anime_gamer007's comments

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Kanji's rejection of his possible homosexuality was what made the boss fight happen. It was only through accepting it that he was able to gain his Persona and end the conflict within himself. Even then, there was no "Line in the sand" that said Kanji was definitely a homosexual- like many teenagers, he was confused and conflicted, unsure of himself and considering that he might, in fact, like other men. His shadow's bizarre appearance as a blatant, exaggerated stereotype represented his own fears and insecurity in how he'd be viewed by other people. Burying this aspect of himself out of fear and pushing people away with violent behavior was his self defense mechanism, and in the end it was destroying him- accepting his insecurities and making peace with his possible homosexuality was what ended up being the correct path for him. So in short, you missed the entire point of the game, Carolyn. Stop misrepresenting one of the few thoughtful, well-made games willing to tackle such delicate issues with care.

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Edited By anime_gamer007

The reason I hate ME3? The ending. Plain and simple.

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Edited By anime_gamer007

These games are the Michael Bay movies of video games.....I'm talking post-"The Rock" Michael Bay. Call of Duty 4 was CoD's "The Rock", everything else just went downhill afterwards and it's never been the same.

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Edited By anime_gamer007

I said it before and I'll say it again, this site has REALLY, REALLY gone down hill since late 2007 when a certain Jeff Gerstmann was fired and a couple of other key GS editors left. This article does nothing more than prove this.

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Edited By anime_gamer007

I've personally stopped thinking of how I would rate a game. Putting numbers to games just devalues the experience in my opinion. I'm much more interested in the actual content of the game and what the reviewer thought of it. That's probably why I seldom care anymore what number was assigned to a game. Numbers mean many different things to many different people. For example, when I see a 10/10 game I assume that game is as close to perfect as you can get but still not perfect because let's face, nothing is. While some people might see a 10/10 as absolutely 100% perfect or as just really good but not close to perfect.

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Edited By anime_gamer007

All I can say is playing this game on max settings on a PC is the way to go. Not to dishearten people playing this game on a console. Since I bought the PS3 version I was able to play the PS3 and PC versions of the game and as per usual you're going to get the higher resolution and better AA on PC but the PS3 version is no slouch. Although, I'm surprised how bad they made the PS3 and 360 versions of the game look here. While I can't speak for the 360, I remember the PS3 version looking better than this with regards to the shadows. Anyways, it's Portal 2 why the hell are there even graphics comparisons? How good does the dialogue look on each system? :roll: