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I'm not even sure why this is a question? If Sony doesn't bring PSNow to PS5 then it's them essentially declaring the end of the service. Possibility that it won't be available day 1 sure, but I would be surprised if it took more than a month or 2.

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@WarGreymon77: It is, it will take us a long time until digital is really viable for everyone and there are a lot of other issues to work out.

Until then I prefer my physical copies.

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@hiphipjorge9: Basically any game is going to take advantage of the SSDs. There's nothing to code for, nothing special for. Really the only thing they need to keep an eye on is that loading screens that used to contain tips and other useful things will likely be so short to be useless on many games.

Sure there will be games that take advantage of the lack of loading screens more like ratchet and clank. However even your standard WRPG with a ton of fast travelling is going to see a large improvement when it goes from taking 30 seconds to a minute to load the new location down to 5-10 seconds.

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@jamesbr27: Or we can continue to use it how we wish. SSDs of 4 TB+ are pretty expensive and unreasonable to put in a console at a reasonable price. SSDs are great for gaming though, decreases load times substantially which depending on what kind of games you play could be a huge deal.

100+ GB game sizes aren't a huge deal. Not every game is going to be that huge and even then 6-8 100 GB games can fit onto the console at any time, 7 probably the more likely number. That allows a user to switch between a fair number of games.

However it is another reason why I'm happy I'm not getting the digital version of the console.

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Next Move: Trump puts out executive order banning League of Legends and Fortnite.

Next Move after that: Trump is ordering all US ISPs to enact the great firewall of America. His new head of Internet Security now has the authority to block any website he deems a threat to national security. Don't worry, this will include all sites that dare challenge Trump as those are the greatest threat to national security.

Sorry, but no single person should be allowed to force a company to sell itself without a court order for violating the law.

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Edited By nedrith

@ValedictorianXD: So first you do realize that MS is also going to be doing $70 games, at the very least for 3rd party games. None of the other stuff you said really matters, people get over social justice problems pretty quickly unless they are common occurances. Sony has the supply and more importantly Sony has a ton more customer loyalty than MS. Sure some people might like the few exclusives that MS has but Sony regularly delivers games. Tons of good games.

Even considering just the games they've announced so far for the PS5, I already have more games that I want to buy for an unreleased console than the Xbox One would offer me if I bought it right now. Surprisingly enough

Also your 75000 number is really terrible. 75000 is the amount that EB games was given for pre-orders on launch. So unless you can find proof that EB games is supplying preorders for all other retailers then stop trying to misinform people. Because unlike you I can offer proof. read the first tweet.

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@Barighm: So how many games do you play a year? I mean I usually buy 4-12 new releases a year not counting the decent number of indie games I buy a year. So on a good year just counting new releases they would get $15 a game and on bad years they get $30 a game. Of course that doesn't count the money going to third parties for all of their games I play.

The only way it would be remotely sustainable is if you rely on microtransactions.