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Would you also play God of War, Super Mario SB Horizon Zero Dawn, Zelda BoW, Bloodborne, Uncharted ? or you probably have already ?

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Both State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves are v cheap on PC, seen deals as low as 9.99 EUR, On consoles SoD2 dropped to around 15 EUR while Sea of thieves released at premium price now slashed big time as well as PUBG on XB 12.99 EUR. I enjoyed SoD2 a bit more on XB1 I just made recruiting/adding people with diff skills to my base, find out about multiple methods, searching books then go destroy Plague hearts as a main mission but it became boring after a short while and also I got it almost at release so the amount of bugs was really annoying. Actually you'll be surprised to know although am not a huge MS fan and certainly belong to team "leave gaming to Asians to organize" but the 2 games I enjoyed most out of MS are Sunset OD and QB, played both on XB1 and sunset was fun, QB take the TV show out it was actually OK, didn't hate as much as most critics did.

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Edited By Berrlett


Judging by the time of your reply I am guessing you writing back from the US/NA, do you know how much is State of decay 2 and Sea of thieves on PC in Europe ?

For me personally Ninja Theory have a decent track record, however, what type of contracts they have with MS and others I really don't know, it could be the next title or even 2 will remain multiplats due to contracts and agreements.

Agree, the last Halo was disaster, Gears 4 for me was a bit more enjoyable than halo 5 guardians but I only play single player campaigns, hardly anything online. I've unlocked nearly 30 achievements in state of decay 2, still see the first a tiny bit better but both are empty, shallow but again I don't play online with others. If no exclusivity for the Box of any form rolling into next gen then again, won'r be too optimistic in terms of competition, might do well on its own but for me market will still be dominated by Nintendo and Sony. I prefer consoles, have an Xbox one for MS exclusives but all of my mates if any interested will just get MS games on PC.

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Edited By Berrlett


PlayStation 1 was an exception at the time due to several factors, introducing the disc technology and buying the rights to some big, uprising franchises like FF (uprising in the west) and TR to a name a few. Sony laid a strong foundation and the PS2 was born rich, everybody knew it was going to do great.

Xbox can deliver a much stronger performance next gen if; true what they say there will be a streaming console (cloud) BUT a regular Xbox with physical discs etc as internet is not yet 100% stable in a lot of places in the world (not make the same mistake and prioritize American market features)

Reserve some exclusivity to Xbox, at least with heritage titles, Halo, Gears and Forza with a tag on them "play ONLY on Xbox". Maybe avail for PC/W10 couple of years later if must but better to remain 100 exclusivity for the Xbox.

The key to MS/Xbox next gen is the studios they acquired, these have to pump AAA or even decent AA titles exclusive to MS/Xbox, if we end up with mediocre, budget titles like the last 2 games came out for MS/Xbox then no change, and if no change, they will get beat again. Sony will just brag about their pipeline of exclusives and steal the show again.

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You are maybe arguing a system doing alright but excuse me if wanted to share how I feel about your posts, now and old (you are obviously entitled to ignore) but you are a hardcore Xbox Fan (there is nothing wrong with that by the way, its your choice), for a system that is proven to be world least popular (including NA/NPD), no games exclusive to it, not selling as well as competition not even near, launched more expensive than competition for no reason you write a whole page defending it like this with such rigor and believe you are sir ;) we do perceive things differently and thats fine.

N64 was a different time, that was mid 90s a time when 30M+ sold was a success, but you are right in the sense this console deserved more but due to Sega on and off attempts at the console market but they did have a faithful following and PS1 launching mid 90s buying rights to a lot of big hitters like FF, RE, TR and more N64 was limited in sales but I'd disagree that most Nintendo sold less then Xbox One, NDS, GB, Wii, GBA, N3DS, NES & SNES all sold more than Xbox one.

Since you don't like the copy/paste answers :) in regards to your second paragraph, in very simple terms that honestly I wouldn't know how to otherwise explain in depth, profit is NOT ONLY you pay your supplier 100 USD for a merchandise and sell it for 200 USD = 100 USD profit... its not like that there are a lot of factors involved, among those there are ratios related to the market in which you operate, in that sense no it isn't a successful machine, its more like if the PS4 sold 86M and the Xbox lagging second with 80M or even 75M sold then yes this means your product is on par with your market operation VS market rev value. Maybe this of no interest to you but I suggest if you like to know more about it;

This guy is American and he's one of the best if not the best (in my opinion he is) simply because of his approach and the fact he can include all levels of reception/comprehension during his sessions or books so he's a good start to what/how profit is generated and calculated.

I never said "ridiculous" about anything you stated was simply asking sources as to my knowledge they are (MS) not at 45M and simply drawing conclusion from EURO market as here seriously NOT selling almost at all and I know in Japan/Asia its a hard sale too. Why wouldn't I believe WIKI ?

My opinion is set on Xbox because of Xbox reality, not a hater, bet I have more achievements on Xbox exclusives than a lot come here to defend it (don't mean you), I never hated any console I do dislike MS for the way they killed the Xbox but thats a different discussion.

