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#1 deebo_x
Member since 2003 • 941 Posts

Actually what happened was the ps1 before dubbed ps1 was supposed to be the next nintendo console. Nintendo knew that disc based games was the future, but did not have the technology so they partnered up with Sony to create the next nintendo console. The original verbal agreement was the Sony would get all royalties from the games produced on cds. Nintendo originally agreed, but had second thoughts so just before the anouncement of the next nintendo console, nintendo went behind sony's back and made a deal with phillips to create the games on disc while sony would create the hardware, sony was upset canceled the deal with nintendo and the rest is history.

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#2 deebo_x
Member since 2003 • 941 Posts

I know early in the 360's life cycle the failure rate was as high 50% i worked gamecrazy during that time and sent out between 25-40 360s for repairs back in 2006, but since then i don't know don't work for em anymore. I have a launch ps3 day 1 purchase running like a champ, like all my playstations before it. I have a 360 2 1/2 years old almost 3 works fine too, but i rarely play it. Only for the exclusives all multiplats i play on my ps3 so don't know if thats the reason its working fine. In fact haven't touched it since mass effect 2, and before that NG2

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#3 deebo_x
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I've beaten NG2 on master ninja and have been playing demon soul all day and its hard to compare difficulty between the too. I heard alot of people say ninja gaiden is cheap compared to Demon Soul its the most honest game I've played. On demon soul you'll run into knights which you never know how strong they are until they've wiped the floor with you in 2 attacks. Put you in situations where there are 2 such nights and a group of archers in front of you at the same timeif you take a few steps back a fire breathing dragon will toast you. I know its been said but you have to start over when you die? You'll find yourself playing more as a soul than physical form. Glad to see the game is getting good scores I'd give an 8 right now. But still NG2 was by far harder almost broke my 360 controller a few times between that and NGB.

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#4 deebo_x
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Certain games you have to play during the period of their release to see how wonderful they were. My favorite games of all time super metroid, castlevania symphony of tthe night, final fantasy 7. Had i never played those games before and played them now would of rated them much different. Shadow of colossus was a beautiful game, not perfect but uniquely designed and executed. As far as I'm concerned it was underrated. I could care less what anyone thinks of this game if they never played it within 2years of its release.


I played FF VII for the first time back in 08 (I own a bunch of PS1 games all the final fantasies being a part of it) and it was a good game. I enjoyed it a lot.

Try playing this game back in 1997-1999 and you would have enjoyed it that much more;)

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#6 deebo_x
Member since 2003 • 941 Posts

Certain games you have to play during the period of their release to see how wonderful they were. My favorite games of all time super metroid, castlevania symphony of tthe night, final fantasy 7. Had i never played those games before and played them now would of rated them much different. Shadow of colossus was a beautiful game, not perfect but uniquely designed and executed. As far as I'm concerned it was underrated. I could care less what anyone thinks of this game if they never played it within 2years of its release.

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#7 deebo_x
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[QUOTE="hopesfall2own"]1 game and cows act like they are god's gift to gaming? Why should we be surprised a metal gear game sold that much considering it was the first game worth buying? Maybe when other exclusives get to this point you can talk, 1 exclusive over 2 million, wowzers. :roll:ermacness
lems better watch out for the 27th of this month. From the demo and the already 1 mill per-orders from gamestop alone, something tells me that KZ2 will be a force to be reckoned with

Whats even more impressive thats just Europe alone

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#8 deebo_x
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[QUOTE="djsifer01"][QUOTE="ps3_owns_360Wii"]i thought games dont sell on the Ps3:Pcuddlesofwar
LMAO yah lemmings are amazing with all the BS they say on this forum. PS3 sells alot of games. I like your sarcasim

Think about it. 1 game. A game with HUGE history. A game with a HUGE fanbase. It would sell on any console. Heck, they could have released it as a PS1 exclusive and it would have sold 20 million.

Are you serious 1/4 of all PS3 owners have bought MGS4 thats impressive comparing 4.5 million sells on a console with 20million userbase to around 13 million copies what MGS2 sold(highest sold MGS) to a userbase of over 100 million makes absolutely no sense.

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#9 deebo_x
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I bought a 360 for the exclusives Dead Rising, GEOW, Halo3, Mass Effect so far its been worth it looking forward to left 4 dead and GEOW2. I'm playing Bad Company right now only to give my PS3 a rest if I cared to play the multiplayer I would be playing it on my PS3 because I usually play all multiplats on it.
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#10 deebo_x
Member since 2003 • 941 Posts


I just wanted to put my 2 cents in

[QUOTE="Steppy_76"][QUOTE="Vectah_Sigma"]I always thought that consoles matters. I know people how didnt own a DVD player because they owned a PS2 and a 360. IMO, the PS2 made DVD industry what it is now.Steppy_76

DVD was well on its way to taking over VHS. It was out for years before the PS3 and was already dropping well below 200 bucks by then, and below 100 within a year or so of the PS2 being released. The PS3 basically debuted along with the format, and is one of the cheapest players available. Also, DVD had improvements everyone could take advantage of....bluray only benefits those with HDTV's and/or 7.1 loseless audio supporting receivers.

