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A sidenote before I say what i want, perhaps instead of forcing people to immediatley watch you videos if they read something, perhaps you should consider bringing back some of the actual fun video stuff you once had on this site? Just a little thing on the side as I said.

Apart from that, I really like to say that I still check these reviews, and sometimes I take them seriously, however, However, that 'The Bad' section, seems to have become more of a section where you guys just put the first things that comes to mind, instead of something, you know, actually really bad for a lot of these games. Considering the kind of games Peter Brown plays, I wouldn't take his word for pretty much any of those points, because I think he took a just as shallow look at those things, as he talks about them.

I just don't really see how Peter Brown is the guy you let review this game... I really don't, so are you guys really this understaffed at this point or something? I am honestly trying to understand.

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@mrbobbster: They did try different things, plenty of it, and enough worked out for it. And the campaign is actually seriously one of the few things I really liked about this game. Also, because I'm still one that doesn't like overkill hard games, and even now, you can still play it good, or you could like, you know, play it on Legendary if you're really going to cry about the difficulty, sigh... How does that make a game or break it? Seriously man.

And if you really want a challenge, go play the SO well balanced multiplayer, where you just get flanked every five seconds in warzone, and where some no-lifers daddy's spend a million on giving them all the best shit to use in warzone. Yeah, it's TOTALLY the campaign that you should whine about man, totally. I hope you notice the sarcasm in my writing, because I'm sick and tired of games being made annoyingly difficult because of whining like this, while good stuff in games get busted down, but the multiplayer? Oh yes! Always the multiplayer, doesn't matter how bad it sucks, how unbalanced it truly is, just say the exact opposite, because hey, it's multiplayer, right?

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Would you guys at Gamespot mind a whole lot if you just stopped giving you same damn answer with every freaking game? We get it okay, we seriously, freaking, get it. NO GAME in the universe has an interesting and sensible plot in your guys' opinion. Congratulations, you've made that perfectly clear.

But might I suggest you guys actually use your freaking brains for once? Or maybe someone that actually fucking plays the game? I'm sorry, but I've played this, and the campaign is like a gazillion times better than the multiplayer at all, and saying how balanced it is? Is a freaking joke! A serious, humangous joke. Players manage to flank you ever second, even on the end of your own warzone or arena map, some guys have super gear that they bought in those stupid packs, or just stronger shields , or other nonsense. I have a party of friends now, that all played it, and all of them got annoyed by how unfair every single mode is, how easily you just get flanked, killed by your own team mates. there is NO freaking balance. So seriously, thanks for pointing out again how seriously without thinking you guys do some of these reviews, because again bitching about the plot, while obviously no one over there een takes the time to try and follow it, while you seriously think this game is balanced in multiplayer? Well, yeah, congrats on that. At first I seriously thought I could do at least something in this multiplayer, but you just can't, there is no fun, and there definitely is no balance.

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I'm still so much in the doubt stage, because I've seen a lot of this game, and it's really amazing. I just don't know if I can play it, or if I'm going to have problems with my depth of field and all that with my crappy eyes x'D

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Kevin doesn't like the story? The characters? Or the themes? HOW SURPRISING! For those that didn't notice, that was ultra-sarcassm. I don't think he even cares about story of anything, I've never gotten that impression from him, he always just complains about that stuff like he knows exactly what others'll think.

And saying this game looks mediocre is just... *Sigh*

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Edited By XHawk222

@Shewgenja I'm pretty sure they should just review it on the game that IT is, and not drop it this much on how it compares to other FPSes, since there's never going to be a stop of the ginormous amount of FPSes. That does not take away that they were talking pretty good about it before, and that now they're basically containing themselves from yelling that it's crap. and he still says that the core combat is engaging throughout every campaign, so do I really have to point out that it's a little contradictory? Oh WAIT! Of course that has to do with the multiplayer part again, which is the most important part of every game these days...

But sure yeah, no game compares to the amazing and magnificent masterpiece that is Bayonetto 2 after all... x'D

It's a r3eally great remastered, one of the best that has come out for games, where there's been actual effort. I just really think it deserves more credit overall than a measily 6/Fair. Compared to some of the weird games that got super high ratings? It's just weird.

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What I've seen, and honestly what I've heard YOU guys, yeah the actual Gamespot people say about it, I'm really laughing so hard again at how ridiculous it just is that you give it a 6, with only the thing about Multiplayer barely working, which they're working on... Besides, is there seriously any multiplayer game these days that doesn't have such huge issues? That's why multiplayer shouldn't be such a massive thing, but okay. With this I kind of get it.

But let me be clear, I still think it's utter bullshit that you guys give a weird-ass predictable and completely NON-innovative game like Bayocrappa 2 a 10, and even Evil Within gets a bigger number than it ever should have. But something like this, for ONE reason, you give a 6? Are you guys just rolling dice these days to decide what to give games?

So at least change the name of the 6 again, because this is NOT fair, it really isn't.

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Edited By XHawk222

Weird, I'm pretty sure if you just pause the cutscene in Ground Zeroes, you can skip the cutscene, I know I did, multiple times. Just saying, it wasn't that good of a point in the chat xD

Apart from that i do have to say that the story in Sunset Overdrive is still like REALLY deep compared to the story that the Evil Within has x'D And I personally really like the humor in it, it's really self-aware.

But then again, there are actually really no games at all that I can recall that anyone at Gamespot ever has found that it had a good story... I mean, seriously, the one thing that always get's kicked to the curb without even a second thought, is the story of every single game.

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Edited By XHawk222

*Sigh* I'm just... I'm gonan try and keep myself calm, but I'm getting a little sick and tired of Kevin being one big mess of contradictory BS when it comes to his reviews lately.. I really respect it and everything, don't get me wrong, but honestly?

A lot of games have gotten a crap review from him, because they are too easy, you can easily save, checkpoints, easy combat... He totally drags it down just because people could have fun with the game, of course that makes sense right?

Then this game just strains that out more, so that you have even more that feeling of survival, it just tries not to cosntantly keep the action up and make it tedious... And yet still that's the things that make it a 6?

Yeah, sure, I'll just act like Kevin's reviews aren't completely contradicting each other. I really wonder sometimes if there is really, in all hoensty, actually a game left that Kevin really likes, because it's just really annoying when someone constantly complains about a games difficulty, gets his way with plenty of games being screwed up because of that,and then there is a hard game, and then that's a problem? Pretty inconsistent.

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Hm... And here I was sure I could remember you guys talking about this game, and almost every single one of you thought it was seriously bad, and now it gets an 8?

And again, I REALLY want to point out that it's sometimes really annoying to read that the only bad thing you guys can say about a game, is that it's not hard enough... Again, not everybody wants frustratingly hard games ALL the time >.<

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