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Interesting. It would seem that FPS's are starting to come out of the phase in which there was a one man army who didn't care about the hundreds he slaughtered, and into the more realistic idea that people in FPS's don't have to be mentally indestructible so that they don't appear vulnerable to players. I think that this is a good turn for a genre that hasn't done a whole lot to push the envelope in terms of humanity. Halo 4 did this, CODBLOPS2 did it too, after a fashion, and now it would appear that Crysis 3 is too.

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If you can play as both the protagonist and the antagonist, then wont it be like playing chess against yourself?

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Sigh. Are all games trying to break into the online sphere? Civilization is primarily a single player game, but I have had plenty of fun playing online in multiplayer matches. I'll admit though, I am interested to see how this will work (or not, as the case may be). Civilization takes a long time to play, and having people spontaneously joining games is a bad idea. Getting spawn killed in civ would be far worse than in an FPS because it is such a time investment. If they simply make the world huge, then there is the potential for either thousands of pathetic city states or a few supermassive alliances. The city states may actually be fun because of all the little schemes. However, it would take an extensive diplomacy system that no online game seems to have. (To my knowledge. Please let me know if I am wrong) With the super-alliances, it would take a tremendous amount of coordination to pull off effectively from a military standpoint. Oh, not to mention that Civ is a turn based game. Imagine waiting for 1000+ players to take their turns. Or, alternatively, imagine having your computer render it all once you acquire extensive map vision. I predict a game that is more like Civ Worlds, the FB "social experience" .game. Oh, and since its coming out in Asia, I predict P2W mierda like paying to unlock upgrades for your soldiers and/or overpowered civs. Ooohhh, lets make them pay for the Canadian Civilization which gets double oil reserves, gets double production from clearing forest and swampland, and the ability to instantly cease all hostilities! With anyone! Alternatively, you can spend 5 bucks on the Zulu: insanely fast early game units that destroy absolutely everything out there cause they cost almost nothing to build.

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Edited By Therimight

@xsonicchaos yeah, you're right. "Om'ak", which is more or less what he says is a shortened version of "Cosom'ak", which is something along the lines of "Your Mothers p****"

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Edited By Therimight

@DiaTheSwede You will not be fighting the british exclusively, as the developers have been very careful to mention and if you wish to fight Washington, there is a 3 or four part DLC entitled "The Tyranny of King George" in an alternate reality in which George Washington decides that he rather likes power, and becomes the King of United States of America. this is not an "AMURIKA IS DA BEST!" game. have no fear.

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Edited By Therimight

If you're wondering what he says at the end, it's basically "f*ck you" in arabic. I'm pretty sure, at least. If someone wants to back me up on this/refute it, that would be awesome.

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Impossible to say anything about this yet but from what little I see, I actually like it. It isn't trying to be an epic adventure, as so many RPG/Action games try and market themselves, merely a smaller tale of two brothers and their relationship. I expect that the bigger brother will have more melee abilities and the smaller one ranged etc. as seen in "Of Men and Orcs" by Cyanide. While somewhat disappointing, I would be willing to waive that concern should the interaction between the brothers be sufficiently fulfilling. Also, Assuming that Co-op will be included, this trailer exudes Co-op, not sure why I get that sentiment, then Dialogue, assuming that it exists, should have the players bounce off one another in not only a gameplay sense, but also a narrative based one. If the players hate one another, or have a falling out (for roleplaying purposes or otherwise) then allow them to go their separate ways for a time, let them miss the companionship of the other without severe punishment for soloing something in the form of instant death. Just some preliminary thoughts/hopes, totally groundless, I know, but I like to have those for the sake of having them.

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I don't trust these guys anymore, but still. very well done.

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@Neogenic Its not your patcher, which I'm sure is working just fine, they just aren't prepared for this many people at once. on friday, once the game really comes out (I know it comes out on wednesday, but who plays on the week?), this will be nothing by comparison.

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@NoxiousBass I got to play for 30min earlier! I think that means you're in dude. congrats. (emphasis on "think")