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#1 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

Tons of older stuff that I will always go back and pick away at;

But in terms of sitting down and grinding it out;

Likely Gladius or KOTR

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#2 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

Kojima games ain't for everyone;

Case and Point.

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#3 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

Thats Handy!


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#4  Edited By cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

Mass Effect Andromeda

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Shenmue 3

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#5 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

I can still post here?

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#6 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

yea sixaxis is like the worst controller ever made. actually even the ds3. all my left analog sticks get stuck at the top left area....i hope ps4/xb1 controllers will be much better



I get that batteries die, and conrollers wear down. 

However, is it so unreasonable Sony gives me the means to replace a damn battery!!!

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#7 cosmostein77
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My biggest issue in this case is the PS3. 

On 360 at least I can toss in a pair of AA's which I have a 48 pack of on standby and play if need be, or have a second charged battery around somewhere. 

With PS3 when that battery is toast, the controller is trashed. 

I have a pair of PS3 controller which are basically wired now, they don't hold a charge and can't exist without being connected to a USB port. 


 ds3 or the sixaxis? 

Sixaxis from the launch unit, as well as the one I bought within a few months of launch. 


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#8 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

I was in my second year of University and me and some friends had bought a house close to campus, needless to say four guys didn't exactly have a ton of living room / dining room stuff so during the last few weeks of summer before school started we would drive up there saturday morning and search the side streets for yard sales under the hope that we would have a kitchen table come September. 

One Saturday I walked up to a fairly large property with stuff all over the grass that went on for what looked like forever. 

The mother had explained to me that the last of her kids had left for school overseas a few weeks ago and they were downsizing. 

After grabbing a sofa, a coffee table, and a cigerette butt burnt arm chair I saw a nice clear plastic bin with the flaps open and what appears to be the edge of an orange NES gun. 

When I got to the bin it was like a dream, 50 NES games, box and book. NES system in box, a spare NES with controllers and gun up top, with a bin behind it containing a similar SNES package, and a smaller one with Genesis stuff. 

I pulled them all out, and waited for the nice woman to come over. 

she shurgged and said something about how her son wanted these shipped but was too lazy to find a way to do it before he left and how he could likely just buy that stuff over there and stated 20 dollars?

As I nearly ripped my pants getting my wallet out assuming it was 20 bucks a box, she said you can have them all for 10 if you haul them to the car yourself. 

I gave her 20, thanked her and went on my way. 

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#9 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

Just out of curiosity....What's up with all of the battery controlled wireless controllers?  Do the console manufacturers have some agreement with Energizer and Duracell or something?  Maybe I would rather have wires than pay for/charge batteries.  How annoying is it to get into the middle of a game (especially online) and have your controller start malfunctioning due to a low battery?  Am I the only one that gets annoyed by this? 

Why are the wireless controllers pack-ins while the wired controllers have to be purchased separately?  Shouldn't it be the other way around?  I mean...If a gamer can afford to throw money at batteries, wouldn't they be more likely to be able to afford to purchase a wireless controller?  By the same token frugal gamers that couldn't afford to waste money on batteries could have a wired controller as a pack-in and NOT have to purchase one.  The way it is now, you have to make a purchase no matter what side of the fence you are on.



My biggest issue in this case is the PS3. 

On 360 at least I can toss in a pair of AA's which I have a 48 pack of on standby and play if need be, or have a second charged battery around somewhere. 

With PS3 when that battery is toast, the controller is trashed. 

I have a pair of PS3 controller which are basically wired now, they don't hold a charge and can't exist without being connected to a USB port. 

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#10 cosmostein77
Member since 2004 • 7043 Posts

Not sure if this counts;

I have my launch XBox in the living room w/ Kinect, and the one I bought later in my media room.

As I did an inventory of 360 controllers it seems I have nine. 




Did you obtain them in gaming lots?  I can understand if you did.  Atari controllers are a major offender for me.  I have a drawer full.......and then an overflow bag......and then there are the ones that are with my 2600 systems.  Honestly. I have no earthly idea how many Atari 2600 controllers I have......30.....maybe more. :lol:

While buying lots can excuse a lot of my dubs; (Genesis Controllers and Choplifter for SMS come to mind)

This one is all on me. 

When I bought my 360 at launch I got a pair of controllers. 

When some multiplayer game came out (can't recall for the life of me) it was bundled with two silver 360 controllers which got me to four. 

When I moved in 2009 I couldn't find the white controllers, so I bought two more. 

After my original 360 RROD the folks at MS would kind enough to fix it, but I retired it to the living room and got my hands on the FF white 360 Elite which came with two controllers. 

Now we are at eight. 

When I had the media room built I opted to go through every box, every cable, and every odd and sod there was and found the original two I had misplaced in 2009 (along with the Energizer charging rack they were attached to) 

Then of course Ms. Cosmo wanted a Pink Controller; 
