kritvichu's comments

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@batusai4ever: You may not like this game, so it is you reason not to buy it but it is not applied to the others who have good old days with this game. Ever play retro games like Galaga, pacman, donkey kong?? Those were fond memories from the old day. Lots of people are still happy to buy and play them again on the current gen.

Yes, Nostalgia is a plain simple reason to buy this game. I still keep a Dreamcast just to play Shenmue I & II alone. Too bad, it only has an AV cable. The resolution looks pretty bad by today standard screen. I need to buy a decent video AV-HDMI converter but the color still looks gross. CRT tv is the last option. This is a great news for Shenmue fan I am so glad they release it on PC.

Anyway, you complain because you not have any fond memory with this game. That is understandable you not see any reason to like it. I guess this release is targeting for those nostalgic buyers

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@spartanx169x: Compared the reboot Tomb Raider with Uncharted 1-3!!? lol That's totally not fair. Of course, those 1-3 game plays were linear. It was made long time ago. UC1 was around 2007, UC2 was 2009, and UC3 WAS 2011. Those were good at that time while the open-world environment was not essentially dominated like what it is now.

Anyway, I love both UC and TR series.

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Edited By kritvichu

Three things that make Yakuza series the best are a superb story telling, good face modeling expression, and beautiful pre-rendered environment of the cities and atmosphere. However, the biggest flaw that never changes is the gameplay. If you like me and read any comment about how good this game is, I see no one mentions having a good time with gameplay at all. All their praises are the story. That is it. I played Yakuza 1,2, and 5. The gameplay is only the factor I stay away from buying. The gameplay should not be complicated but fun to play with again and again. The best gameplay is Sleeping dog. The mechanism is way way simple but so much fun. If Yakuza series can at least do the gameplay like Sleeping Dog, it will be superb.

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It is a giveaway game on this SNES classic. It is totally not worth to review at all. Giving the score is very ridiculous and bias. You can't compare to the modern game and you can't even set you mind back to 90s to criticize it. That is non sense. If GS desperately need to review to this old game to feed the content and click revenue, is better off not to give out the score.

I don't know it is GS decision to do this review on purpose or it is the staff's will to do it. If it is the latter, Michael Highnam is the author on this review, I will remember his name and not want to give him much credit for his work based on this ridiculous.

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@wtf_666: Right, Gamespot tries to copycat what IGN is good at. In the past, I didn't like IGN much because it messed up with unrelated game articles (comics, tv shows, movies). That was the reason I sticked with Gamespot. I know I could read the game news article or reviews somewhere but it was a old habit to stick with Gamespot everytime.

But now, Gamespot is not different from IGN, but it is not as good as the latter as I previously mentioned. I have quite problem to view the video and sluggish browsing at Gamespot. My computer is not powerful enough to view the content in the way they design the webpage. I have zero problem to view the page on IGN. That why I prefer browsing to IGN first before going to Gamespot. I just need sometime on my break to browse the game news. Soon or later I may stick with only one site.

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Gamespot team,

Speaking from your super long loyal follower since 2001, I just want to let you know that your site is going down hill big Big BIG time!!!! and need to improve asap before too late.

Tell you the truth, for the past 16 years, I only reply on your site to feed me the news. I don't mind those cookies, advertiments, or whatsoever nasty stuffs as other complaints. I know there are many alternative sites out there like IGN, kotaku, NeoGaf,..many many.etc, but I just choose to stick with you as I trust in your quality as a journalist and reviewer. I don't want to browse to many websites to read all game contents, so to speak again, I only choose you and heavily rely on you to gather any interesting news from those sites out there and feed me the contents. Even though I not pay you anything and read all your provided contents for granted, I am pretty sure you get indirect revenues from those cookies and advertisements. That why I not mind those stuffs you do in exchange for the news and review.

