360 buyer needing info!!!

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#1 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

Hey, I'm planning on buying the 360 arcade version for 279.99$, but I was just wondering if there is anything wrong with them compared to the 350$ one?

I don't have an HD tv, and I don't play online nor will I in the near future. Also, I don't plan on putting movies on the arcade one or music or any other big file onto it, I will also not be playing older x-box games on it.(I still have an old x-box to play them on)

So mainly I was wondering, after I buy the arcade one, do I have to go out and buy a 40$ mem card anyways?(Or does the 256 MB mem unit in the arcade version have enough memory for game saves? because that's really all I'll be using it for)

Also, how long is the warranty? I heard it was 2 years, but then I went to wiki and it said it was 3 years.

And lastly, does the x-box 360 arcade version still have a lot of tech problems with it? like the 350$ one does?

If anybody can answer any of these, that would be great, thanks.

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#2 shadow8585
Member since 2006 • 2947 Posts

You will regret buying the arcade over the pro. Get the $349, trust me. And now none of them have tech problems, the older premiums back when they were 400 did

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#3 Mau-Justice
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I would really recommend the 350$, It's just so much safer to have a hard drive. I don't know specifics, but I remember there being a few games released that couldn't be played on the Arcade version due to the hard drive. Plus it's nice to have an HDMI port, surely in a few years you will be forced to go HDTV. To me the 350$ was safer, If you play games like Call of Duty 4, you would never be able to purchase the new maps coming out because you can't store them. Plus being able to store songs, and play them over your games instead of their music.

I'm not sure about the memory card, you'll have to wait for someone else to come along. The arcade version like all 360's have hardware problems. It still has as much of a chance to get Red Rings of Death.

The warranty was increased by Microsoft to 3 years due to RROD. I would recommend a Warranty from Best Buy so you can just go exchange rather than pack up your 360 and send it to Microsoft. That's all I've got for now, hope it helped. Good luck, and welcome to the 360 party.

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#4 Scarface_tm431
Member since 2004 • 10063 Posts
I really recommend you don't get an arcade and just get a premium but if you want to, nothing I can do about it. 256 isn't much of save room, and you'll probably find that you'll constantly have to be deleting old save files. The warranty is 3 years, and any tech problems that one SKU has the other would have as well
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#5 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts
Hmmmmm, well, the being able to not play certain games on it does not sound fun..........I'll have to check into that.
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#6 Bane_v2
Member since 2003 • 6104 Posts
Game saves: it depends on the game. Some saves are small, some are large. Bioshock's saves are 20MB each for example. Warranty: it's one year for general issues, three years for the RRoD according to their FAQ. Tech problems: all versions have been updated to correct the RRoD as far as I know.
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#7 grayoldwolf
Member since 2005 • 2274 Posts

If everything you say is absolutely true, then you are indeed the target demographic for the Arcade.

You won't need an extra memory card just for game saves, 256 MB is enough.

However, I will echo other people's thoughts here: The Pro is a much better deal. It's 70 bucks more - about the price of a game - but you get sooooo much more value for your money. When you start playing Xbox 360 games, you will probably want to get into Live (even if it's just for extra content) and for that a hard drive is very beneficial indeed.

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#8 eggroll17
Member since 2006 • 1405 Posts

I probably won't get into xlive anyways, I live in the country, I'm 16, I'm not moving out anytime soon, and our internet connenction is pretty much crap (Better than dial-up, but not better than standered DSL)

So, as long the arcade has enough room for game saves, I think I might buy it.(I usually only play 2-3 games at a time, and then I sell them if they aren't replayable games like halo 3 and dead rising)

Thanks for all the help guys, if you have anymore info, keep posting!

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#9 Avenger1324
Member since 2007 • 16344 Posts

The Premium/Pro is definitely the best 360 to go for.

The harddrive really is invaluable for 360 gaming, While it isn't yet essential, the size of some gamesaves means the 256mb card will fill up quickly. The Orange Box uses 4 save files that are 20mb each, and I think that Burnout Paradise requires a harddrive for some online play.

Apart from a 20GB harddrive, you also get a wireless controller (instead of a wired one), a headset (online chatting), a cable capable of HD and SD (not included with the arcade).

If you were to buy the arcade version, and an additional memory unit (512mb) to allow more game saves, you would only be a few dollars cheaper than buying the Premium which comes with so much more.

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#11 bwolf240
Member since 2007 • 119 Posts
Wait there is a 3 year warranty for the RROD. I was planning on going to get a 360 either today or tomorrow. So do you guys think that there is a need to pay for any extended warranty or no the RROD is probably the only problem I would have?
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Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Hey, I'm planning on buying the 360 arcade version for 279.99$, but I was just wondering if there is anything wrong with them compared to the 350$ one?

I don't have an HD tv, and I don't play online nor will I in the near future. Also, I don't plan on putting movies on the arcade one or music or any other big file onto it, I will also not be playing older x-box games on it.(I still have an old x-box to play them on)

So mainly I was wondering, after I buy the arcade one, do I have to go out and buy a 40$ mem card anyways?(Or does the 256 MB mem unit in the arcade version have enough memory for game saves? because that's really all I'll be using it for)

Also, how long is the warranty? I heard it was 2 years, but then I went to wiki and it said it was 3 years.

And lastly, does the x-box 360 arcade version still have a lot of tech problems with it? like the 350$ one does?

If anybody can answer any of these, that would be great, thanks.


Lets consider this... when I bought my xbox 360 pro I didnt think that I was going to play on live... but I was sooooo wrong. Live is the reason I play my 360. your gonna get the arcade version and then decide to try xbox live then realize that you have no hard drive to store anything. if you go out and buy the stuff the pro version comes with you will spend more money.

warranty is 3 years

your xbox shouldn't have any bugs only one I know about is the disk tray scratching your disks... but I dont have that problem.

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#13 grayoldwolf
Member since 2005 • 2274 Posts

Wait there is a 3 year warranty for the RROD. I was planning on going to get a 360 either today or tomorrow. So do you guys think that there is a need to pay for any extended warranty or no the RROD is probably the only problem I would have?bwolf240

I think you'll be fine. The standard warranty covers one year for all problems (which usually occur in the first 12 months) then you have three years for the RRoD.

I paid for the extended warranty before there was the 3 year RRoD warranty, and now I regret it because I haven't had a single problem (and my console was made on 12/15/2005!)

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#14 ArsenicA
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i have an extra HDD... n ive been thinking about getting a 360 arcade... but i dont know if u can attach a HDD to an arcade 360 cuz... bc of the pics ive seen the top of the 360 where u attach the HDD... is... different from the pro. so can you attach a HDD to the arcade 360?