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#1 afflictatrophy
Member since 2006 • 223 Posts

I enjoy the final fantasy ix and x soundtracks, and also chrono cross. Last story has a good soundtrack as well, but I haven't been able to buy that one yet... even though it hasn't been released I'm excited for Starbounds soundtrack, it sounds really good, also EVE online has really good music too! Agh, there is so much, too much to really name everything.

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#3 afflictatrophy
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The way the media reports on it only makes it worse.


i feel the same way, however it can't be the only reason, but it is apart of it, a friend shared a quote from, of all people, morgan freeman, with me today, anyways i don't know how many people have seen it, probably a lot, but i think he brings up a good point so i wanted to share it with you guys..

"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count 'holds up', this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next."

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."

This isn't totally my opinion, i don't think turning off the news will necessarily solve the problems, I just think he brings up a good point. Perhaps the way the news reports on things could be changed, I don't know there's probably a lot of things that could help. I don't want to attack the news like the news attacks videogames, and I realize it could come off that way, but it would help is all I'm saying, and anything that could help is worth considering at least.

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#4 afflictatrophy
Member since 2006 • 223 Posts

Hitler is a product of eurocentrism, and imperialism. The ideas he had in his book were nothing at all new, they were a product of the thinking that was going on at that time. When he was growing up the extinction of human races was being explained by respected scholars of the time. These people were seen as experts on the issue and it was being justified with their theories. Racism was accepted and became a central element in British imperial ideology. The British committed genocide against the Tasmanians, but nobody ever talks about that.. No Tasmanians exist today. Churchill was just as racist as Hitler and shared a lot of the same ideology, yet he is seen as a hero... The thinking at the time was the racism was scientific, it could be explained with science, giving it justification. If one were upset about genocide, that person would be looked at as uneducated. Germany's intention wasn't to kill Jews, much like the American's intention wasn't to kill Indians, but it was to expand Germany. Germany was only doing what the other European countries had been doing for a long time before it.. Yes, Hitler was bad, I'm not saying he wasn't but the idea I want people to understand is that Hitler was a product of something bigger. He wasn't the root of the problem only a product of it. So your question should be more like will there ever be some bogus excuse that "justifies" killing people..

There has been people that shared Ideology with Hitler both before and after Hitler I mean whats worse, to name a few, what the Americans did? What the Germans did? What the British did? What the Spanish did? Because they're all the same to me. Not to cheapen anything that happened, they are all equally heinous. If you're interested, Exterminate all the Brutes is a good book, that talks all about this..

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#5 afflictatrophy
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I used to be optimistic towards the idea of other intelligent life, then I read a book about Fermi pardox, there was so many that it made me think about how rare intelligent life is, and that if the universe is truely infinite then the probability of being visited... it should have happened, or I think of earth, I think about how rare intelligent life has been here.

Think about it, think of all the things that had to happen for humans to come into existence, it is a lot of random things, if all these mass extinctions never happened throughout earth's history then we wouldn't exist. We need the moon which moons this big this close in solar systems seem to be rare, and the way our moon was created (the best theory) is very random, then Jupiter gives a lots of protection, without a planet such as Jupiter mass extinctions would probably happen even more often, and there's more....Out of the 4.5 billion years earth is estimated to be, only since 1936 I believe, so for only about 76 years have we even been intelligent enough to send signals into space.

Then when I think about the lifespan between mass extinctions and think about the time it would take for star travel, the time between mass extinctions is so small compared to the scale of the universe that the likelihood of us ever making contact with another intelligent civilization is very small, by the time we got any message, they would probably be dead by some event, or by themselves, or we would be dead by an event, or ourselves.

I guess life here on earth proves that things that have such a low chance can happen, but something tells me we will find evidence of life, however I don't believe we will ever find or contact another intelligent life, I hope I'm wrong though...anyways, here's the book if you're interested

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#6 afflictatrophy
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What is this idea of progression? I don't agree with the idea that everything progresses in a set order. Why does the middle east have to progress in a way that makes them like the U.S. and Europe? I feel like you are asking, why isn't the middle east becoming like us. Why can't they become something else? I guess my question is what exactly do you mean by progressing? Progressing to what? I don't understand why the U.S. can go into a country thinking they know what's best, however if anyone came into the U.S. and did the same thing, Americans would throw a fit just as the people in the Middle East do...The people in the middle east don't live like Europeans do, and they don't want to, if they wanted to change they would have changed already. Their social structure is different, there way of making a living is different, their kinship is different, their religion is different, their language is different, until you can understand the context of life over there, I don't think you can understand whatever it is exactly you're trying to understand.

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#7 afflictatrophy
Member since 2006 • 223 Posts

nvm i wasn't doing it right

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#8 afflictatrophy
Member since 2006 • 223 Posts

l did it and he was wrong every single time except for the last one...which was like a coin flip

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#9 afflictatrophy
Member since 2006 • 223 Posts

First, get in the habit of asking yourself if you are dreaming, so that when you are indeed dreaming you will ask yourself. When you ask yourself if you're dreaming when you're awake do something like look at your hand, this way when you dream and ask you'll also look at your hand and youll probably notice something abnormal, you can do this with anything essentially. Also a good tip is to write down your dreams right after you wake up so that way you get in the habit of remembering them, not only that but you start to notice signs and things to recognize to notice you're dreaming. Hope this helps, just get in the habit, and once you're in the habit it will happen, after that it's just practice, your first few lucid dreams won't last very long usually.

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#10 afflictatrophy
Member since 2006 • 223 Posts

I use a sleep sound, I have a hard time sleeping in complete silence. I do prefer noise, it has to be constant though, any constant noise will work, I could sleep to a jackhammer if it was constantly on.