However, it has been almost 2 weeks since I browsed the game articles on both IGN and Gamespot. I find IGN having much more interesting and solid. It is funny that I even read IGN contents first and Gamespot later. In the past, I was never interested to read news from IGN at all. I didn't like the web design and layout content. Since Gamespot started feeding other unrelated game contents like movies, tv shows, comics, science, even politics, I feel what the heck. In addition, I feel many news articles from your journalists are just for a click bait purpose or just to create chaotic fanboy arguments all over the place. Besides, many times there were nothing much to be the news but you just tried so hard to make the news out of it. Lots of news were just pure assumptions and you tried to make the news out of it. That is bad. So, I started losing my interest on your site.

I don't find Gamespot is different from IGN nowadays but even worst, your site is inferior in many ways. I feel the content on IGN is more appealing to me. It has more meat, more contents, and less BS. Speaking of web design, it is fast to load up the page and very smooth video playback. The only thing I don't like is the pop up advertising. When I browse on Gamespot, I have no idea how you design the site. It is pretty sluggish to scroll down, unplayable video contents (About 70-80% only show advertisements and that is it. It never play the video content.), and less contents to show on a page that you need scroll the mouse down to read more headlines.

That is my feeling about your site right now. You should do something to improve. I may have a little voice to complain and you are probably not even care at all. I just feel I want to write to you because I am one of your loyal followers for many years and I start feeling not right about your site. If you not make any change, I would not be surprised much about the consequence.

Since I already wrote a lot, I don't want to make it waste my time for nothing. I want to give some free advices;

1.Gamespot is the brand and Don't try to make the brand die. Focus on your business core competitive. It is all about the game Game and GAME!!!. People primarily just come to your site for the quality of game news and review. So, don't try to provide non related contents like comics, tv show, movies, …etc. Don't copycat IGN for other sites. Let them do because they are good for what they are doing, but not you. So, don't try to be like them for money grab. If you still continue doing so, soon or later you will lose more followers

2, Focus only on the GAME stuffs. Try to not provide more BS news or something you try to create a click bait for nothing. Just lay off those journalists who are slacker and try to make BS news and click baits.

3. Reengineering the organization. You should reduce your stuffs down to only key people who are creative and innovative.

4. There are many options you can get revenues in a positive and creative way. For instance,

4.1 You can provide a gameplay / walkthrough video feed for new released games. Just like those people on youtube. These people get money from the viewers. So, your site stands for a game and Why can't you do it? WHY!!? All you need is to hire a quality avid gamer. I am pretty sure there are tons out there nowadays who like playing video games for life and getting paid. You just pick the one who does not have a big mouth ( those talking BS, screaming, or being annoy). This person can be quiet and silent the whole time or he/she can talk but in appropriate manner like polite joke and at the same time being polite and respect other audients. You can partner with youtube for the revenue or do whatever that getting money from the viewers on your channel. The key is to be polite and professional manner. I am pretty sure you will get ton ton and ton of revenues from those views.

4.2 You can create safe and secured online tournament. Just invest on creating a very reliable server. The winner can get something like money, console, PC, new games, toys, or whatsoever interesting. It is completely free to join the tournament from their own home. That is selling point. Find some game like real time strategy (starcraft, Dota,..etc), first person shooting (counter strike, quake), role play (Diablo), racing, or fighting simulation. The tournament should be professional manner but very friendly environment. Anyone can try out for fun based on their levels and skills. Participants and the viewers in the contest are free. You can get revenues from advertisements or whatever in appropriate way. I am pretty sure there will be a lot of followers and participants in this event. This should generate lots of revenues and you need to manage how to make it work out.

Indeed, there are lots of things you can do. If you want to know more, you should hire me at this point. All I can say Gamespot is a very strong brand. You have lots of followers. The mismanagement will make the brand die. I do hope you wake up and do something.

P.S. For other folks reading my comment, you may already see this same post in other threads. I am sorry if you see this post again. Please ignore my comment. I already spent too much of my time writing this, so I just want to waste for nothing. I do hope my message send to the GameSpot team. I will repost this comment again.

a Gamespot follower.

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Gamespot team,

Speaking from your super long loyal follower since 2001, I just want to let you know that your site is going down hill big Big BIG time!!!! and need to improve asap before too late.

