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#1  Edited By chaplainDMK
Member since 2008 • 7004 Posts

@ianhh6 said:

@chaplainDMK: Well it's not like we lace our paellas with drugs haha but yeah from what I've seen Spain has been getting quite the worldwide fame of having crazy parties and people :S

Haha ye I know, but I'd have a hard time keeping myself clean probably.

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#2  Edited By chaplainDMK
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Had sex in a tent, drugged and drunk out of my mind. Cant' say I really liked it to be honest, felt like a class A douche when I even told the girl to piss off in the morning because I was so hung-over.

Otherwise I drink quite regularly, and I usually smoke cigs when I'm drunk. Though I don't smoke otherwise. I also semi-regularly do drugs, and really really semi-regularly have the odd one night stand.

@ianhh6 said:

@lamprey263: Hey, everything I've done has been in Spain too! :P so what part of Spain was it? Just to know incase I want to plan a trip...

also what are mushrooms like? How do they leave you the following day? I'm not sure if I wanna try them or not

Hah, I've actually had the chance to go study a semester in Spain, and I didn't want to because everyone I talked to only got smashed out of their heads for how long they were down there. Still want to go backpacking there though, especially with less obligations hanging over my head lol

@BiancaDK said:

@ianhh6: i've had a girlfriend who was anti-pot as well. Kept talking about somekinda' weed-induced "psychosis". Laughable!

Dont know if that's sarcasm, but pot psychosis is kind of true, I mean there are a few studies that sort of link smoking pot and ingesting other drugs to increased risk of psychosis. Not that it actually causes it, but it's a trigger that can set it off in vulnerable people. Especially for Schizophrenia.

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#3 chaplainDMK
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Immortal during the night, go to parties, pick fights with everyone and ingest absurd quantities of drugs and alcohol, become some sort of tragic rock-star figure.

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#4 chaplainDMK
Member since 2008 • 7004 Posts

@GazaAli said:
@chaplainDMK said:
@GazaAli said:

I hate to burst your bubble and break your usual Russia-bashing circlejerk, but:

"No, we are not arguing that they did not fly [to the moon] and only shot a film. But all of these scientific - or perhaps cultural - artefacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will show [what has happened]," Markin writes."

What the Russians are arguing is that just like the U.S appointed itself the arbiter of international football, the world needs to step in and take care of the collective legacy of humanity by launching a probe into the disappearance of the original footage of the moon landing and the obscure fate of moon rocks collected in that mission.

It helps to read the source before commenting.

The NASA Apollo space program was the United State's own national project so if they want to make a freaking sunday BBQ with all the Moon landing tapes as fuel and the 400 kilos of space rock as charcoal while roasing space aliens they locked up in Roswell, that's kind of their own business.

The current corruption affair includes the FBI and all that jazz because a load of people in the American FIFA thingy were caught with their hands in the cookie jar, specificaly for the Copa Americana 2016 and some other jazz. These investigations also uncovered a lot of stuff about bribery for the FIFA Presidential elections and FIFA World Cup selection, which the FBI released to the Swiss FIFA (the main one). As far as I know they ordered the US to actually lead the investigation worldwide. That's why the US is involved, they kind of got a good start on it, so they got the job. Otherwise the case overall is I think a Swiss criminal case, since FIFA is based in Switzerland.

So yeah, Russia and a few others got busted and now they are being sore loosers. GJ.

I'm not necessarily agreeing with Russia on this; I was merely pointing out that the Russian contention is unrelated to the veracity of the moon landing, unlike what many members believe in this topic.

As for the FIFA investigation, my knowledge of it is cursory so I can't pass a judgement. From what I gather, the investigation is primarily a Swiss criminal investigation, although Switzerland asked for the help of the U.S vis-a-vis American FIFA officials who are allegedly involved in the corruption charges. I don't know if the FBI remained within its jurisdiction or whether it trespassed it, in which case Russia's protestation wouldn't be unfounded as the U.S isn't the world's police.

