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@smashthestars: Meh. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but if it wins GOTY then we had a really weak year.

inb4 you say "You probably want Zelda to win you Nintentard lololol". Actually no, I think that Zelda has flaws too . I think it's better than Horizon, for sure, and was a great experience, but I hope another game puts BotW in it's place, like Middle-Earth or Mario Odyssey. I won't be mad if either game wins GOTY, I don't really care anyways, but as a consumer I always want better games to come out because it benefits me and you.

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@khanwashere: Lmao have you seen the Steam reviews recently? After the whole modding thing the game tanked HARD.

I guess I underestimated how much of an impact modding had on the game. I always assumed free online updates kept the game afloat.

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@khanwashere: Yeah, yeah, blah blah 4k blah, it's a pretty game, and I did have fun with it, but it gets kinda boring in the second half, with little new content to keep you going as the story progresses, besides story, of course. Combat gets repetitive. Battles go the same. You realize how dull and lifeless the world is, despite being very pretty graphically. The world is there to be there and there's little to do and interact with as you travel. Little reason to explore the huge world they built other than progression in the story. And even the story, while still really good, has flaws. It's a good game, and I can't wait to see how the devs improve on it for later titles, but it's hardly a masterpiece.

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Actually, overused and false. There's plenty to play on the Switch. I'm having fun with MK8D and Rast RMX. Still going for the 100% in Zelda. Thumper is loads of fun but it's kicking my ass. I finally got to play World of Goo and Little Inferno. I don't plan on picking up ARMS right now but when it get's more content I might. Oh, and I also have great ports of 2 Metal Slug games to take on the go.

Every console has a shit start. The Xbox One's biggest launch titles were Ryse, Killer Instinct, and Deadrising 3, and all of them sucked ass. I'm confident in the Switch, especially after E3, and in between games I always have my gaming PC with a plethora of Steam titles to fall on like a smart gamer.

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Edited By BHDude

@raunsmith: So you didn't read my post at all? Because you're just making yourself look dumber and dumber every time you speak. It's pretty funny, actually. Too funny. I'm actually starting to think you're just a troll. No human can be that special.

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@raunsmith: Wow I can't believe I'm having this discussion.

So what, you played 5 seconds of the game and decided it was too childish for your "adult" needs and went to play Call of Duty or Hatred or some other edgy game? Are you five? Stylized graphics don't determine a good game. You can say you don't like it but it's completely invalid to reject a game bases on it's style. The game play is rich and the world is full of islands to explore. The combat is fluid and the game's bosses and dungeons invest you into exploring and puzzle solving mixed with combat...

..and you won't play it because "is bab game lol need dark gam". Is Wind Waker perfect? No. Traveling the sea to get from point A to B (until you get fast travel, but even still) is a fucking bore when you don't want to stop at every island and it's a bit on the easier side of the Zelda spectrum (the turning point from Majora's Mask to Twilight Princess where the games went from reasonably difficult to literally the easiest thing ever). But I believe the pros outweigh the cons.

I also think Twilight Princess is a mediocre game. I think it's plot with Midna is very interesting and the characters are, well, passable, but the game play and dungeons are dumbed down, the over world is so bland and empty and there's really little incentive to explore, and it tries so hard to be Ocarina of Time that it's embarrassing when it fails to compete with the game. Items have no use out of their respective dungeon, which feels wasteful, especially when a linear game like TP knows exactly what items you will have at what points. What about pacing? Lol who needs decent pacing, amirite? Certainly TP thought so because it sucks in that regard. I'm not even going to touch wolf link. Oh, and Ganondorf has no reason the be in the game other than "lol is Zelda needs Ganon fight", which is actually pretty easy but whatever.

See what I did there? I didn't mention the graphics because I'm not a little twat and instead shared reasonable subjective opinions as to why I don't really like Twilight Princess. I make a rational case and put it to dispute, covering the multiple aspects of what makes a game good. Whenever someone makes a review of a game, there are a PLETHORA of things a reviewer has to consider to make a review valid. That's objective fact and you whining about it won't change that.

I don't hate people who like the game, as I'm sure you don't hate people who like Wind Waker, but at least try to defend your case. But knowing you, your next response is gonna be "Shut up Wind Waker is a baby game and I represent the entire Zelda crowd in saying Twilight Princess is the REAL Zelda game" despite it being trashed by many people and reviewers "also you're dumb and I'm right and reason is for little kids who play Wind Waker also it's for babies I'm bored of this conversation i'm gonna play CoD and clean my fidget spinner collection"

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@raunsmith: When you can't even form a rational argument because you probably haven't even played the game and are shitting on it because it's cel shaded.

You know what else is cel shaded? Breath of the Wild. The contender for game of all time. You're argument is invalid until you give me real evidence that you don't like the game.

Also, I literally stated I don't care if you don't like the game as long as you give a good reason so you just kind of look dumb.

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Edited By BHDude

@raunsmith: Damn, you're a big boy aren't you? You need some big boy games, huh?

I can handle people disliking a game, because we're entitled to our opinions and stuff, but when you're saying shit like "The graphics look childish" it makes you look like a c unt. Give me a good reason that you don't like the game other than "I'm an entitled twat who needs edgy graphics to stave off my 12 year old needs".

I can only image what the other game you don't like is.

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@Jdzspace what dont you get? how to play or the story behind it?

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@Intocable to answer your original question, you work at a pizza parlor as a night guard to keep watch. At night, the animatronics come to life and try to enter the room in which the will think you are an animatronic exoskeleton and stuff you in a suit full of wires and cross beams. There are multiple theories, such as the animatronics are haunted by the souls of the five kids who are abducted and killed by an employee who dresses in a freddy costume, as via the first games news clippings, or that the game is the nightmare of the murderer from said killings.'s_2 to learn more

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