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#1 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts

i belive nintendo needs to snap out of this before its to late eventually the Casuals will do 1 of 2 things Get Bored Of The Wii As Medicore Games Getting Boring for Everyone Or Become a hardcore wii gamer and demand more if nintendo keeps this up i belive they could loose there whole fanbase

its still worth it to have a wii though for the games that are coming out the few that wont suck hopley


well said:)

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#2 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts

People put way too much emphasis on graphics. Seniors and epople who have never ownder a console before are gobbling up wii's, you think they even know what 'graphics' means? :lol:

And the wii can pull off beautiful games with potentially amazing gameplay...mario galaxy is one.

Beautiful enough, it doesn't have to impress me with fancy shader effects, it just neds to look nice and play even better.

Sorry cows, lems, hermits, the wii will not fail, no matter how much you will it to.


i like dis post, very much:D

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#3 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts

consoles tend to copy stuff of one another but sony hasn't came up with anything new for other consoles to borrow kind of like a bad friend who borrows all your stuff but dosn't have anything to lend you when you ask.

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#4 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts
correct me if im wrong but PC stands for personal computer, this includes all computers made for personal use including macs. so i dont believe it's possible for macs to be more popular than macs and all other personal computers combined.
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#5 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts

i would rather there was a few epic gamesas opposed to a lot of good games. i already have too much to buy in 2007.

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#6 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts
i don't like rpg's especially jrpg's very much at all because they don't seem to take a whole lot of skill to play, they do have strategy but if i wanted that then i would play an rts game and at least there is some skill involved with those. another thing i don't like is how poorly the stories are done, they often start with a decent concept but then theythey overcomplicate everything the nature of rpgs suggests that it has a good story but this is almost never the case, for a good story, a good book or movie is almost always a better option than an rpg. the last thing i don't like about them is how much grinding you have to do to get anywhere this is just a complete waste of time and only ends up making the game boring, oblivion was a step in the right direction to improving this because the enemys get better as you level and it involves more skill but in my opinion rps's are still by far the worst genre.
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#7 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts

i don't think you have given the wii a fair chance, it is living proof that gameplay is more important than graphics. for me resident evil 4 wii edition alone almost makes the system worth it, it's gameplay is a huge step above the other versions and the wii mote really puts you in the game making the action much more intense if developers apply these dynamics into other games with online the wii will be by far the best online system even if it dosn't have the best service. plus wii sports and warioware are huge amount of fun while they last and zelda has 50+ hours of proven gameplay. and all the titles coming out in the futureput the wii on track to be the best video game system ever.

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#8 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts

the score is just a number that corisponds to how good a game is isn't it. im confused to how people are using them so could you answer these questions

1. the lowest score a game can get is 0 the highest is 10 since ps3 and xbox 360 are held to higher standards if a game on ps3 got a 10 and a game on wii got a 10 then the ps3 one will be better; would this not make gamespot increadibly biased because it is impossible for a game to be more perfect than a perfect ps3 or xbox 360 game. if this is the case, gamespot really hates the wii and we need to find a new ratingsite for it on these fourms.

2. when they review hl2 e2 for the pc they will be using a computer capable of running it much better than it's max settings, for this reason the game should get a much lower score than e1 because the pc they use will be held to higher standards

3. graphics are only one part of a game, so if a system constantly shows it's games have better sound/story/gameplay/value... then it should be held to a higher standard in those areas aswell, should it not.

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#9 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts

in just over 1 year you get




Smash Bros

plus VC and some other great games

dosn't get too much more hardcore than that, i don't know about you guys but ive never bought so many games for one system in that period.

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#10 ledzeppelin667
Member since 2006 • 243 Posts
it actually works really well, my parents have a bigger HDTV in our living room but i play it on a much smaller tv in the basement because darker lighting and more comfort make playing more fun than a better picture does. the sensor bar also works fine with smaller tv's.