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#1 Rogn
Member since 2018 • 111 Posts

@joebones5000 said:

There is no free market in socialism. Socialists control the distribution of everything.

Yeah thats what state market is essentially kinda what USSR was known for where the state controlled the means of distribution. But i find many flaws with socialism, marxism or anything with it really. Only thing that makes sense realistically is really capitalism with safety net "if the people want it that is" i mean it is atleast the most realistic empathy model of production. You get education, you work and pay whatever and people who struggle to find work well they are given help to find however works best if they fall outside work environment etc.

But yeah it in the end depends if someone think it is needed. Like USA dont think have it, like i dont mind it, on one hand i think people should be more motivated on work ethics on the other you dont want people to be outside and suffer either. So i am no expert but in the end it all comes down to different form of capitalism, which is neither answer in socialism or fascism neither to run government on economics or issues. It all comes down to capitalism + issue related of realism outlook.

But i try to keep an open mind

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#2 Rogn
Member since 2018 • 111 Posts

From what i looked online.

Communist regimes were mixed capitalist with socialist

Socialism is probably the same in terms of regimes as in countries running it.

In Marxist view point it would mean everything is shared and free. See that playstation. Well in a marxist world it would be free distribution, same with cars etc.

My problem with marxist view is i dont feel it rewards people doing the hard work. I dunno to me it does feel like a lazy unproductive system. As in total socialism. Socialism also if you wanna mix it with capitalism and have it rule over like fascism did to some countries are gonna make cartoon laws of Class struggles. Social programs with capitalism is different though, meaning they dont try to remove people in power but focus on reality of problems. But yeah Fascism and socialism same flavor but different ways. I dunno

But just curious to your views on it?

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#3 Rogn
Member since 2018 • 111 Posts

From what i looked online.

Communist regimes were mixed capitalist with socialist

Socialism is probably the same in terms of regimes as in countries running it.

In Marxist view point it would mean everything is shared and free. See that playstation. Well in a marxist world it would be free distribution, same with cars etc.

My problem with marxist view is i dont feel it rewards people doing the hard work.

But just curious to your views on it?

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#4 Rogn
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You mean in terms of poor people being screwed over by the rich right? Well possibly, still doesnt mean socialism is any less crappy though. If anything threatening the country with it maybe but dont actually incorporate it. Its like fascism really only far left, if you dont like this rainbow world of socialism, then to the gulags with you. Or jail in a fascist country, fascism is more down right cold not looking after the weak, and socialism is purely unproductive system. If anything i am just on right if the far left goes nuts and tries anything, and if far right goes nuts i go left to sorta mess with them. Both fascists and socialists should go to a tree and kiss along with communists and nazis and let adults like liberals and conservatives actually confront and challenge the other side like adults and let them do jobs like adults, the other nuts can just fight it out alone is my view on it

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#5  Edited By Rogn
Member since 2018 • 111 Posts

Anti semitism is usually refering to hatred towards jews. Though it may be misleading since semites is a cultural group. Arabs by default are semitic. But when people say anti semitic i think jews are just included in it since it means people who generally wish jews away or something and that is why they tend to use it. It essentially is a fancier word of saying anti jewish etc.

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#6 Rogn
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Just as i don't want iconic Barret from FF7 or Mr.T from A-Team changed. I don't want anyone as iconic as James Bond changed, the 007 one. If 005 exists then yeah sure like a spin off. Either case this is like a domination political stunt tecnique on disrespecting the iconic fanbase so no i wont have a black guy play a guy like James Bond. Its about domination like trying to make you watch black interacial porn, i dont mind who you date but its like that guy who is beta who enjoys being cuckolded. If it wasnt for racist reasons i would not really make such a big deal but it is due to the racist idea that they just do it out of spite, like bleeping females for racist reasons not because it is nice or anything.

So no i would not be ok with it. But if anything my personal reasons is i prefer the iconic ones but this is more personal just due to the fact that it is the whole racism focus in america of trying to make you submissive. So no i would not be ok with it. Nothing against whatever you are into, friends whatever but i dont approve of this political stunt.

Besides that Idris Elba did good in Zootopia as voice actor so he gets my approval of that for being good. But like less relevant roles of stuff i dont care about such as Avengers, Nick Fury was originally white but played by Samuel L Jackson, i dont care for super heroes so thats ok. But besides that Samuel L Jackson can play anything and make it good i just love that actor. But yeah super heroes i feel is just something i dont invest in so you can do whatever you want with that i am not into super heroes. But James Bond is iconic and something i care about so no, i would prefer british caucasian guy, or atleast caucasian. Money Penny was ok, but i dont want the main role changed due to political trying to due to racial tensions

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#7 Rogn
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Well until Season 5 of Shippuden. What made it good is you had warfare adults, militia and stuff. And the kids were growing up. Then Season 5 came and all the stories about pain, loss, sacrifice and unglorious stuff about war just became.. meh just became like super hero balzing in with super powers, while before it wasnt so easy, like the world was beliavable and then they did... this?

Not sure about you but that killed it for me. I liked it for the story so i am not sure if this was made to sell merch but i just hated that they did that to me, not sure if it was made to appeal to nerds, so i felt like i saw a trap series in a sense. It was what made me go into anime, but i dunno what do you think. I still consider it a good series depite the later stuff.

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#8  Edited By Rogn
Member since 2018 • 111 Posts

Real journalism at its finest. Though this is not so much Fox News as Journalism to begin with in terms of some heavily dumped political groupings either some places like UK or USA depending on what it is world of cartoon war politics, neo marxist far left media channels does ton of mistakes too, the only excuse they can have is they are not news channel. This is cartoon worlds so you can make stuff up aslong because the most important thing is to not be right but to win more or less, i mean i guess you could say well why not be right first and then win? Oh silly... winning is more important than trust lol : 3

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#9  Edited By Rogn
Member since 2018 • 111 Posts

@horgen said:

If you agree to cap it at 65. Anyone above that can't vote either.

Deal. Or 60 if we are being too nice here.

I prefer young voters who don't use very obvious straw man arguments.

Yeah. But Mafia religions are bad business. Outside that the wild spirit is way to go to inspire people!

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#10  Edited By Rogn
Member since 2018 • 111 Posts

@blaznwiipspman1 said:

@rogn: plenty of dumbasses out there over the age of 28. Most of the climate change denier are in their 50s. Just goes to show you, age doesn't equal wisdom.

Well i am 27 but i think helping to save the environment is important. So if anything i dont see the problem with that. But Trump is sorta right when complaining that USA should not be the nanny state that pays for everything, if people really care about climate change problems then pay equally to that cause. But thats just my view on it

we really need a balance of wealth, education, and healthcare. If everyone could afford all that at a reasonable price and great quality America would truly be a great country. Right now it's a place systemically designed to bleed us all dry, unless we're rich or have friends in politics.

I can sympathize with that