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#1 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

[QUOTE="youngmurk911"][QUOTE="silversix_"]what you've said goes nicely if you were talking about GTA4 or MGS4 but not Infinite. Infinite was awesome sauce.silversix_

what? how.......those games were amazing

MGS4 is far from 10/10 worthy, FAR and gta4 is same crap with new characters all the time, again, far from 10/10 status GS gave both. I beat mgs4 back in 09 and it was worst than mgs1 and mgs3 which both scored way lower... I hate gta kind of games (brainless open world that you drive b*tches from one side of town to another) so my opinion is kind bias when it comes to gta but not MGS, LOVE mgs.


Those games still didnt get the credit Infinite did

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#2 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

The fact that this mediocre game(I might being a little generous) is hailed by critics as one of the greatest games ever by critics is laughable. It does nothing new and the previous games in the series do what it does but better. The gaming media is going to set the industry back 10 years if they keep pushing crap like this

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#3 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts


Why are you supposed to hate Comstock? The build him as the villian but you don't know his motives and their then kidnap Elizabeth he hasn't really down anything wrong.


He's a religious nutcase indoctrinating his people, and is hellbent on destroying the world below him :?

The racism thing deosnt work when everyone at that time was racist.


Bookers extreme racism is what led him to baptism. Did you even pay attention to the story? :|



How was Booker an extreme racist? How was he any more racist than anyone else during this time peroid?

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#4 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

No, it has one of the best in recent memory.



Thats embarrassing 

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#5 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

You were supposed to hate him at the beginning because the society he built is comically racist, and he apparently keeps his daughter locked away in a tower. It's weak though, you're right. He wasn't much of an antagonist, even after the Big Reveal. Certainly nowhere near as interesting as Andrew Ryan or Shodan, and he barely appears throughout the game. As for the storytelling...sure, a lot of the plot between meeting Elizabeth and your final encounters with the Songbird was mostly pointless as well. I mean, everything with Fink and Daisy only seemed to be there as a veiled excuse to explain the rifts to us, and there were large stretches of gameplay where the story did not move in the slightest.Planeforger


The racism thing deosnt work when everyone at that time was racist. Plus they pretty much ignore all the racism after the first quater ofthe game

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#6 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

paging texas, a more accurate retelling of the story would be: Wipe away debts Found the girl run and shoot, shoot and run Find out about rifts demonstration of rifts shoot more baddies 30 min explanation at the endnutcrackr


The shooting is basically nothing though so our accouts arent that different

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#7 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

Does Infinite have the worst story telling in the history of games?

Wipe away debts
Found the girl
Nothing happens
Nothing happens
Find out about rifts
Nothing happens
Nothing happens
Nothing happens
Nothing happens
30 min explanation at the end

Why are you supposed to hate Comstock? The build him as the villian but you don't know his motives and their then kidnap Elizabeth he hasn't really down anything wrong.

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#8 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

Bioshock Infinite is like the perfect example of bad story tellling. Nothing happens for like 95% of the game then they have a 30 minute explanation at the end

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#9 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

the gameplay in Infinite was good.




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#10 _Judge_Gabranth
Member since 2006 • 257 Posts

Sorry, but you are wrong. The issues isn't GAMES as a story telling medium, because there is countless examples of great games that tell great stories. I would say the Uncharted series, the new Tomb Raider, God of War has a good (albeit flat) story and that doesn't even count games like Journey, Ico, Shadow of Colossus or Heavy Rain.

You are wrong because you are confusing how poor FPS's typically are when it comes to telling a story for all videogames. Pretty much everything you've said could be arguably true because of the limitation of the FPS genre. Bioshock INfinite dares to change the FPS genre and push it to new areas. However, the reality is that there is no real reason BioShock INfinite even had to be an FPS. It could have just as easily been a third person shooter and they could have done more with the story elements and needed much less of that "filler" you refer to. It would have allowed the world to be more interactive and explorable and alive instead of just a stage to shoot stuff for the most part.

Others have written about this already, how Bioshock Infinite being a FPS actually limits what they could have done with the game.

But basically you are wrong because you confuse stories in FPS for stories in all videogames.



Since when does God of War have a good story?