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Edited By nikefreak

Way more control over hardware? Is that why basic 3d rendering is still a pain on most distros, as well as some basic hardware usage? And then you go and mention anti-virus, when the only reason Linux/Mac do not have viruses like Windows, is the same reason they don't have the amount of games or apps - there isn't enough users to justify it. What is the point of making a virus that affects a whole 50 people? It would be pointless, not impossible. And further, why would I dual boot, when I can single boot, as I said, and accomplish all that I need and want in a single environment that is easier to manage, install, and use to boot? More choices aren't always better if you don't want said choices, nor need them, and the other choices come with a bitter aftertaste. Just because RC cola is an alternative to Coke, doesn't mean I will EVER drink it again after tasting it the first time, while it may be cheaper - you indeed get what you pay for in the end. Lastly, name some things that Linux can do that Windows cannot, that a normal user would want? BTW - FACT - Compiz is nothing that Windows cannot do. If you don't believe me, how about you do some research before you call me out. Oh look, its the main Compiz feature. and look at that, most of the rest. I mean give me a break, Compiz is simply some flashy animations to do what Windows can and does already do, yes it is nicely packaged, and yes it looks nice, but again, nothing that cannot be done on Windows. Not knowing what is out there, and what is possible, doesn't make you correct.

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Edited By nikefreak

Funny how a few of you go on about compiz, when all of that can be done on windows as well... Go figure... I would rather remain on the platform which can do all Linux can, and still have the support and game/app selection I already have.

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Edited By nikefreak

Oh, I forgot to mention. I have yet to find an app/game that didnt work with Win7 as well... Same for Vista though, so I too dont get how people had so many problems with Vista in regards to compatibility (My guess is user error, to be honest).

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Edited By nikefreak

People like ptown have obviously not used it, even though he said he did. Win7 runs better than Vista, as for example on my system, it uses half the ram Vista did, and half the CPU Vista did on average. Crysis on Win7 gained a few fps, and everything runs much more smoothly and quickly than it did before. Media Center now supports ClearQAM (digital cable) natively which is a big plus, and all the drivers from Vista have worked flawlessly on Win7 with the exception of a few of which WinUpdate downloaded new ones automatically. I actually am pretty happy with Win7 and have switched to it for my full time OS, much more stable/speedy/etc. than Vista (comparable to XP, but with all the added features and eye-candy of Vista), and thats in beta! I look forward to when it hits full release and can't wait to see how much better it gets, and will def. be a buy in my book.

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Edited By nikefreak

That comparison is funny... It just demonstrates the PC isn't leaps and bounds above the 360 which is slightly ahead of the PS3. And considering the cost of the 3, with the 360 being far cheaper, the differences from 360/PC aren't worth it, and the differences between 360/PS3 demonstrate cheaper isn't always not as good. Either way, I am still happy with my 360s 3+ years into its release, and it still looks damn good with games.

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Edited By nikefreak

Deano - You are living in a fantasy all-right... The PS3 also has its fair share of issues and breakdowns, including the ridiculous reference to dashboard updates bricking consoles (not many) vs Sony bricking consoles with what was it, 2.01 (sure seemed like a lot more mad, even factoring in number of installed consoles). As for "all the costs", that is spoken like a true "consumer" type. Why would anyone pay 99.99 for the wifi network adaptor, for example, when you can get a wifi ethernet bridge for 30ish bucks, including the orig. XBOX one that still works fine with the 360 (Check Frys Electronics, they have them locally here). And on the membership fee, honestly, I would rather pay for a better online service than get what the PS3 does for free. That is my personal preference, and with the #'s, it seems quite a few people agree... And again, that is not mentioning there are ways to get cheap/free prepaid cards. All in all, I have been quite pleased with both of our 360s, and still have no real reason to get a PS3 other than BluRay movies (it is *NOT* needed for games, and movies only because they are putting out HD movies on those types of discs, it would have worked on standard DVDs ((and does, tested, proven, dont fight me)) too, but the industry wanted new media for more $$, namely, Sony. I mean, what made me even more cautious about supporting Sony, were their stance on DVD media and hardware and how the prices declined too quickly... And what happened after BluRay "won"? BluRay media and hardware prices went up. Welcome to Sony world.

