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#1 gnomegnasher
Member since 2007 • 96 Posts

I feel like the PS3 is getting a lot of crap from reviewers. I have Lair and I don't have problems controlling the dragon. It's also funny how Heavenly Sword got docked points for being too short, but I don't recall Gears of War getting docked points for it's shortness.360herodotcom

Some reviewers did dock Gears of War for shortness. Not all. HOWEVER...Gears of War is generally considered a 10 hour game. Heavenly Sword on the other hand, is a 6 to 8 hour game according to most reviews (even at, which gave it a good score but put the game in that length category).

10 hours is kind of short...yes. But its about average for FPS these days. A game like Heavenly Sword MUST be more than 6 to 8 hours. Believe it or not, thats a big difference.

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#2 gnomegnasher
Member since 2007 • 96 Posts

You have to beat the game, then you get it.


man thanks so much for the timely response. I even back tracked and saved her again a couple times lol. I know of some people that have had some problems with achievements so i thought maybe it wsa happening to me!

again though, thanks for the info.

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#3 gnomegnasher
Member since 2007 • 96 Posts

Ok so i finished the game killing/saving little sisters. I started it over again with the sole intention of saving them all to get the achievement. I get to the LAST little her, and no achievement.

Has this happened to anyone? If so, is there something you can do to fix it? I didnt save after saving her, so i can go back and save her again.

Or perhaps it doesnt give you the achievement untill you see the ending of the game? Is that all it is? Or am i having an issue?

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#4 gnomegnasher
Member since 2007 • 96 Posts

First off, I love xbox and xbox live, so dont think im a ps3 fanboy or anything. But when you pay $50 dollars a year for this service don't you think you should at least be able to change your name? Microsoft seems to be draining every last penny out of us after we have already payed $350+ for the console and $50 for xbox live. Personally i will never pay $50 a year until they fix this. Meanwhile i'll just make a new gamertag every month :Pjbz7890

Man will people stop complaining about prices?!?!? PLEASE its so stupid! Xbox is charging 10 bucks to change your name for a reason. The reason is not to "drain" you of your money! If it was, they would charge less, this way people would be more willing to change their name more often. You pay 10 bucks to change your name because xbox wants to REALLY limit the amount of name changes! Simple as that! If you cant see that, then i feel sorry for you.

Second, People love to complain about MS, when MS is NOT any worse than any other company. Look at the stupid iphone. Do you know what Apple's profit margins were when those things were released? Around 80%! Thats RIDICULOUS!. That means they could of charged $300 for it, and STILL made money. But now that they see the iphone isnt selling like they thought, they slash prices, a couple months after its release.

But do people say that Steve Jobs is a greedy s.o.b?? No....why dont they? Because his name isnt bill gates. Do they say that Apple is trying to drain people of their money? No....why not? Because they are Apple. they are hip, and more importantly, they arent microsoft.

Im getting sick of this narrowminded critisism coming from people who dont even know what they are talking about.

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#5 gnomegnasher
Member since 2007 • 96 Posts

I don't understand an 8.0 for a game where the only flaws are "it's not very long" and i guess there isn't very much enemy variety. Honestly I'm not dogging gamespot at all, and I know theres already a topic on the Heavenly Sword review, but its just frustrating. If its a great 8 hours of gameplay then whats the problem? Length of a game is purely subjective and I don't think its sufficient reason to knock 2 points of off a game. Thoughts?---SLUG---

1. the reviewer didnt say its "not very long". He said its "VERY SHORT". Theres a big, big difference there.

2. The reviewer isnt claiming its an 8 hour game, he is saying its a 6 hour game. For someone who only plays a couple hours a day, the game is over in THREE days. Would that really be worth 60 bucks??

3. A games length is not "entirely subjective". In fact, its not even partially subjective. Sure, there are some people that take longer than others. But you take the reviewers number of hours to complete the game as a benchmark. Short is short. Long is long. Oblivion can take you 40 to 50 hours. Thats long. OBJECTIVELY speaking. Heavenly Sword can take you as little as 6 hours. Thats short, ALSO objectively speaking.

4. Knock 2 points off the game. You REALLY think this game is going to get a 10 anywhere?? What was the last game that got a 10 from any system?

As you can see, there are alot of incorrect statements in your post, as short as it was. Im sorry but im tired of people complaining about reviews all the time! People are never happy with them. I have an idea for everyone that likes to complain about reviews. DONT READ THEM. And if you must, dont take them seriously.

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#6 gnomegnasher
Member since 2007 • 96 Posts

Considering that the number of people owning the PS2 console, against the number of people owning a PS3 (which the PS3 can still play PS2 games), and also the number of people not having a next gen consoles but their PS2... The developers wouldn't fully neglect the development of PS2 games, yet.Thomas-Crown

you forgot to mention the most important thing. The pathetic fact that the PS2 is STILL, almost one year after launch, outselling the PS3. That ALONE guarantees support.

