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#1 arc_salvo
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts

If you have access to a Best Buy, I'd buy the Call of Duty War Chest.  Call of Duty 1 and it's expansion pack + Call of Duty 2 all in a cheap 39.99 package.  If you buy this stuff seperately, it's like $40 for COD1 and the expansion, and $30 for COD 2.  Especially if you buy it online, where you get seriously ripped off.

 I especially recommend Call of Duty 2.  It's really intense at first (early on in the Russian Campaign, I got shellshocked, and found myself hiding behind a wall just staring out in front of me, just trying to work up the nerve to go back out there into all those gunfire) but once you get your bearings on how to play effectively, it's really quite fun and immersive.  Plus, I'm sure it'll run on your laptop.

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#2 arc_salvo
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts
Speaking of Chronicles of Riddick, Bioshock actually has some stuff in common with it.  Different style/vibe, but it's an interesting comparison.
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#3 arc_salvo
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts

To be frank, it's too early to tell, I think.  Personally, I think Bioshock has the capacity to appeal to different genres of more hardcore gamers, including both FPS and RPG/Adventure game fans... but whether or not it goes well mainstream just depends on whether or not it gets good press and whether or not the quick descriptive "blurb" that casual/mainstream gamers hear about it appeals to them or not.

 In other words, superficial appeal (or lack of it) when it finally comes out will probably be the determining factor.  Since it's a dark shooter with a lot of atmosphere and depth however (somewhat in the vein of FEAR, but with adventure/roleplaying aspects) as well as roleplaying elements (which are part of the depth), I would predict that it would appeal to many mainstream gamers though, as it has a lot of visceral appeal. 

Unlike Psychonauts, for instance, which has so many layers and is so eclectic, that mainstream gamers and even gamers in general "didn't get it", although if they'd actually played it, they probably would've liked it quite a bit.  I really have to put "bad marketing" at fault for a lot of Psychonaut's lack of sales though, personally.  The commercials and ads I saw showed nothing of the coolest things in the game! 

**spoilers** like when you become a giant monster and stomp around a city full of 50's-esque Lungfish, or wander through an eerie suburban neighborhood where cameras are snapping at you everywhere and government agents are (unsuccessfully) pretending they're just part of the populace and aren't up to anything...**spoilers** 

Seriously, some of the most ambiguous commercials ever!  I just don't see how they managed to leave out all the coolest things in the game and show us only the most superficial and uninteresting things about it!

 But back to the topic: I think it's too early to tell, but I'm leaning towards Bioshock being not too weird for mainstream, because it's weird in the extremely interesting/deep/compelling way that most people would just sum up as "Weird... but in a good way." 

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#4 arc_salvo
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts
Milions upon millions of people think that WOW is -the- big MMO out there, and those numbers don't lie. Some people may disagree, but those people aren't the vast majority of people. Not all games are sutiable for all people (one man's meat is another man's poison) but I have to reiterate that WOW is as successful as it is for a reason, and I myself think it's great, even though I despite Fantasy settings and dislike MMO's in general. I agree with the original poster though in being sick of MMO's. When they first came out the persistency and desire to explore and gain level and items and grow more powerful felt like an interesting "investment"... but now that so many of 'em are out there, and I've realized that the little numbers and trinkets you get from levelling up aren't that great and that you have to spend hours of time doing actual honest to God work to get only a few small minutes of fun gaining new toys and playing with them, I've realized the MMO's are just online multiplayer single player-style games that make you jump through tons of hoops to get watered down versions of the gameplay you get in single player games. In MMO's you spend hours doing something very repetitive and not very well fleshed out in terms of gameplay satisfaction to "earn" things that you actually want to spend time playing with. This is in contrast with Single Player games in which you enjoy the gameplay and also enjoy the things you may or may unlock. Personally, I like Guild Wars' free to play online model, and honestly believe that if future MMO's are going to continue charging a monthly fee, that they're actually going to have to provide a fun, casual-friendly experience that doesn't feel like work.. AND does something that you can only do in a massively multiplayer persistent environment.
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#5 arc_salvo
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I got a DS because I liked some of the games coming out for it (like Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime, and Phoenix Wright), and also because I'd sold my GBA and got nostalgic about wanting to play my old GBA games. If you have the money and like the DS games that are coming out a lot, and/or have situations where you travel and don't have access to your PC/360 and need entertainment, it's worth a buy. Otherwise, I'd say keep your GBA until something or somethings on the DS come out that you feel you -must- have, like Dragon Quest 9 or somesuch.
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#6 arc_salvo
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Y'know, I don't much like Fantasy settings, and I love Modern/Sci-Fi settings, but even I have to recommend WOW, it's just so good, it wins over even the rpg and mmo and fantasy skeptics. Also, if you like stuff like having a house to decorate, and a deep, satisfying crafting system which involves twitch-skills, Everquest 2 is nice. Since WOW knocked it all over the park, EQ2's improved a -lot- and the Echoes of Faydwer pack (with the original game and the other expansions included) you find in EBGames/Gamestop gives you a lot of good, WOW-style quest-driven content that's surprisingly casual friendly, although not as much as WOW is, imho. If you want something that'll push your new rig graphics-wise and/or want more "realistic" graphics (rather than storybook-esque like you see in WOW) EQ2 might be up your alley too. Since I don't generally like fantasy settings nowadays (like I said), I was skeptical about EQ2 at first, but after I tried the "Play the Fey" trial (which lets you play any race, not just the Fae, it's just that your first character has to be a Fey) I got hooked.
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#7 arc_salvo
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts

I just got Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime.  Since I just bought my DS last sunday, that'd be the first game I got too.    Needless to say it's really quite fun, and a wonderful spinoff of Dragon Quest VIII.  Tank battles are addicting and the overland exploration/puzzling/platforming is extremely well done too.

You don't necessarily have to fight monsters if you don't want.  You can throw them onto a cart back home to collect 'em, or just fight 'em to get some money or sometimes a random item if you want to do that instead.

Plus, the storyline is very interesting, as are all the characters, and you get a real sense of "progress" and "growth" as you continue along.

This game really captures the essence of "Fun" very well, basically.