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Edited By lutarian

@zax360 Maybe because they actually invested some real time in the game?

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@fireflyry @lutarian

You mean like so many others that blindly except reviewers reviews as facts? I don't know, should you?

Good day to you also.

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@fireflyry @lutarian

It's not speculation at all. As I stated before, I am in the industry. There are actually quite a few good reviews also, if you look.

No side tracking here. Stating facts. Not my problem that you can't handle facts.

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Edited By lutarian

@fireflyry @lutarian

Well. People are generally sheep that listen to the biased and paid off reviewers. That is the problem. Many people won't even try a game because a game "reviewer" or someone that has only played the beta says it's not any good. So if people are out their trashing the game, then there needs to be people that defend it. So defending a game does not discourage people from trying it, bashing a game is what discourages people.

I used WoW as the example for the issues and bugs they had during beta and launch. People tend to forget about that YET they criticize an MMO that has bugs and issues during beta and at launch these days. They try and say that an MMO should not launch with such problems, and this shows they know nothing of programming.

I am part of the video game industry and there are reviews that are based on advertising dollars and/or under-handed deals from a competitor. It's not a conspiracy, it's a sad fact in the industry. What's even worse is that it's right in front of people's faces and many are blind to it.

WoW actually did not do it first. I won't go into the history of MUDS and such but will instead list MMO's most should have heard about. Many consider Neverwinter Nights (1991) the first MMO. You then have Ultima Online (1997) Everquest (1999) and DAOC (2001). These three were the innovators, not WoW.

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This is NOTHING like a WoW clone.

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As I have been saying for quite some time, reviewers have become highly biased and/or are being paid for good and/or bad reviews. Here is a great example with ESO.

WoW had issues and bugs during beta and at launch. Launch was actually quite bad. Yet, Gamespot reviewed WoW roughly two weeks after it launched and gave it a very high review. Even with all it's issues. Odd uh? Yet, they give ESO such a low score. mmmmm? Gamespot gave GW2, TSW, Rift, Warhammer and warhammer Online and Conan much higher scores than ESO, yet ESO is better than all of those. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed those games but they can't compare to ESO.

ESO has superior graphics (even though graphics don't make a game), combat, crafting, story, questing, pve, pvp and music compared to any other MMO I have played.

Now let's take another look at "player" reviews. Large amounts of scores at 5 and below. I have read many of these reviews (they state alot of untruths) and you can tell that they never played ESO, or only the beta, are just haters, OR paid to bash the game. Yes, that happens in the industry.

I played the beta, was not all that thrilled. After launch, I gave it another try and have put in many hours to truly see what it's like. Best MMO currently out, even with it's current bugs.

Haters...hate all you want. The game is loaded with people playing it and within in-game chat people talk about how ESO has the best questing ever (contrary to what this review states) and is the best they have played. Entire WoW guilds actually now have guilds in ESO now, if that tell you something.

To people comparing it to the ES series. Why are you doing this? The ES series are rpg games, and ESO is an MMORPG which is a bit different. Get over it, as it HAS to be a bit different than the series to accommodate large amounts of players and grouping.

Will it go F2P? That depends. If the SHEEP listen to the reviewers that have been paid off or all the haters, then there is a chance it could. Until then, myself and others that use their own brains, will enjoy ESO to it's fullest extent.
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@BurningUp99 @bfeinberg @slaz982

Agree. Corruption now abounds in reviewers.

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Someone that sees what I have been talking about for quite some time. It's not only Gamespot, it's ALOT of the other reviewers also. Payoffs are going on in the industry for good and/or bad reviews. It's become painfully obvious. Remember when it came down to the voting for the ES series and the GTA series for the best gaming series of the decade? During that competition Gamespot was running mass adds and articles for GTA V. When the ES series won, where was the article about it? It never happened. You know who was paying them during that entire time.

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@elblanco1 Yet people still pay a monthly fee for the mind numbing, simplistic game called World Of Warcraft.

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