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Edited By nikefreak

@xk2y Look at the next page, Voice recording and music playback, at the second picture on the page. Pretty easy to see really... I am pretty disappointed in the 640x480 resolution, no video playback, quirks here and there, just cant say I am that interested...

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Edited By nikefreak

I will be upgrading to Vista soon, and buying Halo2 PC the day it releases... The fun I had in Halo PC alone more than justifies the purchase, plus Halo2 PC is coming with mod tools! I mean, That is one thing Halo PC DIDNT have for a long time, then HaloCE PC tried to fix, but didnt do all that great a job, and a bit late... So yeah, Halo 2 PC + Vista FTW (BTW - Those who are downing Vista really dont know what they are talking about. The compat really isnt that bad, as long as you dont have a ghetto old system, and compat with games and software is quite high. Further, the biggest problem with speeds/compat, is the drivers from the hardware manufacturers (Creative and nVidia most notably), because they are taking their sweet arsed time when it comes to making good drivers for Vista, regardless of the "hurdles" they have to jump in the switch, they have had more than enough time to work out any problems, considering the Vista beta was avail mid last year, and has been in dev for quite awhile longer.)

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Edited By nikefreak

"they removed the rumble because of lawsuits, because microsoft owns a part of the compagny that has the rumble patent..." Immersion offered to work with Sony before on the rumble, but Sony were trying to still act like the big guys they think they are, so they ignored the offer... Funny, now they come crawling back - after the fact. "a ps3 shouldnt say rumble is last gen.. but should say that nobody, no game , really use the rumble feat. for gameplay purpose. exept zelda 64 n that was such a detail in that game. I want rumble back... oke but upgrade it... because its just like a vibrator. women gets use to it, they have to switch to a male organ anyway.. feel me ? add a heat sensor fonction !" um roflmfao... I aint gonna get into the vibrator aspect (You know, not only women benefit from that, men feel things too ya know lol)... But no, Sony shouldnt have tried to do another "We are better, you are last gen" by saying something so stupid. If you dont have rumble, you dont have it, simple as that. Dont trash the competition by saying its old, only to later bring it back. "sony at least got us a glimpse of what the wii does... / if nintendo did such a good move by adding the motion feat. ( that was created not by them but another electronic co. ) if they really did a good move then anybody has to switch to rumble on the very next gen... then what .. what will nintendo do?.. give us ps3 graphics with... a new unused technology that another co. did, while ps4 n xbox 420 will get us ... see what I mean" I do, but at the same time you need to realize, graphics are not always the most important. There are tradeoffs in this world lol.. For example, Wii has unique controls, pretty good games, long standing rep and name, decent graphics, cheaper price point. They could have went the Microsoft/Sony route, but instead chose another - focusing on innovation and "fun" over graphics finnese. In the future, take another marginal upgrade to graphics - but this time package a VR headset with motion tracking (This is an example)... You could still sell for a similar or lower price point that way as to the ultra real graphics systems (The next Sony and Microsoft consoles) but have truly innovative gameplay and immersion into the game. So no, graphics are not always the most important feature to gaming. "blu ray isnt a big deal in the ps3 price anybody knows it even if sony says so... see the blu ray player are going to be cut by half this summer guess why.. why the dvd player droped from 400 $ to 50 $ in less than 4 5 years... tss" Well, That simply isnt true. For one, BluRay uses a different laser diode, which as been expensive and problematic to make... DVD players use standard diodes, far easier and cheaper to manufacture. BluRay is simply important to Sony, because they lost the last VHS/BetaMax fight, and didnt get to control the movie segment as they would have liked... So of course, they are trying to forcefeed BluRay in the way they couldnt with BetaMax. It really isnt that compicated, but it isnt necessary either. OnDemand and IP video services are changing the way we get our content... More and more we are buying and downloading the content, storing it locally (And as broadband gets faster - it wont even need to be stored locally, removing the harddrive space constraint), and not needing a new form of media. "ps3 needs to be affordable oke.. but thats not a problem to the strenghts of the console itself.. its only marketing issues," It is a problem for the console... You might for example have the best diamonds in the world, but if they are priced inaccessibly to 95% of the population, you are simply not going to have great sales compared to a bit less pricey diamond company whose products are accessible to the other 95%. "people are investing in hd tech. so if you want most of the feat. that the ps3 has on the 360.. then add 200 bucks for the hd player, add xbox live subscription, n maybe add another 400 bucks because your 360 might face the ring of death if u go beyond the garantee, the ps3 still hasnt face such problems" Yep, I know. I am HD already. And funny enough - I still dont have either the HD-DVD addon or the BluRay player (Either a PS3 or standalone). Reason? - No need. As I said, I do all my stuff on demand using the 360s Video Marketplace, directly downloading all the HD stuff for now, or watching HD cable. Soon, I will be changing over to fiberoptic lines, and IPTV in HD delivered directly to my 360s using Microsoft TV, further negating any need for an HD media. But when I do buy one, I am still convinced HD-DVD will be the media for me. Plus, the HD-DVD player for the 360 doubles as a PC HD-DVD player. Did ya know that? Most people didnt :) So yes, a 200.00 external drive that can be used on any of the 360s I own, plus being able to be used on the PC, is a far better deal than tacking on alot of money to the console and forcing it to include one. You have just as much chance of getting the ring of death, as your PS3 eating your DVD (Slut , excuse me, Slot loading drives have a tendency to be a bit unpredictable, in that they scratch discs, can get stuck in them, etc.) or overheating. The PS3 has a light on it for overheat, which you are then supposed to turn your console off for a few hours. (rofl - And people try to attack the 360s hardware , give it up). Visit the Sony forums and see for yourself that people are having problems with their PS3s the same as people did with the 360. Further, the Live subscription being tacked on, is the same as I said before. Why stop there? Add the amount of money you consume in water, electricity, food, etc for your PS3... Its silly, pay for a quality service or be given a free one that is worthless. I would rather pay, ty.