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#7 gnomegnasher
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what do you mean do research? Does Home make it possible for me to play Warhawk and talk to friends playing R:FoM at the same time? NO. it only works in Home, and i didn't say get rid of Home all i said was make a more universal online service, what's wrong with copying anyway if it's proven to be the best? I have a PS3 and a 360, i enjoy both systems although my 360 does see more time for now due to better games at the moment. PSN has so much potential yet Sony aren't doing squat to get it there.

How many of you out there have both systems and can actually make an intelligent comment in comparing both of them? If you have both systems then you would understand why PSN is a dissapointment in comparison to XBL.


Dude...dont listen to these people. You are right 100%. What you said makes sense. You cant come in this forum and say something like this and expect to not have your ass handed to you. For some reason, PS3 fanboys can be EXTREAMLY sensitive to the point where they dont listen to reason. I even saw one guy post that XBL isnt any good. I mean dont like to pay? Fine thats your right. No one is forcing you to pay, so dont pay it and thats ok. Nothing wrong with that at all. But to go so far as to say that XBL is no good is RIDICULOUS. With its MUCH faster download speeds, integrated friends functionality, all of the demos, game videos, movies, shows etc always popping up, whats NOT to like (other than the price). its comments like those that give people in this forum a bad name.

I always said the same thing as you did. Home is cool. It is NOT revolutionary as some people are saying. For it to be revolutionary, it means it has NEVER been done before. Ummm...yeah, Second Life. Enoguh said. So good? yes. Intersting for a console? Definitely. Necesary? No. Practical? No.

FIRST implement features SIMILAR to xbox on the download speeds and file sizes. THEN introduce something like Home. Because in the end, you have to RUN home to use it. Why do you NEED to walk through some virtual world to talk to your friends? Yes its cool but you shouldnt be FORCED to do it.You need both options. Cuz believe me, there will be times that you will want to chat it up with someone in the middle of a game without exiting, running home, walk around to his apartment, THEN chat.

Sorry...thats how it is. Home is cool...but the man is 100% right in everything he said.

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#8 gnomegnasher
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Imo they look pretty neat. especially for a game not even 1 yr into the ps3 launch..L_G_X

Seriously...its time to lie that argument to rest. Its old, and it doesnt work anymore ok? Yes the PS3 will have good graphics no doubt. But please stop saying that the PS3 is young as an excuse if you dont like a game!! Lets not forget that around this time LAST YEAR....UNDER a year after the realease of the 360, Gears of War came out. And we all know how great those graphics are. Raibow Six Vegas followed it shortly after. Both a little under a year after launch.

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#9 gnomegnasher
Member since 2007 • 96 Posts

bioshock on xbox 360 thats all i have to say


yeah bioshock looks great on the 360 with very little difference from the PC version as far as i can tell. Yes the PC version looks better, but its not a huge loss of quality or anything.

However, Bioshock benefits from very short draw distances. Its not the same designined a tight and somewhat clausterphobic room than it is to design a level made up of trees and hills and horizions and clouds. I really dount you can have the level of detail in Alan Wake on the 360 as you have in Bioshock. Maybe they can figure something out, but I would be very pleasantly surprised if they pull that one off.

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#10 gnomegnasher
Member since 2007 • 96 Posts

Crysis might not be but by late 08 to early 09 they'll probably be games on console that look better than Crysis . Alan Wake could be one IMOSonic_on_crack

Crysis and Alan Wake are not posisble on consoles without dumbing them down a bit. A very simple reason for this is because no console has DX 10....both of those games are made from the ground up designed to run on DX 10... DX10 is a BIG reason why those games look the way they do. In a year or so, there will be DX10 games that put Crysis and Alan Wake to shame.

If you ever seen a developer interview for Alan Wake, the guy FLAT OUT says that Alan Wake is being designed for DX10 and Quadcore processors. If you dont have those things on your comp, your comp wont run it. will NEVER look the same on any console, since none of the consoles have anything close to a out of order quadcore CPU, not to mention DX10. He went on to say that they are working on the 360 version to try to make it "as comparible as possible". That phrase alone says it all.

And by the way, I am not a PC gamer. Never have been, never will be. I could care less about Crysis unless it comes out for the 360 in some shape or form. But im realistic, and i know that if they do release it for the 360, it wont look anywhere near as good it will for a maxed out PC. Sorry to disapoint you. I know your opinion states that its possible. My opinion states that it would be great if it was. But in reality, its not. opinions aside.