On a slightly different note, FIFA has been corrupt for God knows how long, and everybody seemed to turn a blind eye to that. The timing of this cracking down on FIFA corruption does raise a flag in my opinion, which once again rationalizes the Russian malcontent. Again, I'm not necessarily sympathizing with Russia, but the matter is more complicated and political than what members in this topic make it out to be.

If the Swiss authorize the US to lead the investigation it's perfectly in their authority to do all of this. They aren't handing down the sentences, they are only doing the investigation for the Swiss who will then hand down the punishments. The US can do it for people that have done business with US firms and/or people that are US citizens.

This is nothing complex politically, Russia got busted. Everyone else might be doing the same, but Russia got busted. The investigation proved this, while you have no proof of anyone else yet. So arguing "oh but everyone else is corrupt anyhow, everyone should be investigated" is kind of idiotic. With this logic we can just start investigating everything FIFA ever did ad infinitum. If Russia has proof of for example the US doing stuff like this they can send a report to the FIFA, and they'll probably launch an investigation into it. Right now they are only sore loosers going "welll... you probably did it too!".

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#5  Edited By chaplainDMK
Member since 2008 • 7004 Posts

@GazaAli said:

I hate to burst your bubble and break your usual Russia-bashing circlejerk, but:

"No, we are not arguing that they did not fly [to the moon] and only shot a film. But all of these scientific - or perhaps cultural - artefacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will show [what has happened]," Markin writes."

What the Russians are arguing is that just like the U.S appointed itself the arbiter of international football, the world needs to step in and take care of the collective legacy of humanity by launching a probe into the disappearance of the original footage of the moon landing and the obscure fate of moon rocks collected in that mission.

It helps to read the source before commenting.

The NASA Apollo space program was the United State's own national project so if they want to make a freaking sunday BBQ with all the Moon landing tapes as fuel and the 400 kilos of space rock as charcoal while roasing space aliens they locked up in Roswell, that's kind of their own business.

The current corruption affair includes the FBI and all that jazz because a load of people in the American FIFA thingy were caught with their hands in the cookie jar, specificaly for the Copa Americana 2016 and some other jazz. These investigations also uncovered a lot of stuff about bribery for the FIFA Presidential elections and FIFA World Cup selection, which the FBI released to the Swiss FIFA (the main one). As far as I know they ordered the US to actually lead the investigation worldwide. That's why the US is involved, they kind of got a good start on it, so they got the job. Otherwise the case overall is I think a Swiss criminal case, since FIFA is based in Switzerland.

So yeah, Russia and a few others got busted and now they are being sore loosers. GJ.

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#6  Edited By chaplainDMK
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Lamb of God has pretty sick riffs all the time.

Otherwise Kyuss, Alice in Chains, Mastodon, Iron Maiden, Melvins, Carcass, Black Sabbath, Arctic Monkeys (lol), Dead Kennedys, Dire Straits etc.

@KHAndAnime said:

To me, Defeated Sanity is the king of riffs. While your usual rock or metal song has a few riffs per song, sometimes up to 6....Defeated Sanity is always rocking at least a dozen good ones in their songs. And unlike your usual rock or metal band...Defeated Sanity actually writes the music around the riffs, rather than writing riffs to back up with that lead singer is doing (majority of rock music). They always take the extra step to make a riff more technical, varied, and interesting. Their guitarist plays with more vigor than anyone I've heard. The usual Black Sabbath song would take me a couple of days to learn to play. The usual Defeated Sanity song would take me a couple of weeks, if not over a month.

Loading Video...

Most rock bands (especially the more riffy ones) make a song first and put lyrics over them later. You can listen to the demos when they just have random humming and weird stupid ryhmes over parts of songs as stop-gaps before they finish up the lyrics.