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Edited By nikefreak

"Its sad that a 15 year old is one of (not the only), but one of the only people that can argue a point without sounding like a moron or saying "your just jealous of PS3because......" and "xbox is so much better because....." then listing idiotic reasons. Im sure everyone gonna say im a PS3 hater now, and that its my bed time........." No, actually, I give you props. For being 15, you are grasping the situation better than many older folks, who base their purchase decisions on previous products, or name brand. I have made a few points myself, that tie in greatly with what you have said, but it is generally dismissed by Sony fanboys as propaganda (When in fact, it is truth - and they are so consumed by their own propaganda that they cant see it). Fact is, The PS1 and PS2 had a "cool" factor to them, combined with reasonable pricing and great game selection - they owned the market. They listened to what gamers wanted, and brought things to the table no one else did at the time. However, Microsoft is a brilliant company, and quietly took the loss on the XBOX, while watching how Sony played out the PS2. Then, this generation, they already had notes in hand about what Sony did right, and what they did wrong. So they were simply able to come blasting out the doors with a very strong property - that being the 360... Of course, I would love to eventually see Sony recapturing the market - BUT - That is ONLY if they change their crass attitudes, and blatant disregard for the consumer they SERVE. If it werent for US, NONE of the game companies would be making a dime... WE are the gamers guys - Start remembering that. Things have changed, and gaming is quickly becoming the dominant media form - with the trend continuing in the future. As such, we need to not only be responsible, but smart to make the best of it. Just like other markets, you dont keep buying based on name or previous product alone (Though name brand of course helps in repeat customer purchases), you buy based on what you think is the better product. So, that being the case, we cant support companies who think they can run all over the consumer, and get away with it... That would only hurt the gaming industry as a whole, and no one wants that right? So, you do the only thing that is listened to in industries like this - you speak with your wallet. As I suspected a few months ago, Sony must be feeling a financial crunch due to people holding out on buying a PS3, and I also feel that it is driving them to once again do more of what they did best before... You notice only now that the PS3 is doing poorly did we see Home really be brought back to light (Otherwise it would have ended up like the PSP Music/Video service lol), we see the Rumble coming back (possibly), possible repairs to the console, etc. But if they were selling well, you can bet you wouldnt see any of that - as they would know they were already selling. Anyways, So yes, I understand what you mean, and wish that others would look at the full scope of things - and the fact we are basically setting things up for the next few decades of entertainment :)