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#1 mffmiguel
Member since 2005 • 485 Posts

I'm going to go against the curve and vote Clarke on this one. Drake is awesome but Clarke is just a straight up bad ass. Not only does he survive encounters with an incredibly deadly alien race but he also manages to repair an entire spaceship by himself while dealing with oxygen and gravity problems, and the occassional asteroid. As if things couldn't get worse he then survives the military, more Necromorphs, his own dementia, and settles the score with his inner turmoil against the marker.

Plus, I just think Clarke has more integrity as a character. (Spoilers for Dead Space 2 follows) When they showed flash backs of his relationship with Nicole it was genuine, and near the end of the game when he sends off Ellie so she can survive and he could try and destroy the marker was just awesome. Drake is great, don't get me wrong I'm not trashing him, but there are a lot of times in the series where he seems selfish and the fact he continues fighting and fighting is confusing at times. In fact, this is addressed in the games and in the trailers for UC3 it looks like they bring it up again and we're going to find out what really drives him.

I think Clarke has one more story left, and since he only really developed in one game I don't really think you're going to meet a lot of people that side with you, but I do :P

interesting points, glad to see someone who appreciates the severity of both situations which in the end make for a more intence experience. In this case Clarke does have it far worse than Drake, Drake is in it for the glroy and riches, Clarke is trying to survive period. I feel that fact alone makes for a far more dramatic story and makes the gameplay more intense.
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#2 mffmiguel
Member since 2005 • 485 Posts
Drake beats down Clarke! hahahahkymike
DAMN 93% no love for my boy CLARKE !!!
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#3 mffmiguel
Member since 2005 • 485 Posts

I liked Dead Space better than Uncharted, though Uncharted is a great game.

I haven't played Uncharted 2, but if it's at least as good as the first game, it's got to be better than Dead Space 2. That game was nowhere near as good as it's predecessor.

Very true, DS2 especially the story kinda fell short as far as intrigue and Uncharted 2 is an awesome game. But as with most things sequals never meet the standards of the orignal
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#4 mffmiguel
Member since 2005 • 485 Posts


looks like beers is on you.

these are also probably my fav 2 franchises this gen. but c'mon, drake gets the ladies and treasure. isaac gets nightmares and therapy. really a no brainer.

LOL thanks for voting. If i get flamed then I get flamed so be it

Your not alone bro, I love clarke also but you should have compaired him to someone like Chris would have been more even.

Thats funny my buddy said the same thing, but then there would have been no need for argument since we both pretty much agree the that Dead Space games kills the current Resident Evil games. Now the older RE games thats a different story, they were actually scary
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#5 mffmiguel
Member since 2005 • 485 Posts

looks like beers is on you.

these are also probably my fav 2 franchises this gen. but c'mon, drake gets the ladies and treasure. isaac gets nightmares and therapy. really a no brainer.

LOL thanks for voting. If i get flamed then I get flamed so be it
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#6 mffmiguel
Member since 2005 • 485 Posts

Easily Drake, I don't care much for Dead Space.

Have you tried it ? U gotta give it a chance its gotta be one of most intense experiences this generation has to offer, if your a survival horror kind of guy
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#7 mffmiguel
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Drake is cool, I liked playing as him in the first Uncahrted (one of the main reasons why I liked the game), but I don't really know anything about Clarke...

Wow I know that Drake probably has a larger fan base, but Dead Space is very popular as well among horror survival gamers which is a smaller groups of prople. I figure an action adventrue game appeals to casual and hardcore gamer.....thanks for voting
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#8 mffmiguel
Member since 2005 • 485 Posts

I was playing Dead Space 2 yesterday (almost gonna be platinumed), and I would keep getting out cuz I was also playing Drake's Deception Beta with a buddy on split screen, when all of sudden I Realized these 2 frachises are my favorite games on consoles. I have Uncharted1 and 2 platinumed, and Im still working on doing the samewith my Dead Space games. The thing is my buddy and I began talkingabout the 2 gamesas farthe main characters, gameplay,visuals, and story lines. My buddy first claims that the games are completely different titles that cannot be compared to eachother due to the fact that one is survival horror and the otheris action adventrue.

I argued back that the games are similar in nature andsharealot of similar gameplay elements. Besides that he claims that if he had to chose which franchise gets the best gameever trophy theUnchartedseries beats the Dead Spaceseries in every way by faaaar ! I couldn't believe myears, we were drinking but he wasn't that drunk. Anyways I had to pause the game and turn, I argued thatvisually, if not Dead Space the gamesareeqaul asfar as graphics. Gameplay would be in thesame situation for me, couldn't pick a clear winner maybe Dead Space has bettercontrol but Uncharted is more intense and paced faster. Ok Ill give him story line, Dead space story is good but get kinda lost in Part 2,Uncharted story lines are always entertaining, and yes Nathan Drakeis a far better developed character than Issac Clarke but common !!!!! Who looks cooler ?

He even went as far to say "makea forumon gamespot and people will tell you thesame thing"! So am I crazy loving Dead Space too much or is he right, does Uncharted blowDead Space away without any effort?Help us settle this once andfor all,the loser buys beer. Guess in the end I say Dead Space, he saysUncharted.Thanks for voting and when all issaid and done, both games are great and both arestandards that all other devsshould emulate when creating games.

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#9 mffmiguel
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I am really liking it. Only have played Team deathmatch and am having a blast and im getting pretty good, just shut it off my last K/D was 12/4 which is not that bad for me. I consider it a huge improvment from UC2 MP which i loved as well, but just felt chaotic or comical. The customization is awesome, the shooting feels tighter but will be improved even more, moving the character around doesnt feel like a chicken without a head anymore which allows me to have better control, but again will need improvment as time passes. I played using the split screen online and my buddy used his own account to play, it was alot of fun we even looked back and rememberd the last time we could play a game online in the same room on the same TV was halo, nice to know we can do this again. What ND has put out so far looks to be a great indication of what they are cabaple of. I see, come November, a MP compenent that the current giants of onlie gaming should look out for. UC is coming for them
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#10 mffmiguel
Member since 2005 • 485 Posts

Ok, I pre-ordered the game so i was able to use the Unitology force gun, the refurbished plasma cutter and the Rivet Gun (sucks i hate it). Anyways what it also came with was the Unitology suit which is black with red markings all over it. I am currently going throughmy 3rd playthrough and am purusing the hardcore trophy, it's a tough one. I am really having problems when Necors getthrough and deilver a few blows, I diewith only 2 strikes from the blackslashers. My weapons are advancedenough to handle mostthreats, the force gun being my savior. So im thinking it's my armor,Ihave stayed with the Unitoligist suit since launch of the game(convinced its the most powerful), and now im wondering is there a suit in thegame that I can buywhich can sustain moredamage? Is theUnitioloist suit's armor that strong? Help would be appreciated regardless I am plantinuming this game, this is such a greatgame!