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#2  Edited By InvisibleJimBSH
Member since 2015 • 158 Posts

@toast_burner said:
@The_Last_Ride said:
@invisiblejimbsh said:

Its quite suspicious that when you watch the 'perfect' review of Witcher 3 that the gamespot review has a sponsored by The Witcher 3 on it?

And hey, I've already bought the Witcher 3 because I think it'll be great.

But, consider Gamespots diabolic transparency and conflict issues (see Danny O'Dwyer') is there a risk taht this game would have got a 8/9 rather than a 10 if it wasn't sponsored?

I would hope Gamespot would be happy to clarify that their marketting group and reviewers do not share information as per IGN, who despite their usual oddities and naughtiness have managed to deal with these problems much more robustly in this year long controversey.

That's an excellent point which i did not notice. This should be disclosed, but it won't. Because Gamespot has yet to implement a freaking ethics policy. They've said for almost 5 months now that they're "working on it". This means they don't give a shit

They already have one. They're owned by CBS who have their own ethics policy which can be viewed here

Correct, however it is iffy when compared to the policies now in use at IGN, Polygon, Destructoid, The Escapist et al. as it does not specify the requirement to disclose funding of projects explicitly.

It does not specify the minimum limits for the declaration of gifts, instead delegating that to 'individual companies' to decide.

Accordingly I would suggest that the CBS group policy has been drafted which then requires either a gamespot policy or guideline from subsidiaries and group companies to define those limits to be in compliance with the CBS group policy.

Therefore, consideringt that the writers and editors also ignore the policy regarding conflicts of interest on Page 4. See Danny O'Dwyer and Zoe Quinn. and that there is a lack of a set of policies or guidelines which explicitly state the requirements for Gamespot to honour the CBS Business Conduct Statement (2012! How Long Ago?) and the policies within.

--- COIs (Page 4) ---

CBS requires that you disclose, in writing, any personal, business, or other relationship that could potentially affect your business judgment on behalf of your Company and CBS. The existence of a potential conflict of interest, potential conflict of interest, potential conflict of interestsuch as one or more of the situations discussed below, does not necessarily constitute a violation of CBS’s conflict of interest policy. Our policy is one of disclosure and review of potential conflicts and prohibition of actual conflicts of interest. In some cases, disclosure actual conflicts of interest may be all that is required. In others, the situation may require additional action to avoid a conflict of interest or to remedy one.

But remember, in all cases, you must disclose all potential conflicts of interest.

--- Gifting (Page 6) ---

Accepting any of the following from a current or would-be supplier, customer, or competitor of your Company: entertainment, meals, gifts, discounts, services, transportation, or favors that (i) are worth more than a minimal value or (ii) obligate you or influence your decision-making in any way, regardless of value. Each Company establishes its own guidelines for what constitutes minimal value. If you do not know the amount that your Company has established as constituting minimal value, please ask a member of your Company’s Law Department or a Human Resources Representative. Disclosures under this and the following paragraphs should be made first to your supervisor or a Compliance Officer who will advise you if an updated Certification formis required;

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#3  Edited By InvisibleJimBSH
Member since 2015 • 158 Posts

Its quite suspicious that when you watch the 'perfect' review of Witcher 3 that the gamespot review has a sponsored by The Witcher 3 on it?

And hey, I've already bought the Witcher 3 because I think it'll be great.

But, consider Gamespots diabolic transparency and conflict issues (see Danny O'Dwyer') is there a risk taht this game would have got a 8/9 rather than a 10 if it wasn't sponsored?

I would hope Gamespot would be happy to clarify that their marketting group and reviewers do not share information as per IGN, who despite their usual oddities and naughtiness have managed to deal with these problems much more robustly in this year long controversey.

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#4  Edited By InvisibleJimBSH
Member since 2015 • 158 Posts

@JangoWuzHere said:
@invisiblejimbsh said:

Someone posted it on twitter.

I consider the behaviour of the Ghazi hate & terror group and its prominent members to be a matter of common interest and mirth.

Okay, I get it, GG doesn't like being called terrorists.

Trying to claim ghazi as some sort of hate/terror group out of petty revenge is pretty dumb.

Why, son, I'm deadly serious when I refer to Ghazi as a hate group.


Anyhow ; the hate group is upset about - a meticulous collection of people's own words and actions.


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#5 InvisibleJimBSH
Member since 2015 • 158 Posts
@JangoWuzHere said:
@invisiblejimbsh said:
@Gue1 said:

super600 getting blasted again. Has super ever win an argument about GG? Because I remember him being shred to pieces on the other thread on SW's too but he doesn't learn.