I heard about an OZ guy who worked as an IT for Sega for over 2 decades, now he's retired and resides back in his home country, was interviewed, one of the questions was if Sega dropped all interest in console market and no way back, he was quoted to say "absolutely not" so there you go, maybe DC2 one day, maybe a merger with MS... why not.

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I have nothing personal or bias against the Xbox and currently playing SoD2 on OG Xbox1, to the contrary, I think you're a hardcore Xbox fan and like the big majority of Xbox hardcore fans (what is left of them) unable to see beyond your nose. The Xbox one this generation (8th generation of consoles) in Math/it failed, in Economy/it failed in logic/it failed there is no other way around it or denying it, the statement "destroyed by competition" is different to "marginally beaten by competition" in all above disciplines and it was only held because of a giant like MS (check topics like Marketshare/Marketshare forecast).... Have you ever asked yourself why did they release its entire library on PC ? instead of this corporate BS they feeding their consumers of (we are a family) so "playanywhere"... no sir, thats because the Xbox one install base is not sufficient enough/not selling so games funded by MS coming from studios owned by MS have to sell copies to keep the wheel turning.. nothing pro consumer about it otherwise they would have done it from the days of 360 but 360 was selling well.

Dreamcast had a decent library, committed team, Shenmue, Soulcalibar, actually one of the best Resident Evils to my memory I played on DC "Code Veronica" before they went multiplats. Sega made couple of bad calls and they paid the price for it, but fair play to them they pulled out of the console market after the fiasco that was Saturn and DC, maybe other companies can learn from this ;)

After MS I would look at neutral, non profit sites, on wiki it says PS4 sitting at 86.1M Xbox One at 39.1 (actually very good for a brand/console absolutely not worth it this gen - get an ok PC and you're good to go) but still that is a huge margin/gap with competition. Would think WW is not on the discussion table for MS but at least if they can secure local sales (NA) where i'd imagine most of their costly, aggressive marketing campaigns taking place but even that is not happening and while you're dancing around singing (its a success....its a success) guys at MS are scratching their head thinking what can we do to turn this table around in NA/NPDs.

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Yes exactly, you can nowadays even google ECON and learn more about it so you see how market share value/factor impacts profit (simply put if you sell 30 burgers and your competition sells 100 there is something wrong). You don't have to go to school for it. Dreamcast life span was 2 years before Sega discontinued it due to bad decision but actually was a 100 times better console than XB1 in its 5th year and sales are still poor compared to competition NA and worldwide by an at least 2 fold margin. Where did you get 45M ? MS themselves won't even dream of this number at this point let alone announcing it.

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Edited By Berrlett


Hidden exclusivity ? as in Rise of the tomb raider, PUBG to mention a few. there are no exclusives on Xbox going forward, these are W10 applications. I see your point but you also see no one (not to my knowledge anyways) hyped the witness or abzu, actually will be confident to say most PS gamers never played them and I think most won't. I don't see anything wrong with my English nor do I see any desperation in my comment, simply stating facts.

Do you actually know a lot of European countries weren't in MS commercial interest to release Xbox One "Worldwide release" as you claim and were released for some a year later and we're talking about the console itself let alone a side scroller.. I don't live in these countries, more west Europe but xbox or anything related to it is nearly non existent so I understand their call when not releasing everything day one because they just simply...... don't sell.

No of course I totally agree and there are perhaps 100s of these Japanese titles never seen the light in the west but again I personally don't see a lot of hype for them, PS case they are usually overshadowed by bigger exclusives and more of a commercial appeal to them like God of War, Marvel Spider-Man, HZD, Uncharted etc because Sony Has them. Not diminishing, will be in London in a few weeks and will be looking to get physical copies of Ori and the blind forest and Cuphead for sure, but will get them for what they are, all am saying they can't be hyped, might get them 5 quids a pop, brand new.

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ECON 101 - MICROECON 101.. when your product is unable to achieve 30% revenue VS Market share compared to your competition on any given fiscal (i.e console market share annual 55%+ dominance by competition, followed by another competitor in second place) then you're either need a re-branding (showed in the case of the X) or a merger (a lot of econ/market enthusiasts but also interested in the industry altogether myself included was thinking of MS-Xbox division + Sega) or bailout.

You have to ask yourself this question, NA is the biggest consumer market in the world, if Game Pass + Cross play + 100 other features + apparently GREAT side scrollers exclusivity WHY is the Xbox takes last place every single NPD with increase of sales reported to open the gap even wider by Sony and lately by Nintendo in second place ?? This is NPD, NA, I am sure you wouldn't want to take this discussion to worldwide sales. If its true what you're saying in terms of console market if MS made 10B out of Xbox and all around it, how much would have Sony and Nintendo made in their dismantling of Xbox limb from limb ? where does that leave MS in market share ?

Sony would have looked at that boat and went... its sinking.. you hang on to it.

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I do realize and good you said "former" ----- "old days". What if I told you in Europe main both cuphead and the first Ori didn't even hit the xbox store until months after their release, so no physical, no digital. the fact is they are good or bad is irrelevant, they are just small side scrollers and should only be looked at as such, nothing more. One would only hype them up out of disparate measures.