instigator81's comments

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You can do whatever you want within your own rights. Like choosing not to spend your own money on a game.

Lets say you also have the rights to sell that game although with copyright laws I don't know if you actually have the rights to sell it. Just like if you buy a movie you don't have the right to invite 100 friends over for a large showing of it. It has to do with what kind of license you receive when you purchase something but I don't know the exact rules so back to my main point.

You have the right to try and sell the game. Other consumers have the right not to buy it from you because they won't be able to use it. The way a persons rights work is they can do anything basically anything they want as long as the act doesn't violate the rights of someone else. Obviously that is a very broad statement but it generally works. So if by selling the game you are violating the companies rights then you don't have that right.

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Edited By instigator81

I would have no problem with blocking used games but I think it would need to be industry wide, one company can't go that route alone. And I have no problem with the price of games. If they went up to $70. I don't think most people understand the skill to make these games and also, while for us gaming is a hobby, companies make games to make money.

And the argument about having to pay so much for a game and then having to pay so much for extra this and that is weak. You don't have to do anything. If you think it is too much don't buy the game.

Under current conditions if you think $60 is too much for a game, wait. Prices go down and then you can buy it. I do that on 80% of my games, mostly b/c I am so far behind.

As a consumer you can do whatever you want, just like these companies can do whatever you want.

Do you guys complain when your boss wants to give you a raise. "No sir, that is just to much for the work I do."

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Edited By instigator81

@Chrypt22 I agree. More people care about the potential bad aspects of the XBOX vs good aspects of the PS4 at this point. And MS isn't going to shoot down these rumors on anybody's time schedule other than their own. You can't purchase a PS4 at this point b/c you are upset with MS. I will admit I lean more towards the XBOX than the PS but I don't see these rumors as bad. If they end up being true then that would be upsetting. I don't think always online requirement will be true. At least not this generation. Blocking used games and huge support for Kinect would not drive me away like online requirement would.

Sorry if this post is a bit of a ramble. At work and just trying to type really quick.

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Edited By instigator81

Congress will step in to stop video game violence, but they don't step in to try and stop real world violence. Huh? I guess the video game lobby doesn't pay congress as much as the gun lobby, movie lobby, tv lobby, and even the book lobby because they can all promote and profit from violence and nobody in government really cares.