so much as dare rant againt the ending of ME3 I will laugh at you as I do at people who say they completed enjoyed all of ME3, but because of the ending thy are giving it a 1 (though from 60 hours they say the enjoyed 58), besides they already issue 2 multiplayer expansion plus an extended cut ending for FREE, tell me one company that is releasing sh@t for free here? yes, you can, since there isn't I'm no fanboy, they screwed up DA2, but that's about it, those folks really try...

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Edited By thorn3000

@Fionn99 making WoW 2 would be by far the largest mistake they would ever do...WoW is still running strong, people want content for that game and not a new creating WoW half of the players would go there, half would stay on the old WoW, but you would pay double maintenance for the servers, not to mention creating a whole new game...there could be no further mistake as, they will continue to pump up expansion packs (I think 2 after pandaria are confirmed already) and they will continue doing so while people are buying and playing...

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@Aria1368 likely has to do with the fact that the Close Quarters expansion is being gradually released this month (basically throughout the whole month for different platforms / different eraly accesses)

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A Square Enix representative told GameSpot, "We have no comment to make at this time." .... big news everyone, we have no news :)

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@Enundr @edmond_villamor DA3 could get 12/10 you would not buy it? not worth supporting them? hello my good man, you will buy the said games and you know why? because there will be no alternatives...will you wait another 4 years untik another TES or Witcher 3 comes out? you surely won't, you want an RPG now and if only DA3 will be high rated and available you will go through with.....its the same with Fifa 12 fans, they b*** and b*** every year, but still tthey buy the darn game every year, why? because the only alternativve they have is PES, and if that sucked this year and got a lower rating, that they have to deal with Fifa 12....if you want to stop "supporting" than stop plaaying games alltogether or go for the Indies which are the ones actuallu needing support...otherwise don't make ridiculous statements which in one or two years will become obsolotely, since if in 1-2 years no real large highly rated RPG is made, than you will beging Bioware to release DA3 no matter how it will look like...

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Edited By thorn3000

I'll vouch for the inneffectivity of the shootdodge, playing of hard and darn, used it a few times and it always lead to dead, the game is hard on hard, and I am a pretty experienced game, can't imagine higher difficulties, ok, I can, it will be brutal...too bad though, really enjoyed shoot dodges as far back as MP 1, but now have to settle for something different...

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Edited By thorn3000

yop, hope it will be exploring based, freedom freedom freedom oi!

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Edited By thorn3000

so, another delay....I say....GREAT! I like my games polished and finished, hoping it'll as fine as product in the end as it is represented in this trailer...

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Edited By thorn3000

personally would prefer a longer campaign but only three difficulties, seems to me the devs got sloppy and when they saw how short the game is, they though the best way to increase its length without building additional maps / chapter is to slap another difficulty on it....makes you wonder if Diablo 4 will not be finishable in 2 hours, but will have 15 difficulties, with no option to skip any, so that we arre forced to have those 30-40 hours of gameplay, even if half of it is simple boring since its a cakewalk....just my 2 cents, would have welcome greater length and traditional 3 difficulties...

just a comparison, even play FB games where you click to do jobs? I used to...if was an easy way to get past work time in work, now you clicked each job and it has 3 stars so you had to complete it 3 times...but there were many different jobs...after a while funding ceased and the community got smaller, so the devs got sloppier and instead of creating more jobs, they simply put 4, then 5 stars, and you had to do everything too many times over....just a comparison, in my view, D3 could have gone with the 3 difficulties model, since addind more is simply a cheap trick to lengthen the gameplay without really providing any extra additional content...

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Edited By thorn3000

a new patch repairs part of the combat (adds dodge for ex.) which is big improvement...otherwise the biggst letdown was the non-compact world, I mean sure, you are pirate, you should sail from island to island, but I would still prefer at least one larger mainland, they could have joined the maps of Arborea together for ex...RPG players won't mind the negatives too much as most of the funny conversations make up for it, but I see the mainstream players having issues, like if fo ex. the very first group of sandevils kills them 10 times...overall a typical gothic 1,2,3 experience (remember combat in gothic 3 before patch (hint:boars!)? or the broken quests (hint:chalices)? but it was still good)...