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#1 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

Here's what you've got. Halo 3 ODST comes with two disks. The first is the campaign disk, which contains the ODST campaign, Firefight, and theater. The second is the multiplayer disk. It's essentially a "multiplayer" Halo 3 disk. It gives you access to Matchmaking, Forge, and multiplayer theater. What makes it special is that it contains all map packs released by Bungie, and for a while was the only way to play the second Mythic Pack (Bungie later released it as DLC).

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#2 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

Mine's definitely the Batman theme. It's just so epic.

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#3 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

Halo Reach (and this is coming from a super-Halo-fan). The game is basically a mishmash of poorly implemented ideas.

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#4 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

While I haven't played MW2, I have dabbled in COD 4, and one thing that really bothers me is the attack choppers. They pretty much do all the work for the player, especially in free-for-all. I know it isn't meant to be easy to unlock one, but players can easily camp their way to the reward, and when one shows up it's pretty much game over for everyone else.

The other thing that drives me crazy is how a player's aim gets botched when taking damage. I know it's meant to be realistic, but in reality it severely detracts from the game. It feeds into the whole "shoot first, kill first" mentality, which doesn't promote skilled gameplay. For example, a skilled player with good aim gets caught off guard by a camper. The camper gets off the first shot. At the same time the skilled player turns to line up his gun on his enemy's head. All he'd have to do now is squeeze off a few accurately placed rounds, and put down his enemy for good. However, when he aims down his sights, he finds his gun has kicked out to the side and isn't even remotely close to the target, with every shot from the camper making things worse. The camper continues to fire, getting himself an easy kill because his opposition couldn't even retaliate.

If players could fight back while under fire it would lead to a larger skill gap. Kills would not be decided by the guy trying to empty his whole clip into you, but instead buy the players with better aim and reflexes. Getting the first shot would still be important, but the skill element would be in completing the kill, not spraying you're way to victory.

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#5 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

American Idol.

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#6 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

Unfortunately, there's no option to just lockdown an Xbox 360, and I'm pretty sure the same applies to the PS3. However, I do know a few alternatives, using the Xbox 360's Family Settings.

1. Turn on the Family Timer, then adjust it to it's lowest setting - 15 minutes per week. Not only does this limit the time he spends playing, it says that you're in control, not him. The only problem is that it can't be set to "zero minutes allowed".

2. You didn't mention if you have Xbox Live installed. If this is the case, then you should definitely block access. There are two ways to do this. You can block the entire console's access, or just block specific accounts from accessing. While this won't completely stop him from playing on the console, it will prevent him from messing up any online statistics, or downloading content.

3. While the options above are viable solutions, I believe the easiest and most effective course of action would be to just lock up the controllers. The little tyke will still be able to turn on the console, but without controllers, all he'll be able to do is stare at the screen in disappointment (evil laugh ensues).

I strongly recommend that you check out's Family Settings page; it should help you achieve a broader knowledge of your console and hopefully put an end to this problem.

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#7 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

G.R.A.W. 1, then 2. Campaign's not so bad, but the multiplayer's bad beyond belief. It's like the dev team spent 90% of their time on the campaign, then were like "Oh, let's throw in some random, poorly made multiplayer so people will think this is a legit game!".

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#8 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

Yeah, this happened to my Halo 2 disk about a year ago.

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#9 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

While I don't like Call of Duty games at all, there is absolutely no reason to start a random bashing thread like this one.

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#10 The_Gauss_Boss
Member since 2009 • 67 Posts

I'm no expert, but your sound and video setup shouldn't interfere with your capture card. I believe the cards can be installed directly into one of the USB ports on the console, whereas the VGA and sound cables you're using are most likely installed in the A/V ports on the back. This actually isn't much different from the traditional "TV" setup, which doesn't interfere. As long as you have a free USB port, you should be ready to go. Btw, you might want to post this question in the audio/video hardware forum; you might get more replies. Hope this helped.