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#1  Edited By FunFun
Member since 2018 • 8 Posts

@npiet1 said:

But to say there weren't women fighting is a bit disrespectful to the ones that did. And you never did point out where I made up stuff. I just don't think you can handle the truth.

I never said women weren't fighting, I said women weren't fighting on the front lines in any significant numbers.

Sure you made stuff up, over and over. In the post above that I quoted from you, in only like three lines you lied at least three times. You said I was whining to further your argument, you tried to extrapolate that women and men are equal physically by mentioning a wrestler, trying to equivocate between an example of a strong woman and use that to generalize to all women, and then you said that saying that women and men aren't equal physically was sexist and conservative, which is also false.

True facts - I'm not whining, I was simply commenting, just like anyone else on the thread. Women aren't as strong and violent as men, no matter how many examples of women who are stronger and more violent than men that you post, it's simply untrue - everything from average bicep measurements to police murder statistics easily proves that. Women didn't serve in any great numbers on the front lines of World War 2, it's just a fact, any historical record of military recruitment, service, and deaths proves that. And it isn't sexist to point out that women are not as physically strong or as violent as men, no more sexist than pointing out that men can't have babies. It's simply a fact of nature.

So yeah .. you are a liar. It's just that you lie so much that you don't even realize you're doing it, it's just a natural part of whatever you say, you probably couldn't look someone in the eye and say anything without exaggerating, equivocating, rationalizing, outright B.S'ing, omitting facts that don't suit you, and using rhetorical tricks to add a sheen to whatever you're saying. It's B.S. and lawyer talk, and since you haven't been able to B.S. your way through a conversation with me you're shifting to a new approach and trying to use moral indignation to compensate.

The truth comes easy to me, so yeah, I'm perfectly capable of handling it. I'm sitting here smiling because your B.S. is so easy to see through.

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#2 FunFun
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@recloud said:

@funfun: and you didn't say WW2 was fought by men, you were whining that men and women are different, that women are weaker than men (I'd like to see you take on a wrestler woman tho) and all the conservative sexist BS.

Exactly what I'm talking about.

Do you .. seriously, think that because there are a few women who are stronger than men and can beat a man in a fight, do you honestly think that this exception to the general rule that men are stronger than women in any way invalidates the actual reality that men are stronger and more violent than women.

That's exactly what I'm saying ... that you can argue a point like that as if it were true, I mean I have to wonder .. does someone who does that actually believe that B.S., or are you just trolling, or are you delusional, or do you think that if you just keep saying it over and over everyone will believe it, or WTF ?

I swear a lot of you have been people for so long you don't even know what the truth is anymore.

It's not sexist to say that generally men are stronger and more violent than women, it's a statistical FACT. A measurable, scientific, observable fact.

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#3  Edited By FunFun
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That's what I like the least about the youngest generation ... they think that if they just argue the point long enough, B.S. everybody hard enough, pull out enough exceptions to the rule .. that somehow all the nonsense they're spinning will be the truth. Half the time I think you kids even believe all the crap you write, which is the most frightening part of it.

So now it's sexist and "alt-right" to say that WW2 was fought by men.

I weep for the future.

To think that you idiots are going to be running the world when I'm old **sighs**.

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#4  Edited By FunFun
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@npiet1 said:

But what about the women that where on the front line of WW2? Women have fought men and won. Fighting isn't always about strength. A grown ANGRY, Violent man is easy to fight compared to a grown CALM, Violent man. Women can especially if they have had training can be the better fighter than man, Russia proved this with their snipers in WW2. I don't think it has to do with physical strength when there's guns involved. My grandfather served in WW2 (Panzerschreck division) and he would tell you the opposite. Women where on the battlefield so where kids (around 8 years old) especially in Germany.

Look, of course there were women killed, and there were some women soldiers, 60 million people died in WW2. But if you really going to sit here and try to rewrite history into some saga of women soldiers profound sacrifices on the front lines and equality, and whatever .. as far as I'm concerned you're just making stuff up. Sure, there were Russian female soldiers, and female soldiers in other countries, but the number of women actively serving on the front lines in WW2 was MINISCULE compared to the number of men fighting. The exception doesn't disprove the rule ... WW2 was a war fought by men, as every war before it, and every war since. Even today, with women actively serving in the United States armed services, female deaths are rare. I recommend "American War and Military Operations Casualties : Lists and Statistics" for a breakdown by race, gender, etc, for basically every military conflict the U.S. has ever engaged in. Example: Operation Enduring Freedom, 2346 deaths, 50 of them were women, around 1 in 50, and that's a conflict where women widely participated. Vietnam, 8 U.S. women died, in Korea out of 35000 deaths .. 2 were females.

To claim that the overwhelming majority of combat deaths were (and are) anything but men is very disrespectful to men.

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#5 FunFun
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@Pedro said:

What's up with these delicate men that are fickle with women in positions of power?

I admit it bugs me. I'm no activist, but my grandfather who is still alive was in World War 2, my uncle in Vietnam, etc. Having women on the front lines is really disrespectful to what they actually went through, in my opinion.

Think about it if the shoe were on the other foot. People are constantly complaining about "cultural appropriation" and all this stuff, for example when an American lead played Major Kusanagi, major uproar. And that's over nothing.

During World War 2, people like my grandfather literally saw friends die. Hundreds of thousands of American service men died fighting in WW2, and if there were female American combat deaths, they were so few that it's not even worth mentioning.

Beyond that, I also don't appreciate the message that women are physically as strong as men, that's just nonsense. Men are very powerful, and violent, and I think it's dangerous to teach young woman (especially) that they can stand up to that level of power and violence in a street fight. I've been very clear with young women in my family that if they ever run across a man who is violent they need to step away and seek safety, because I know they have seen all these shows of "strong women", etc, and may believe some of that nonsense. A grown, angry, violent man is nothing to be trifled with.

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#6  Edited By FunFun
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Teenage male Battlefield V players combined with female character models that can be customized, what could possibly go wrong.

I'm sure the inevitable Youtube gameplay videos will be very ... cinematic.

Good thing BFV added "Please help me" begging and 50 new prone positions.

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#7 FunFun
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#8 FunFun
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Playstation 4 rules.