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#1 cobrax25
Member since 2006 • 9649 Posts

paying an extra £900 for an extra point. doesn't seem that worth it



you dont actually think that do you?

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#2 cobrax25
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though the actual review doesnt seem to be up, but presumably its because the PC version is supposedly a lot less buggy.

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#3 cobrax25
Member since 2006 • 9649 Posts


[QUOTE="Advid-Gamer"]I didnt do any research on Fallout NV, but I really liked fallout3 so I bought it. I was disappointed after 2 hrs of play because it seems to be exactly fallout3 with a new story. It has been years since FO3 release and I would think they could have changed this game alot more. I am sure I will enjoy it, but it really just seems like a giant mod or expansion like you said, I wanted a whole new game, then again it is my fault for not doing more research. I havent had a problem with bugs yet, but I wouldnt give this game a AAA just because it seems like the work was done for them all ready with FO3, all they had to do was make a new story, you would think since most of the work was done from the get go, they could have atleast released a very polished game with no bugs. Advid-Gamer

FO3 was Oblivion with guns and a new story. It used the same engine as Oblivion, and was a glitchy bugfest as well. I could see your complaint if the sequel to FO3 was still in the Capital Wasteland, reusing all those maps and characters. But New Vegas is a huge new territory. That's a ton of work.

How? I dont make games, but it seems to me if you already have the engine,characters, the way the game plays etc.... What do you really need to do? People that make mods do this all the time in there free time for no porfit. Alot of what I have seen in NV looks recycled from FO3. I not saying they didnt design anything at all, but they use a ton from a game that was already there. I am not even bashing NV, I am playing it as we speak, I am just pointing out the obvious.

Its not like all the content is recyled from Fallout 3, there are plenty of new assets in their. The fact that they reuse old ones only means that the game itself ends up with a lot more content then they would have had if it was all new.

Besides, they clearly put a huge amount of work in the writing, quest, and world design. And while these arent "new features" they might as well be considering how much better all those are then in Fallout 3.

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#4 cobrax25
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Yeah its buggy. But as far as Im concerned this is the game Fallout 3 should have been. It manages to capture what the series is like to a much better level the Fallout 3 ever did.

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#5 cobrax25
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Funny how they complain about technical issues in the game on the front page, then you click the review and it's a 404 error......look who's talking.


That's not a tech issue. I think they're re-reviewing the game with the new patches.

Their not, every page has an error now.

And they only reviewed the console versions, which havent even been patched yet.

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#6 cobrax25
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[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Umm no......Bethesda brought back the Fallout series, with Fallout 3, otherwise, like i said in a previous reply the Fallout series would've dropped off the face of the earth without most people even ever hearing about it.Slimmin360

Calling Fallout 3 a fallout game is a bit of a stretch.

Actually Calling it an RPG is a bit a stretch too.

Ya' know what...whatever then i guess i'm not a real Fallout fan because i loved everything about Fallout 3...maybe i'm just a Bethesda fan because i also loved Oblivion.

That sounds about right.

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#7 cobrax25
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[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Why ? Oh thats easy, to make it BETTER, and they did, i think the V.A.T.S. system is still one of the coolest things ever implemented into a game, seeing a fera ghoul or super mutants head get blown off in slow mo and bloody eyeballs roll on the ground never ever gets old. Bethesda is a developer way ahead of it's time, and when BRINK is released they'll prove it again.Slimmin360

Their not developing Brink, and honestly it sounds like your looking for an FPS, and not an RPG. Bethesda pretty much ruined the Fallout series with their crappy writing and lack of decent mechanics. Obsidian has brought it back.

Umm no......Bethesda brought back the Fallout series, with Fallout 3, otherwise, like i said in a previous reply the Fallout series would've dropped off the face of the earth without most people even ever hearing about it.

Calling Fallout 3 a fallout game is a bit of a stretch.

Actually Calling it an RPG is a bit a stretch too.

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#8 cobrax25
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[QUOTE="Slimmin360"] Why ? Oh thats easy, to make it BETTER, and they did, i think the V.A.T.S. system is still one of the coolest things ever implemented into a game, seeing a fera ghoul or super mutants head get blown off in slow mo and bloody eyeballs roll on the ground never ever gets old. Bethesda is a developer way ahead of it's time, and when BRINK is released they'll prove it again.Slimmin360

Except Splash Damage is developing Brink... Bethesda is merely publishing it.;)

Fine...then they'll prove it again with Elder Scrolls 5 and Fallout 4.

How? By them having crappy RPG Mechanics, writing, and story like all the other Bethesda games?

Fallout 3 and Oblivion are RPG's made for people that have never played one before. Thats really the easiest way to describe it. As soon as you get some sort of basis of comparison you start to see how bad they really are.

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#9 cobrax25
Member since 2006 • 9649 Posts

Runs better then Fallout3 did for me personally.

50-65 FPS all the time.. EXCEPT.. this one time in this building there was maybe 4 people? and it slowed down to 25 FPS for one second.

Nothing big though yet for me as far as problems go, must be lucky!
Thanks for posting this thread though bud, that fix might help some people out who are having issues!


yeah thats what I was talking about, it seems to be the glitch everybody is getting. If it doesnt bother you then its not a big deal, but the fix I posted got rid of it for me.

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#10 cobrax25
Member since 2006 • 9649 Posts


[QUOTE="Slimmin360"]so have a little respect and appreciation for the dev's who resurrected the series so you so called original Fallout fans could continue to enjoy it. Slimmin360

If they resurrected a old franchise so old fans could enjoy it again why did they completely change the gameplay?

Why ? Oh thats easy, to make it BETTER, and they did, i think the V.A.T.S. system is still one of the coolest things ever implemented into a game, seeing a fera ghoul or super mutants head get blown off in slow mo and bloody eyeballs roll on the ground never ever gets old. Bethesda is a developer way ahead of it's time, and when BRINK is released they'll prove it again.

Their not developing Brink, and honestly it sounds like your looking for an FPS, and not an RPG. Bethesda pretty much ruined the Fallout series with their crappy writing and lack of decent mechanics. Obsidian has brought it back.