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#1 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts
For me it would be Crackdown but Ive never played the Sims....never really interested me.
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#2 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts

[QUOTE="Gordon_Slaveman"]So this is what we've been waiting for? This is the "big" update. What a freakin' joke. I mean I love Sony, and the PS3 is great, but this has to be the biggest bust ever. Everyone was hyping this up to be huge, and the biggest thing about this is Background d/l and Fold@home, or w/e it's called. I want a custom sound track, or be able to make my own custom background. DVD upscale? This update is gonna take forever to download, and it's not gonna be for much. I bet you won't even be able to play your game while downloads go on. So what's the point of even having it? Sorry if i'm ranting, I'm just a lil annoyed.TALISMANJ

I agree. Where's my 1080P upscaling for all PS3 games? XBOX 360 has it. I knew not to get TOO EXCITED about this update. And sadly, Sony is going to give us one major update a year and this is it.

Only one? Is that true?
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#3 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts
Two Worlds will be a must for me, but not an oblivion killer unless the online is great. Fable 2 may be the greatest game of all time (for my tatses..i really loved the first) if it is everything Molyneux says it will be. Not into JRPGs anymore havnt been since FF7...which is at the moment my all time favorite game in any genre....they all sucked after that one with FF3 for the DS being the exception because its old school.

Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey may be the games to win me back to JRPGs but if they are anything like Enchant Arm...I will pass lol

Those are my RPGs for the Year. Although im sure Fable 2 will be a 2008 release.
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#4 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts

[QUOTE="orithamat"][QUOTE="adamou166"]What game shall I get with my PS3 when I get it this friday?

1. Resistance
2. Motorstorm
3. F1

Please vote for 1 and give me your reasons why you would choose it over the others.



Out of those three Resistance, decent story, split screen coop, online multiplayer, just all around fun. Though Armored Core will be out when you buy your PS3...

I say Res, or even Oblivion, and Armored Core will suck on the PS3 with no Online which f8cking sucks.

Off-topic: Armored Core will not have online for the PS3 but will have online for the 360......WTF? That is Bull****! Whats so hard about PS3 games having equal online multiplatyer parts as its "other" console counter part? resistance is 40 players online and works beutifully...again I say, WTF?

On-topic:  Id go with Resistance. Its multiplayer allows for 40 players online and its single player is Absolutley epic. Let us not forget Co-Op split fave:D Ive beaten it 4 times twice on single player and twice on Co-Op and Now Im gunning for the Superhuman difficulty...Its just an excellent game.
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#5 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts
I'm gay so the decision isn't hard for me to make. A girl?? With boobs??? *doesn't know what to do with it....runs and hides*TheFlush

Honestly gay or not most of the guys in here would wet there pants and not know what to do with the girl of there dreams let alone a normal girl:P....women are crazy...mine is anyway lol.
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#6 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts
Im with the girl of my dreams.....PS3 please:P...oh wait got that to lol.
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#7 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts
i guess we could forget about custom soundtracksbgj887

It wil clome with time......I hope. That is definitely a cool feature nothing like playing your own music whilst owning noobs, and kicking butt in the single player:P
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#8 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts
Im very tired of it theres PLENTY of good games and more on the way they say the ps3 is not worth it right now righttt you have blu-ray you can play all your ps2 games still more ps3 games come out enjoy some movies you can do so much yet every one still complaints that its to much money its not worth it yadadaCrazy87

Agreed and Ill add: It takes time to build up a software library and great firmware updates. The "other" console was drab(er) at launch to (Ive owned it since then) but people don't seem to remeber that...selective memory perhaps?

Ps3 is excellent for what it offers. And while I'm not a movie buff or do I have a 1080p HD set (720p and 1080i) I will admit Ive watched, bought, and rented more blu-ray movies in the last 3 months than I have the past 2 years with DVD. the clarity is stunning.

Resistance is like my all time FPS now and I've played tons of them, and while its true potential will be unlocked with a sequel it looks and plays excellently now. Motorstorm is great to. Both system sellers in my opinion. Cant wait for oblivion, DMC, MGS, and tons of other exclusives. (I know oblivion is not exclusive so refrain from flaming:P)
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#9 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts
Boeing 777
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#10 nextgenmaster
Member since 2006 • 117 Posts
Guys will no longer look like girls in their games.Koinuboy

While I love the FF series I gotta say I agree with that. They look way to female. Just wait until you see Enchant Arm for the PS3. I had it for the 360 and I can say that the games in particular are overly femme. Think Ru-paul.
(I know square didnt make Enchant Arm I was just stating there are worse looking femme characters out there even though the FF characters are a bit girlish)