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#1 saintpatrice
Member since 2004 • 218 Posts

Lmao are people SERIOUSLY trying to compare GeoW 2's lighting to KZ2? :lol:

Even hermits have admitted that KZ's lighting is the most advanced to date, beating out even Crysis.



Have you seen the lens flare?!?!

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#2 saintpatrice
Member since 2004 • 218 Posts

GeoW doesent even look that great idk what the big deal is. Its pretty, but not that pretty. Not a fan of the Unreal engine. KZ2 looks stunning in every aspect from the lighting to the water. The gun models look insane. The rest of the game could be ugly and i wouldnt care lol.

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#3 saintpatrice
Member since 2004 • 218 Posts

Killzone 2 but its a close one. You can't go wrong with COD but you just have so much more to do in killzone. You unlock medic and engineering classes that add to the fun. The prestiging system is just way to repetitive. And the 5 game modes in one will never get old in killzone


I agree. COD is amazing but Killzone 2 is just way too awesome. The prestige got repetitive to me too. I only got to 3. Skins werent enough for me to want to keep doin it. I've got a couple days clocked into COD but i havent touched it since KZ2 came out. Unlocking classes and then making hybrids and all the different game modes in one match, very addictive.

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#4 saintpatrice
Member since 2004 • 218 Posts

Super Stardust!

Game $9.95 + solo pack add-on + multiplayer add-on.


Lol, i like this post. Nice setup (not a big fan of the Patriots but nice skin!)

I love super stardust. I keep going back every now and again to play through all the levels. I dont have the add-ons so i only have all the trophies from the stand alone game.I agree with your choice. Its very addictive. I'm really lookin forward to Burn Zombie Burn which i think might cancel out my addiction to Stardust.

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#5 saintpatrice
Member since 2004 • 218 Posts

resistance 2 graphics are pretty much the exact same as resistance 1.


Hahahaha no way. If you go play Resistance 1 right now and then pop in Resistance 2, it looks WAY better. Not to mention having a much larger scale and just being a much better game.

Anywho, to TC, the graphics are actually wonderful considering the amount of action going on. The bosses are massive and there are usually around 20 characters on screen at once (most of them Chimera since you go in alone 3/4 of the game.) As for the difficult offline co-op, I can agree, but i really think the co-op was made for online since you have to have at least one of each class (Soldier, Medic, Special Ops) since they all three support each other and depend on each other so heavily, it makes it difficult to be lacking one. Defenitely meant for online. And online is a blast to play. I played R2 online up until i got Killzone 2.

So, to TC, if you don't like R2, buy Killzone 2. Best looking game out right now and the best multiplayer IMO.

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#6 saintpatrice
Member since 2004 • 218 Posts
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Yeah, I kind of feel the same. RE5 just sort of feels like a step backward with it's annoying inventory system and painfully redundant gameplay. When I played the Killzone demo I really felt like I was playing a true next generation game, not some nasty halfway house like RE5.NAPK1NS
I played the hell out of RE4 (as im sure a lot of people did) but when u make a sequel its supposed to be better than its predecessor. I was just expecting a lot more. This is all judging from the demo of course. I bought Killzone 2 yesterday and I'd say anyone who owns a PS3 and doesent get this game is crazy. Easy choice between RE5 and Killzone 2 for me.
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#7 saintpatrice
Member since 2004 • 218 Posts

its just business, i think that's how MS manages to sell more copies of the game and more 360 units.


I'm sure that you have proof and links to back up those claims right?

Hmm, might be why he used the wording "i think". You do not need proof to speculate, but if you want to be taken seriously...well then, of course you do. Back on topic -- This is the main reason that I still have not bought a 360. I will not invest in something so poorly made, regardless of the 3 year warranty. It really makes me mad that a US company could make such garbage hardware, yet people just eat it right up (I know its not manufactured in the US).

Exact same reason i dont have a 360. I've been back and forth about gettin a 360 alot lately because of the RROD. I only know 1 person with a 360 that hasnt had it cop out on them, and its a launch system. Craziness! Everyone else i know that has a 360 is one their 2nd or 3rd one and i cant in good faith pay hundreds of dollars for something that might not last even a year.

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#8 saintpatrice
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I don't understand how anyone can say the PS2 won the last gen. The best games, and highest sales hardware and software wise. Like the PS1 before it, the PS2 dominated last generation. The PS2 has sold over 50 million consoles in North America alone. The first Xbox was a piece of crap and the GC was awesome but nothing compared to the PS2. Sony was the first company to win the console wars 2 generations in a row. Anyone who says differently weren't gamers last generation.
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#9 saintpatrice
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everyone knows the 360 is the one to have this gen i appreciate what the ps3 tried to do, and i WAS a ps2 man last gen

the 360 has a way better interface, way better online its all integrated so nicely (its like a mac ;) ) the controller is the best ever IMO

the multiplats are like 9 times out of 10 superior on the 360, and besides MGS4 which is one of my fav games of all time - the ps3 does not have a lot on the 360 in terms of exclusives. It's generally the lead platform, it's getting all the DLC - trophies suck compared to achievements - It is the better gaming experience, and it's cheaper.

i wish i had a 360 back when i was 10


What are you talking about...360 only got a lot of exclusives from the year head start when the ps3 wasn't out, now they don't. M$ only has 2 1st party devs while Sony has over 20 1st party devs making new ips and sequels to existing franchises. Have you seen the lineup this year for Sony: Killzone 2, MAg, Infamous, Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles, Uncharted 2, Quantom Theory, Demon Souls, Cross Edge, Twisted MEtal hd, Grand Turismo 5, And God of war 3, plus others not yet announced....compared to MS star ocean 4, halo wars and halo odst plus a few dlc packs.....come on now son....get with it, ps3 has more exclusives, better quaility games, lack of shovelware and way more features on a free to play platform. 90% of xbox people never played on a ps3 yet bash it because they don't like what they can't afford. I argued with my co-worker about psn vs. live, and guess what he never even played a ps3 before, but was saying live is better...You make yourselves believe that becasue you have to pay for it and don't want to feel like your being ripped off by ms but you really are!

This. =D

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#10 saintpatrice
Member since 2004 • 218 Posts
Yeah i dont see what the big deal is. The games shadows seem to be blinding people from the blocky textures and terrible looking water/fauna. Dont see what looks so great besides the animations. Animations always look amazing in Capcom games. Other than that...not impressed.