Also god I can't stand modern brutal death, it's getting way too random and ungroovy just to stay edgy. It's just a random mish-mash of various riffs that sometimes barely even make sense together, with a awfully generic breakdown in the middle, and just random grunting over it, totally disconnected from the music. Old stuff like Infecting the Crypts always feels so much heavier and more brutal than this stuff, this just feels like it's trying too hard. /rant /nothingpersonal /nooffense :D

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#7 chaplainDMK
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Thank god Vietnam has it's own theme song(s). Every freaking Vietnam trailer and you have freakign CCR in it freaking freakkkkkkkk

*i dont hate CCR, I like CCR, but seriously, this is getting old, it's like having American idiot play in every post modern shooter trailer*

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#8 chaplainDMK
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@X_CAPCOM_X said:

@sts106mat: 127 is a great sample size for the total population size.

lrn 2 stats, don't go off of your feelings bro

If your total population is in the few thousands it aint bad.

Otherwise, Microsoft would have won if this was the console release year, but going for backwards compatibility and stuff as a big deal is kind of grasping at straws.

At Sony's camp you had Horizon and The Last Guardian which are two exciting new IP's for the console, and you generally remember a console more on the merits of it's own games than it's backwards compatibility. Gears 4 and Halo 5 (and Uncharted 4 at Sony's camp) just didn't catch me. They looked exactly the same as their previous gen versions.

Both camps really need to go after new IP's, you cant just make the same games for a new generation.

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#9 chaplainDMK
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@lonewolf604 said:
@jdc6305 said:

It's Battlefield with a coat of Star Wars paint. I wasn't impressed in the slightest.

What exactly were the old Battlefront games then? They don't seem that much different.


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#10 chaplainDMK
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@Cloud_imperium said:
@chaplainDMK said:
@Cloud_imperium said:

It was great. Doom was highlight of the show for me.

Doom looks depressing to me. It's just a regular old shooter, way too many samey machine-gun guns, arena locations where monsters spawn until you hit some magical threshold, boring enemy designs and the health system seems just as stupid as regen health.

I hope that's just the demo here. But right now it just looks like CoD in hell with 8 guns instead of 2. They need to have less respawning enemies, a health-kit based health system and more open levels. Doom was (in my opinion) so great because it was more or less some form of Metroid-vania in 3D. What this meant is that you started a level, and then had to sort of make up a plan on what to do. Each room was a risk vs reward situation - you had to risk clearing the enemies in the room for the reward of extra ammo, equipment, guns or a keycard. If you did well you got away with minimal damage and got some new goodies to make clearing the next room easier, while if you fucked up you had to either make it up in the next room, or actually think a bit and try to remember where you left some spare medkits and stuff. This made the game just so much more deeper than a simple linear shoot-em-up that this Doom looks like it is.

I mean I'm not implying that I want to remake Doom I & II in Id Engine 6, but they need to add depth to the game. Just shooting people isn't enough quite frankly. Serious Sam got away with it because it has much more open areas with more interesting enemy designs, it's basically a 3D bullet hell game. But this Doom is just some weird Call of Duty meets Doom bastard child, no matter what the health bar and unlimited weapon count tells you.

Looks nothing like COD. Which COD game has double jumping, health pickups, keycards, unlimited inventory, ability to shoot during sprinting? Nope... it looks like Doom IMO and I loved it.

Which Doom game had double jumping or sprinting? And where in the videos did you see keycards?

The health pick-up system is imho just as bad as CoD's, as it takes no skill. All you have is that instead of hiding to regen your health, you have to keep killing to regen your health.

All the while the levels are just linear corridors, the search for key-cards is gone (that one hand he rips off? yea, because that was one hell of a search for it).

Everyone thinks Doom is just slaughter thousands of demons and zombies and stuff, while totally forgetting that you actually had quasi-open maps, secrets, multiple ways to approach each situation, multiple enemy types that werent just variants of Demon with gun and multiple weapons that werent just variants of assault rifle with odd shooting systems.

I dont know, maybe it has all this and they'll reveal it later, but right now it just looks like a Call of Duty clone that took some inspiration from Wolfenstein The New Order. Hardly even close to similar to the old Doom games.