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#1 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

I think the reason people were so ready to believe some of the more outlandish and unsavory speculation about Michael Jackson was because he remained for his entire life such an enigma. Even those most basic assumptions we held about him from his appearance, sexuality and even his ethnicity seemed to be questionable and constantly evolving. I would doubt anyone but those who were very much closest to him could assert to any degree that they actually knew him and anyone beyond that asserting they did is ridiculous.

I will choose to remember Michael Jackson the unbelievable musician and entertainer and also Michael Jackson the man who did so much charitable work throughout his long career which is one aspect of his life I think many people and critics overlook, for example how many artists today would be willing to donate their entire concert earnings to charity like he did with his 92/93 'dangerous' world tour. Not many I bet!

The ones who I can't stand though are his father Joe Jackson and his brother Jermaine who just seem to be milking Michael's death for their own personal gain, it really makes me feel and sick and my skin crawl that people would stoop to that level and would do that to someone that is family to them.

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#2 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

Gears of War 2.....such an awful awful game. Lame, uninteresting single player and a bug ridden lagfest of a multiplayer

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#3 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

The Ps3 motion control is NOT the same exact thing as the Wiimote. They try to achieve the same thing but actually do it in different ways.


So true, I don't see the Wiimote implementing glowing red bulb technology when I want to throw a fireball :roll:

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#4 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

Fantastic news, loved it on N64. Now all we need microsoft to announce is goldeneye and conkers bad fur day (n64 version) for arcade and I will be one very happy gamer!!

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#5 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

It's amazing, for about an hour that presentation seemed to be Nintendo committing gaming suicide and it really was painful to watch. Thankfully they announced to games for the wii that I can get excited about;

1) Super Mario Galaxy 2

2) New Metroid

One that could be really fun in super mario bros, and those 3 third party titles they announced (resident evil, dead space and the other one) look to have some potential. Overall though Nintendo only just avoided a disaster there and they really just seemed oblivious to it all which is probably the most scary thing about it. Pick up your game Nintendo

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#6 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

Ditto almost everyone else, not getting a ps3 is all about the price. I do have enough money but I'm just not willing to justify paying the price currently tagged when it will be most likely significantly cheaper (heres hoping) by probably september/october at the latest. I have a 360 and wii already so that's another reason. I will buy one though eventually, hopefully in the event of a price drop as I am keen to play a few of the exclusives and the blu ray player remains one of the better models on the market at the moment

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#7 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

I would definitely concur with most of the people on this board and say keep the 360 and also buy a ps3. Myself I own a 360 and wii (piece of junk) and am looking to buy a ps3 mainly so I can play the exclusives and also for the good blu-ray player it uses. However I am waiting on a potential price drop on the ps3 before I buy as here in Australia the ps3 is more ridiculously overpriced than it is in the States costing around the equivalent of USD$500-550.

If I were you I'd hold off buying a ps3 until at least around August/september/october time when hopefully it will be cheaper, the added benefit being that in that time you can continue saving and wouldn't have to sell your 360 to get the ps3 when the time comes. Enjoying the best of both worlds surely is the better option

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#8 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

I've had something very similar happen to me except that it was my original xbox that used to scratch my football games. It went through fifa 04,05,06 and pro evo 4 leaving masses of scratches and each game lasting about 10 mins maximum before being unplayable. Used to annoy me so much as the xbox would only scratch exclusively my football games, none of the others would have even the remotest damage on them. Thank god for the 360 though I can now play these games

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#9 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

Gears 2 really disapointed me. The original is just so damn good, but something about the sequel didn't click with me. I hate the campaign, I hate the story, I hate the multiplayer. The real saving grace it has is Horde, but I only play that with my friend on occasion since he loves Gears 2 and I don't.

It isn't a bad game, it's good and all, it's still fun, but it wasn't anywhere NEAR as good as the first Gears of War. Something, somewhere in there, just didn't click for me.


Totally agree, the game was such a BIG let down. I loved the first gears and still play it a fair bit but I have no desire to ever play number 2 ever again. Its not a terrible game I agree but its the fact that they have taken a game which should of been great and made it only pretty good just makes me hate it even more.

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#10 gourmet_house
Member since 2008 • 72 Posts

Fifa 09, can be the most frustrating game at times

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