rick-garza's comments

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Edited By rick-garza

and if everyone says HEY IT COSTS ALOT OF $$$$$ TO HAVE AWESOME GRAPHICS! How come MW3 looks like Call of Duty 4??? hahaha Haven't they made BILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIONS since then??? Hell C.O.D. should look like your watching/playing a fxxking war movie! if thats the case... hahahahaha!

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Edited By rick-garza

id rather stick with the ps3 for awhile so far it has done me well... why go out and buy a $4,000 computer to run video games when i have a console.. yes the ps3 has some very awesome graphics and they can be pushed alittle harder.. its just these game dev's dont take there times to release something and create something visually stunning.. thanks to there fan bases of a bunch of screaming kids that "want it now" so the devs rush to release... and then you have people screaming about mediocrity..glitches..lagging...bugs everywhere! well if you kids stop demanding them to rush maybe you will probably end up with that next visually stunning great game...

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Edited By rick-garza

hahhaha this was awesome. back to bf 3 i go.

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Edited By rick-garza

hahahah the last pic on dirt2 2 if you keep dragging from 360 to ps3 the guy on the left with his arms crossed is air humping hahahahaha

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Edited By rick-garza

Too tell the truth after being through 6 xbox 360's i switched to PS3 and yes the ps3 is treating me alot better... i dont care about graphics i just want a d@mn console thats not going to crash everytime i want to play a game! soo yea ^5 for ps3! the XBOX360 is something id burn candles and put cigs out on.. i hate it now! grr! add it up kids! 6 xbox 360s you know how much money that is!?!?! fxck them! And yes psfreak i agree 100% the ps3 exclusives looks alot better then 360... i mean come on whats xbox got?? .. halo??? shyyt Little Big Planet looks better then Halo! woooo!

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Edited By rick-garza

Well i reviewed both back to back, and i noticed with alot ot he ps3 graphics are too smooth and not textured as good as 360.. people say ps3 has more brightness,but it really doesn't matter cause this console war will never end. Yes i am a Proud owner of a 360 and has been since day one.. Never owned a ps3 but my brother has one.. and to tell you the truth for F.p.s. Games the 360 feels better cause of the controller Not Graphics. both consoles has stuff in games the other doesn't but yes yes.. I feel bad for the people who bought a $600.00 ps3 but then again i feel bad for myself for paying 45 dollars a year for xbox live. so in the end the ps3 owners save money. but the 360 does look better after reviewing every image back and forth like 15 times a piece. :) So what it really comes down to is what feels more comfortable to me not graphics. the ps3/ps2 controllers always cramped my hands so yea!