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#1 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

Over 11 million gamers disagree. The sheer amount of content added to wow is many times that of a standard run of the mill game. Take that into account and your getting many times the play. Sure its not for everyone, and if the content is not to your tastes or the cost to high to justify play something else. I have had 2 long stretches of wow during both of those it actually saves me money, since i did not bother to game on anything else. Using this same logic you could say its a rip off they charge $60 bucks for each retail copy. Even being done with wow now it was highly enjoyable for the time i played it and well worth the money to me. Xbox live is another story for me. I have all the consoles and i had to fork out another $60 dollars to enjoy some multiplayer on gears 3. After i have played killzone and other games on the ps3 the experience minus the party chat is not any differant, infact all my friends have switched this year to ps3 on the sports game front, as its been cheaper, and everyone i know finnally has one due to the nice exclusive content they have been pushing. Alot of them used to be diehard lemmings but they all secretly got on board the ps3 bandwagon.

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#2 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

This was just started now, it will be a launch title for the playstation 5...

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#3 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

Yes this is true and its been building up slowly overtime. Its the reason why streaming services like netflix are doing so well. No inventory, much harder to pirate and distrubution over the air means less overhead. Also the advantage of patching over the air, while you can do this and its done as a patch to a disc most games nowadays just instal off the media anyways. The entire world is moving towards cloud computing PCs are going to be endangered species soon, Microsoft know this thats why its going the way it is with windows 8. Tablets and Smartphones are getting to be more economical and practical as they get faster and faster. in afew years time LTE build outs from wireless carriers will exceed land lind alternatives and make alot more things possible over the cloud. a 50g game in under a hour or playable by streaming the install, sure its coming. Just not yet, i think the next line of consoles will probably be the last with physical media. The networks have to be built out and paid for, for the prices to fall inline that makes these kinds of dataspeeds affordable to the majority of people.

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#4 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

I still do not understand why it matters. Just becouse the 3ds outsells the vita does not make the Vita a failure. The 3ds is a handheld from nintendo, it will sell itself. The PSP was heavly outsold but its still been a great handheld. Sony Sells twice as many TVs as Samsung, but Samsung still sells TVs and alot of people are happy with them. the 3ds has more apeal to certain people then others. I prefer Pepsi over Coke, more people like Coke, but Pepsi is still a billion dollar brand,. I do not see any fail here.

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#5 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

All this talk about next gen and what microsoft and sony is doing, and my favorite game this entire gen is a Euro/Japan Exclusive Xenoblade Chronicals, on the Wii :)

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#6 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

Its possible, we do not fully understand it yet. Being reversed engineered from the spacecraft crash in Nevada. Some of its untapped power might be seen in the next playstation. This being a better reproduction of the alian orginal...

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#7 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

I will be getting all of em, again, maybe not all at first but at some point i will have all of em. Just too many games that i want to enjoy on each of the systems. Just finished Xenoblade on the Wii and lol its the best game i have played this entire generation, .. Since i am sure the wii u will have its nintendo games i must play,.Not a big halo fan but i will want to play them,so ill need a xbox, and well sony just has too much first party great games i can not get anywhere else but the ps4. Computer gets its yearly upgrades aswell, but i still enjoy sitting on the couch with the big screen and console.

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#8 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

I just finished my imported copy. Is sad really, its one of the best games i have played this Gen by miles. The way they took the art direction and the sence of scale made me forget i was playing a WII game. The story was fantastic and once i got abit way thru it, it was hard to put it down. Everytime i thought i was at the end of it, becouse well lesser games would have ended i found it kept going with some good twist and continuation of the story, its very well made.

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#9 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

This is one area microsoft has years of experience in. Hackers have been at windows for years. They are primarly a software company. Dealing with hackers has always been a ongoing thing. They hack this microsoft patches that. Anyone who thinks windows is secure is fooling themselfs. There is a 100 million dollar industry just to keep secure what should be from the get go. But Xbox Live benifits from the years of knowing. Sony and alot of other companies are new to the Network dance, They will come out of this much more secure and, upper managment will make security more of a priority. A smart hacking group does not go public with what they have done. Its also why most of the asshats who are hackers are just doing it for the fun. Much the same way idiots make computer virus with no purpose but to screw you.

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#10 cloudman5
Member since 2006 • 81 Posts

Well Sony say it has alot of other exclusives to anounce, willing to bet, most if not all of those will be 2012 titles Sonys Playstation store will also be back sometime 2012

Microsoft will have its Exclusives too , Halo 2 HD, Forza 5 and Gears of War 4, and do not forget Cookie monster Twice apon a Cookie 2 Kinect. :)