You will note that Super600 was involved in an attempt to smear Slade Villena as having somehow 'broken the law' when he was fully compliant with FBI and the Washington DC police departments request that any information relating to the bomb threat on #GGinDC should be directed to them.

I wonder if it is acceptable behaviour for Gamespot volunteers to attempt to pervert the course of justice? I believe it comes under the formally titled 'Obstruction of Justice/Witness Tampering' in US law.

It certainly doesn't do much for Gamespot's reputation.

That's not how that law works.

Also, your obsession with super600 and his ghazi activities is borderline creepy.

Someone posted it on twitter.

I consider the behaviour of the Ghazi hate & terror group and its prominent members to be a matter of common interest and mirth.

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#7  Edited By InvisibleJimBSH
Member since 2015 • 158 Posts

Press in September 2014: Who cares about #GamerGate? They are irrelevant. They are just privileged pissbabies whining, they'll be gone in a week

Press in May 2015: The Earth is lost. How do we save Mars from #GamerGate?

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#8  Edited By InvisibleJimBSH
Member since 2015 • 158 Posts

@Gue1 said:

SJW's bulling an SJW. You gotta love the smell of a narrative falling down.

If you run a plunder / conquest based economy and then stop conquering then you start to consume yourself.

This culture war of 'radicals' versus everyone else was designed such that these individuals which 80% of the populace reject could force its members into positions of authority and jobs of material worth.

The mob has now stumbled and is crumbling.

'The Social Justice Mob' has met an immovable object in #GamerGate which has materially sapped their capability to agitate and harass individuals out of their spheres of work and influence and to trigger their replacement with looters.

I recently had a polite meeting with a wonderful lady who ran the first anti-feminist blog in the UK. Having been in University with various toxic radical feminist tumblerettes and journalists; who unsurprisingly eventually went on to picket her wedding because she refused to say she was feminist; her viewpoints are fairly solidily against this rent a mob.

She is stunned that Gamers have so easily ignored and shrugged off every weapon deployed by this radical and occasionally violent band of thugs. In her view, every gun has been fired and every cartridge in their Arsenal has been expended.

Faced with their now inevitable failure, these nutters have started canibalise each other. Joss Whedon was a ripe target who fed the monster that inevitably consumed him.

I guess Anita Sarkessian was #NotHisShield :^)

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#9  Edited By InvisibleJimBSH
Member since 2015 • 158 Posts

@super600 said:
@harisinghnalwa said:

Who was stupid enough to threaten Gamer-Gate with a bomb threat in DC, Washington? The nation's capital.

Well whoever it was will probably be caught eventually.I don't care about who did it

This is the only evidence we have so far related to the bomb threat.

And please don't turn this thread into a discussion about who sent the threat.Let law enforcement deal with that part.

It didn't stop you on the GamerGhazi board trying to smear a gamedev with your disgusting criminal friend & animal abuser srhbutts.

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#10  Edited By InvisibleJimBSH
Member since 2015 • 158 Posts

@super600 said:

@invisiblejimbsh said:

@super600 said:

Everything I read about the badgers is way worse. I'm not opposed to their message, but how they conduct it and I don't like a lot of stuff their members have done or even said in the past. You can be an MRA, but don't use the position to say awful things or even do awful things like the badgers have done. I would be fine with them if they weren't so awful. If someone that has an event and they want to include the honey badgers I don't care, but the people who let them be at the event have to take care of all the risks in letting them be at the event

List these awful things.

Surely you aren't refering to 'disagreeing with you' and 'selling #Gamergate posters' as being an 'awful' thing?

After all, the Honey Badgers have not broken the law xD

But then again in fascist, discriminatory Calgary, the law breaks you.

1. One of the members(Sage) has done awful things especially to women in the past at universities

2. All the Honey Badgers in general have very awful opinions about women(they despise women) that can be offensive to women and they have derailed events by themselves or a group in the past using these opinions.

3. They said something in a podcast about Anita like two years ago were they were wondering why a site that has harassing her a lot was whiteknighting her.

None of these three point besides maybe a bit of the second point were the reason to why they were kicked out of the expo anyway, but this shows how all their are.

I can send proof of all three in a PM if you want, but I don't want to derail this thread.

So in short, (1) a member of the honey badgers is a weirdo and dodgy as ****.

2/3 You don't like some things that the honey badgers have said, this hurt your fee fees.

And in your hate group contributing point of view, this justifies you spreading your hatred further by advocating discrimination towards the entire group; particularly towards women who dare to have alternate political opinions. How very reasonable and adult of you!

Remind me again why anyone living beyond North America shouldn't start planning to build a stockpile of weaponry in preparation to fight off the Fourth Reich led by Adolf Hipster and his Stormtrooper Jezebel Warriors? - Humour or not, you tell me?