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#1 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

[QUOTE="rragnaar"][QUOTE="IDeedItDaBest"] There is nothing wrong with any us. Just because we've got a different opinion doesn't mean you need to be hostile.IDeedItDaBest
It's just like you've all been manipulated to think that this was about banning games, the same way you're all manipulated into thinking Glenn Beck is lying to you so that you won't listen to all his points. How can your "opinion" be that you want 10 year olds to be able to walk into a store and buy whatever they want?

I want parents to parent.

Did anyone read the decision. I found some of it very interesting.

"Psychological studies purporting to show a connection between exposure to violent video games and harmful effects on children do not prove that such exposure causes minors to act aggressively. Any demonstrated effects are both small and indistinguishable from effects produced by other media. Since California has declined to restrict thoseother media, e.g., Saturday morning cartoons, its video-game regulation is wildly underinclusive, raising serious doubts about whether the State is pursuing the interest it invokes or is instead disfavoring a particular speaker or viewpoint. California also cannot show that the Act's restrictions meet the alleged substantial need of parents who wish to restrict their children's access to violent videos. The video-game industry's voluntary rating system already accomplishes that to a large extent. Moreover, as a means of assisting parents the Act is greatly overinclusive, since not all of the children who are prohibited from purchasing violent video games have parents who disapprove of their doing so." USSupremeCourt

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#2 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

Unfortunately you'll have to get a new account. Once the age is set you can't change it and if it's not old enough you simply can't play ea games online.

My nephew has run into the same issue with facebook on the xbox. If the preset age isn't right it simply won't let you use it.

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#3 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

Are you still a kid?

Bad Company goes through the EA servers and if the age you used was too low when you created your xbox live account you can't play EA games online. There's a cut off age for EA. I don't know what it is off the top of my head.

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#4 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

I've owned an Xbox for a long time.

I bought the original Xbox almost ten years ago. It was my first real introduction to online gaming. I loved it.

When the Xbox 360 came out of course I bought one. How could I not? I don't know how many hours, how many nights, I spent in front of the television with my headset on getting lost in games. I watched my gamerscore go up. I didn't obsess over it, but each time an achievement popped it made me smile.

I've had the same gamertag, "an Angry Wookie", for almost ten years.

At Christmas I bought an Xbox Live family pack. Four one year accounts to Xbox Live for $99, which is less than the price of two. I gave my nephew one for Christmas. My girlfriend already had an account which I made gold. The fourth one went to her kids. They didn't play online, but they did watch Netflix.

In the first week of April I tried going on my 360 and it told me "account info invalid". I tried going on and it told me my password was wrong. I tried the password a few times and then finally simply sidestepped the whole issue by resetting the password. After I did that I went back to xbox.comand signed in. When I signed in suddenly i got a message saying more or less "welcome to xbox live, here's your new gamertag."

My nephew's xbox live was gone. My girlfriend's xbox live was gone. Her kids' account vanished completely. I was on the line to support within a few minutes. I told them what happened. They tell me "an Angry Wookie" never existed. All of my years of work, achievements, friends list, etc. . . . gone like that. And then they stop . . . confused. They've found my billing info, floating there on its own, even though everything else appears to be gone

The whole family account went down with my gamertag.

While I'm on the phone with xbox support I'm playing with my computer and find a pair of emails. One email says like 1535 microsoft points were transferred out of my account. The other email tells of the same gamerpoints being put into another account with a gamertag that is not mine. Even with a family plan you can't transfer odd amounts like that between accounts. These emails are sent to me . . . and another email address I've never heard of. I tell xbox support all of this.

The xbox people suspend my account while they investigate.

I later look at the profile of gamertag that my points were transferred to. The history, the achievements, it's all mine. It's my data transferred under a different account, completely out of my control. I call xbox support and pass on the info.

That was over a month and a half ago. On April 19 Xbox support emailed me a code for a free month of live . . . under a new account, but in terms of progress . . . nothing.

I don't even want to play on xbox live right now. Not without all of my gamesaves and history of progress backing me up. It feels like running in place.