DVD was not well on its way. It didnt outrent VHS until 2 or 3 years after the PS2 launched. The advantages over VHS was slight better visual quality and less wear and tear on movie when watching as well as no rewind. DVDs price was just one of the problems. Getting people interesting in changing their collection was the hardest part and PS2 made that painless. It was many peoples first DVD player or at least exposure to a DVD player. They became familiar with it and as PS2 owners and new adopters bought DVDs it became widlely sold and the price for DVDs and players dropped. Thats when it really took over.

How do you figure they weren't well one there way? It was set as the defacto standard that everybody could take advantage of. Of course it didn't overtake VHS overnight. had the PS2 not come along things would have progressed pretty much the same as DVD players prices were dropping like bricks. It wasn't the PS2 it was the 50 dollar chinese DVD players that knocked it out of the park. Also, DVD was on an upward slope the whole time while VHS was on a downward slope. DVD is not dying as bluray grows like VHS was, DVD is a much harder guy to knockout.

Far as dvd eventually overtaking vhs yes it would have happened with or without the ps2 because the dvd didn't have any other competition, but the ps2 made it a much faster process. When the ps2 was first released the cheapest dvd player found in stores was around 400 bucks and the average movie was around 35-40 bucks. You say there were 50 dollar chinese dvd players where? You couldn't even find a dvd player under 200 until 2003 two years after the ps2 dropped and by then the dvd was well over 50-60% penetration rate.

People also dont realize that UNLIKE last time, this time around you dont have to rebuy all of your collection on blu ray or spend money on an expensive combo machine. Instead people can just invest in a good blu ray player and their DVD collection gets a nice upgrade as well and works with their new equipment. Then they can just buy their new movie wants on blu ray like I do. 70% of the market can't use the advantages of bluray over DVD. It is even HARDER to convince them to not only buy a player they don't need, but to spend twice the money on each movie they buy. A dvd was typically 5 bucks more than the tape, where blurays are typically 10-15 bucks more. DVD also didn't have to fight digital distribution as it became a viable means of delivery.

You're almost right its actually 65% of the market can't use the benefits of blu-ray seeing that the HDtv penetration rate is at 35% actually I wouldn't be surprised if that number hasn't grown to 40% by now in the US. Over 90% of brand new purchased television sets today are high def it would be ignorant to think that most homes won't have high def tvs by 2010. In other parts of the world its around 20% in Japan its almost around 60%. I already stated the DVDs were roughly around the same price as Blu-ray movies are now actually even more. Blu-ray movies were launched at an average price of 30 bucks 10 dollars more than a dvd. In 2001 DVDs were 15 to 20 buck more than a vhs. The price of the movies are irrelevant most people who bought a player whether it was ps2, ps3 or there standalones could afford the extra cost for the movies. The higher costs for the movies aren't a major factor with rental srores like Blockbuster, Netflix, and Hollywood Video.

HDTVs are the future and most will have one as SDTV is pretty much phasing out. When they finally spend the money they will want to show it off and thats where blu ray comes in.

You're talking a pretty far distance in the future, and bandwidth is going to increase and make DD even more viable as time goes on. Bluray won the optical disc battle, but the overall war is still far from decided.

DVDs are slowly phasing out especially when most manufactures can hardly make a profit on the technology anymore the players don't sell especially when most people already have 1-3 of them in their homes. So manufactures are concentrating on the sales of high def players. HDtvs aren't the future but the present. The penetration of HDtvs is increasing at an exponential rate. One only needs to walk into a retail store and see that 95% of the tvs offered are high def. Most people are concerned that next year when analog signal will no longer be broadcast that they'll need to upgrade their televisions which isn't true of course one could buy a digital conversion box or if one already has a tv provider like cable or satellite those people won't be affected, but you'd be suprised by how many people don't know this and how many calls I get about this since I work for Comcast.

I just dont see why people hate Blu-Ray, Can someone plez answer this for me!

Most people don't hate blu-ray the technology its self. For those who show feelings of dislike for blu-ray would love to have it, if anything its either the price or inability to afford it that they dislike. Another group of people who dislike blu-ray are those who backed hd-dvd. As blu-ray players, movies, hdtvs come down in price blu-ray will and is increasing in popularity. The only thing threatening blu-ray is digital distribution which to me is a long ways off from becoming if at all the standard. A T1 connection is the only connection I could think of for anyone interested in downloading sd def movies not to mention high def ones. The cheapest T1 connection is offered at over 700 bucks a month I should know cause its my company Comcast that offers it. If you ask most people they aren't comfortable having and keeping their entire collection of movies, music and games on a harddrive due to the unreliablity of them. I think blu-ray becoming the standard is a safe bet.

I don't hate bluray, I'm just stating it has a far bigger hill to climb than DVD did.

You're right it is a higher hill to climb only because the dvd didn't have any next gen competition while blu-ray did and that blu-ray success is linked with the success of hdtvs. Yeah its a high hill but a hill that will be climbed indead.