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I don't think FIFA will have much of an impact for the Switch. Most people who want to play FIFA own a PS4 or Xbox One already.

It's just different tastes, you know? I mean as a gaming hobbyist so I am interested in all releases from Fallout 4 to Arms to Dropsy the Clown. I think Nintendo has a family friendly appeal but their games also appeal to gamers to prefer traditional games.

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Personally, the context and art style have no impact on me. If the game has fun gameplay, I'll play it. I have games that are mature themed and games that are family friendly.

I'm not sure about how attractive they are to a younger audience. Pokemon sun/moon and Animal Crossing New Leaf were big successes which I imagine had an appeal to a younger demographic as well as fans of the franchises.

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Do you mean Super Mario 64 on the N64? Super Mario World was on the SNES.

I disagree with you, personally. I find their games very compelling and are designed with my tastes in mind. I also play lots of independent games because I like game-play driven experiences that platformers, puzzle games and fighting games offer. Still, there are titles like Fire Emblem, Smash Bros. and Pikmin which are unique game-play experiences nobody else offers or has matched in their respective style for me.

I do think Nintendo's hardware hold their games back graphically and hinder the potential of scope but it also gives games like Animal Crossing, Pikmin and Splatoon the breathing room to be successful.

Animal Crossing would not have been the success it was on 3DS if it had launched on PS4 or Xbox One because the target audiences are vastly different. And Nintendo made too much of a handsome return on 3DS hardware and software to take the risk of going software only.

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I don't think it's a stretch. One open world rather than segments broken up between transition screens.

Well, we will see how it goes. It depends on their performance. Nintendo were certainly happy enough to release a sequel to Splatoon and they've been happy enough with Xenoblade Chronicles and X to produce Xenoblade 2.

Zelda is of course a heavy hitter. Not as much as Mario but it's one of Nintendo's biggest IPs next to Pokemon and Animal Crossing.

I think they produce plenty of original content. Not all of it is appealing to me but they do have a number of different franchises spread across different genres.

If you're not into their games, cool but I think having respect for people's taste is important. I'm not saying you don't, but the general impression one gets from the Internet is that people do not respect one another's tastes.

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I think there is a Mario RPG in the works but it also features the Rayman Rabbids. Not sure how you feel about them.

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That is not the definition of insanity. That's just an incorrect definition quoted from Far Cry 3. :P

The consoles you own shows you are willing to purchase a console for games but it doesn't show you have a diverse taste in games. :P

Nintendo do make family friendly video games. That's just their thing but not all of their games are rehashes. Firstly, you have Breath of the Wild which is the first adventure into an open, seamless world for the franchise since the NES. Likewise, Mario Odyssey is the first open leveled Mario game since Sunshine.

Arms is a new IP from Nintendo and looks to be a very unique and fun fighting game.

Splatoon was a franchise started on the Wii U and is getting the first sequel on Switch. Xenoblade 2 marks only the third entry in the series and only one Xenoblade title has appeared on a console thus far. 3 consoles. 3 Xenoblade games.

These are all pretty fresh games. When you consider other studios release entire trilogies or even 9 games of a series on one platform, Nintendo are well capable of spacing out their series entries while also releasing new IPs.

There are criticisms to be made for Nintendo and it's understandable that someone looking for video games with mature themes likely won't find them with Nintendo, but strong constructive criticism is healthier than critique that is a wee bit misplaced...

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@mdinger: I would have thought most gamers own either a PS4 or Xbox One now.

Why would someone buy the Nintendo Switch for 3rd party multi-platform games when they likely own a system already that can play them? Besides, the Switch will not be able to keep up in terms of performance with those systems.

I think exclusives are the most important thing for the Switch. Both first and third party exclusives.

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Perhaps Nintendo just isn't for you? You could do with opening your mind a bit more though...

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Very cool.

I look forward to giving this one a try. :)

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Because user scores can come from people who haven't even played the games and generally have some kind of agenda attached to them.

They are really unreliable.