A bit more than a week ago I called Xbox Support. I want to know what the hell is going on. I asked what the hell the deal was with the investigation. I want my account back. The girl I spoke to more or less told me that she could see that they had sent me a free 1 month code on April 19 along with an email telling me that it will be another 30 days. After telling me that she didn't see any activity or progress in the investigation listed she put me on hold for more than 10 minutes and then came back and told me that the 30 days weren't up and I was just going to have to wait because when they said 30 days they meant 30 days.

Oh, and just to top it all off, while Microsoft had been screwing around about rectifying all of this the gamertag I have had for nearly 10 years has been taken by someone else. 10 fracking years!!!

Today I called Xbox Support again. The girl I speak to say that she will append another note to my file and pass it on and that I should try calling back again in a few days.

I just want to shoot myself rather than try to deal with these people at this point.

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#5 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

You can do the gold family pack on multiple consoles.

I had my account one my xbox, my nephew's account on his, and my girlfriend's and her kids' accounts on a third.

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#6 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

I just got off of the phone with xbox support.

I called and asked what the hell the deal was with the investigation. I want my account back. She more or less told me that she could see that they had sent me a free 1 month code on April 19 along with an email telling me that it will be another 30 days. After telling me that she didn't see any activity or progress in the investigation listed she put me on hold for more than 10 minutes and then came back and told me that the 30 days weren't up and I was just going to have to wait because when they said 30 days they meant 30 days.

I love my xbox. I've loved it for a long time, but now I just want to take it and throw it at them.

On the other side of the coin, if I had a PS3 right now I don't think I'd be any better off.

This sucks!

Oh, and just to top it all off, while Microsoft has been screwing around about rectifying all of this the gamertag I have had for nearly 10 years has been taken by someone else. 10 fracking years!!!

I am no longer "an Angry Wookie"! But I am really, really upset!

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#7 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

Actually, now that the xbox has an HDMI port I don't even need the optical connection anymore. HDMI to the tv for both video and audio, and then optical out from the tv to the surround sound system.

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#8 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

I've had the same gamertag since I bought by original xbox. Last month I went on and suddenly my 360 says my xbox account info is invalid. I tried to go on and it says my password is wrong. I try quite a few times and eventually sidestep the whole thing and change my password.

Simple . . . you'd think.

I go on after I change my password and more or less get a message saying 'welcome to xbox live. here's your new gamertag'. I call xbox support. They tell me my gamertag never existed. All of my years of work, achievements, friends list, etc. . . . gone like that. And then they stop . . . confused. They've found my billing info, floating there on its own, even though everything else appears to be gone.

I had a family account. My girlfriends account was created on its own, but brought under mine when i got the family account. She lost her xbox live. The account I created for her kids to play games and to watch netflix on disappeared entirely. My nephew lost his xbox live.

The whole family account went down with my gamertag.

While I'm on the phone with xbox support I'm playing with my computer and find a pair of emails. One email says like 1535 microsoft points were transferred out of my account. The other email tells of the same gamerpoints being put into another account with a gamertag that is not mine. Even with a family plan you can't transfer odd amounts like that between accounts. These emails are sent to me . . . and another email address I've never heard of. I tell xbox support all of this.

The xbox people suspend my account while they investigate.

I later look at the profile of gamertag that my points were transferred to. The history, the achievements, it's all mine. It's my data transferred under a different account, completely out of my control. I call xbox support and pass on the info.

That was over a month ago. Xbox support emailed me a code for a free month of live . . . under a new account, but in terms of progress . . . nothing.

I don't even want to play on xbox live right now. Not without all of my gamesaves and history of progress backing me up. It feel like running in place.

On the plus side I have taken the time to work on my writing. I've published two stories on kindle and smashwords in the past month. "Vampires of the Sky" and a kid's book called "Nobody Wants to Play With Zombie Jesus".

I just miss my xbox!

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#9 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts
Only for mainstream games like Madden, etc, as well as the consoles themselves. Most games seem to show up on the shelves days after their release.
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#10 mlpreble
Member since 2003 • 48 Posts

And here I am tempted to use "Spartan" ever since I saw 300 again.That movie is just so cool.

Though for the most part I like my GT as is.

Any gamertag that has the following in it

AlTeRnAtInG cApS

666 (it doesn't make you badass at all)

Anything that directly relates to a popular game like halo or gears (anything that has Spartan, Master Cheif, Halo, Marcus Fenix etc.)

And things with xX_____________Xx

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