Tell you the truth, for the past 16 years, I only reply on your site to feed me the news. I don't mind those cookies, advertiments, or whatsoever nasty stuffs as other complaints. I know there are many alternative sites out there like IGN, kotaku, NeoGaf,..many many.etc, but I just choose to stick with you as I trust in your quality as a journalist and reviewer. I don't want to browse to many websites to read all game contents, so to speak again, I only choose you and heavily rely on you to gather any interesting news from those sites out there and feed me the contents. Even though I not pay you anthing and take all contents on your site feed me for granted, I am pretty sure you get renenue from those cookies and advertisements. That why I not mind those stuffs you do in exchange for the news and review.

However, it has been almost 2 weeks since I browsed the game articles on both IGN and Gamespot. I find IGN having much more interesting and solid. It is funny that I even read IGN contents first and Gamespot later. In the past, I was never interested to read news from IGN at all. I didn't like the web design and layout content. Since Gamespot started feeding other unrelated game contents like movies, tv shows, comics, science, even politics, I feel what the heck. In addition, I feel many news articles from your journalists are just for a click bait purpose or just to create chaotic fanboy arguments all over the place. Besides, many times there were nothing much to be the news but you just tried so hard to make the news out of it. Lots of news were just pure assumptions and you tried to make the news out of it. That is bad. So, I started losing my interest on your site.

I don't find Gamespot is different from IGN nowadays but even worst, your site is inferior in many ways. I feel the content on IGN is more appealing to me. It has more meat, more contents, and less BS. Speaking of web design, it is fast to load up the page and very smooth video playback. The only thing I don't like is the pop up advertising. When I browse on Gamespot, I have no idea how you design the site. It is pretty sluggist to scroll down, unplayable video contents (About 70-80% only show advertisements and that is it. It never play the video content.), and less contents to show on a page that you need scroll the mouse down to read more headlines.

That is my feeling about your site right now. You should do something to improve. I may have a little voice to complain and you are probably not even care at all. I just feel I want to write to you because I am one of your loyal followers for many years and I start feeling not right about your site. If you not make any change, I would not be surprised much about the consequence.

a Gamespot follower.

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I wish Nintendo success and continue being creatively innovative.

I do hope it is not too much if I like to share my story. I grew up with NES, SNES, Gameboy, DS, Wii, Sega Megadrive, PC Engine, PS1, PS2, PS3, Neo-geo, Dreamcast , and PC. I play much more nowadays on PC since it is always backward compatibility (even going back to Dos version) and use emulators to play old school console games on PC. Backward compatibility is the only limitation for consoles. I have to pay for the same game I already own on old consoles to play on a new console.

I don't care much about top-notch graphic. Most of great graphic games, but not all, have no replay value to go back and play again and again. It is just an eye candy for visual perception. Gameplay is the fun factor and create replay value.

Spending $59 plus tax is something I want to spend on a game I can play again and again. I only pay the full price on Stream for only a few games that have high replay value (eg. GTA4-5). I usually buy a lot of games from Stream during holiday seasons (50-80% off). Yes, almost all of them are eye candies with no replay value. Just play it to complete the story and that is it.

What I like about Nintendo is superb replay value for the money even at the full price. No need to talk about good, complex or any serious story. That is not Nintendo style. There is completely no need to know anything about the story but still have fun. The selling point is the gameplay alone. I can grab the game anytime and have fun. I still play Wiisport, mario kart, mario bros, Bloombox, and donkey kong time to time. It is different when I play AAA story driven games. I feel so much addicted to resolve the story and Boom!! the time flies 20-45 hours on the computer and forgot about doing laundry or spending good time with family.

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Does the save game from ME1 carry on to ME2?

I like Wrex but he was dead. That means I have no chance to have him as a buddy? I don't want to play ME1 again just to bring him back to play on ME2. Also, all alien council were dead. I would not be able to see how the game difference would be if they were still alive?

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Is Mass Effect 2 considered to be the best of previous triology?

I just completed ME 1 but hesitated to play ME2. I liked the story and evolution of charactor. However, the gameplay was very stiff and unenjoyable. I spent 35 hours and the only thing I enjoyed was the story alone.

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