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#1 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

Check out this band (It is Electronica/Alternative/Pop

I think he is pretty amazing. (Of course, I like Electronica)

If you like Electronica, post your thoughts about his music, and if you know of any really good electronica bands, post those too. (I know of breath carolina, playradioplay!, breath electric, nickasaur, cash cash, andthentherewerenone, and swimming with dolphins)

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#2 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

My x-box 360 Arcade is not reading any discs anymore. It isn't even a year old, and I have done no physical damage to it. Anybody have any ideas? (Its like I put a disc in, it does a weird beeping sound, then it just goes from "reading" to "Open Tray")

Also, before that started happening, I put in two 360 games, and the x-box told me I must put these discs into a 360. Its as if it didn't even know it was a 360 anymore, and it just thought it was a DVD player.

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#3 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing you are looking for but I have played a game called battleships which is kind of like CTF:

The group is split into two teams and each givena deck of cards with types of battleships written on them

The details on the card describe the kinds of ship that the player can "take" and the kind that the player can be "taken" by for instances a card could have something like "cruiser" written on it and it could be taken by an "aircraft carrier" but it can take a "frigate"

each team has a "flagship" which can be taken by any other kind of ship, the idea is to capture the enemies flagship

When members of the opposite teams come into contact one tags the other, they then compare cards and if one can take the other the loser has to surrender their card and return to their group leader to recieve a new one. If the cards are the same then the person who tagged wins. When a person takes the enemy flagship their team wins.

I hope i explained that well it has been a long time since i played it :D


That's sounds pretty fun actually. It sound a little confusing though too, so I'll have to think about it.

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#4 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

Vehicle CTF? :PUTXII

LOL, nice.

Anyways, I was actually looking at something like this.(Someone just sent it to me)

Spy vs Spy vs Spy
Capture the Equipment.

Split the people into 2-3 teams with 2-3 zones. Follow the standard capture the flag rules with these exceptions.

The flag is turned into three pieces of equipment.

1. A normal flag or cone or shirt.(Side note: When dropped and carried, play like normal)

2. A Ball or other object that may be safely thrown.(Side Note: When carried, players may throw it from player to player, if the throwing object hits the ground, it must be taken back to it's original position)

3. A heavy object that will most likely slow down the player.(Side note: When object is dropped, it stays in the place where it was dropped.)

No players my throw the objects before getting tagged.

Also, a player must two hand touch a person to tag them out.

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#5 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts
I'm doing a youth group game tommorrow (it will last about 30+mins), and I already know how to play capture the flag, I was just wondering if any of you know any other great variations of it? (Like I did hear one, it was called "Spy Vs. Soldier")
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#6 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

Ok heres my story theres this girl I really like and I want to ask her to prom, I told one of my best friends that I want to ask her to prom. He said thats cool and he won't get in my way. Now all of a sudden he tells me he likes and he plans on asking her, he said he hopes it doesn't get in the way of our friendship. But how can it not, I mean he lied to me that he won't get in the way so how can I trust him now, plus he knew that I liked her. That seems pretty cold to me. I want to know your opinions if I'm being over dramatic or is my friend being a jerk?vinsanity4

Your friend sounds kinda like a jerk or at the very least did a very jerky thing.

I wouldn't break a friendship over the action he took though; I mean, it's not a big deal in the long run. I would think of it like this though, "do I want to be great friends with someone who lied to me and kinda backstabbed me". So less about the actual action and the girl involved, and more about the person that he is.

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#7 eggroll17
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I probably won't get into xlive anyways, I live in the country, I'm 16, I'm not moving out anytime soon, and our internet connenction is pretty much crap (Better than dial-up, but not better than standered DSL)

So, as long the arcade has enough room for game saves, I think I might buy it.(I usually only play 2-3 games at a time, and then I sell them if they aren't replayable games like halo 3 and dead rising)

Thanks for all the help guys, if you have anymore info, keep posting!

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#8 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts
Hmmmmm, well, the being able to not play certain games on it does not sound fun..........I'll have to check into that.
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#9 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

Hey, I'm planning on buying the 360 arcade version for 279.99$, but I was just wondering if there is anything wrong with them compared to the 350$ one?

I don't have an HD tv, and I don't play online nor will I in the near future. Also, I don't plan on putting movies on the arcade one or music or any other big file onto it, I will also not be playing older x-box games on it.(I still have an old x-box to play them on)

So mainly I was wondering, after I buy the arcade one, do I have to go out and buy a 40$ mem card anyways?(Or does the 256 MB mem unit in the arcade version have enough memory for game saves? because that's really all I'll be using it for)

Also, how long is the warranty? I heard it was 2 years, but then I went to wiki and it said it was 3 years.

And lastly, does the x-box 360 arcade version still have a lot of tech problems with it? like the 350$ one does?

If anybody can answer any of these, that would be great, thanks.

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#10 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

Ouch! Im not sure...



Eh, it's ok, I'll guess I'll just have to hook up the wi-fi and hope that it won't blow up my internet, lol.