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#1  Edited By TheGrayEye
Member since 2006 • 2579 Posts

Drexler's Destiny

It took me lots of time and figuring things out, but it's finally done, and if you happen to take the time to watch it, I would love to know what you think! :)

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#2 TheGrayEye
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That you were somehow completely unable to attract any members of the opposite sex what so ever (be it through means of some curse, pheromones, etc)?

Every woman (or which ever sex you're attracted to) you meet or come across in your life would be entirely unable to form any sort of sexual attraction towards you, regardless of how you look, they would simply not just be interested in you from the moment you meet.

If you're lucky, you could pay for sex on occasion, but would you still want to pursue your career or life goals, knowing you could probably never feel what it's like to be in love/have a relationship, or a genuine marriage with kids, etc?

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#3 TheGrayEye
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[QUOTE="TheGrayEye"]I know I'm better than herOleg_Huzwog

Funniest line in this thread.

Im a funny guy.
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#4 TheGrayEye
Member since 2006 • 2579 Posts
[QUOTE="hippiesanta"][QUOTE="TheGrayEye"]Long story short, this girl that i had been with ****ed me over. I found out she used me as a rebound, pretended she liked me the whole time (texted me everyday, sending me hearts all the time, told me how happy i made her feel and that i was all she thought about), and than literally overnight, basically told me shes been dating another guy, and that we should stop talking to each other- i did nothing to deserve that. She played with my feelings and broke my heart, now I need revenge.. Shes coming to work at my job soon, so the ball is basically in my court. I want to make her regret treating me like ****, what are some great ways to get back at her guys?

maybe she treat you as "just friends" and you think she loves you...... or something about you drives her away like bad breath or your look that will be a liability to her and her friends. imo

No. She literally told me just a week or so before she left me that we "are more than friends", constantly sent me hearts and wanted to talk to me all the time. She told me how she literally "always" thinks about me, and about how happy i make her feel when she looks into my eyes and is close to me, so obviously I didnt imagine anything- it was right there in front of me. Though I do think you have a point with her friends being part of the problem- i honestly believe they may have played a big part in this, and probably found a way to convince her to get rid of me- they never liked me from day one.
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#5 TheGrayEye
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[QUOTE="TheGrayEye"][QUOTE="Darthkaiser"] That's the position you want HER to be in You want HER to be listening to your cool stories about your new girlfriend, you want HER to see how your life is so friggin awesome, you want HER to miss YOU, you want her to realize how after she used you your life has improved and instead of seeing you destroyed she'll see a new guy a better one, a cooler one and she might even feel her boyfriend is not enough and she'll probably want you back, then one day she'll scream "Let's get back together" and you'll whisper "No". And if that day never happens, then you still win, you have a new GF, better lifestyle and by that time you probably have forgotten about her. I know right now you feel like she wins, but YOU have the power to change that, you have the power to make her feel like you laughed last, if you just sit there plotting a revenger like taking a dump on her car or something you'll only prove how SHE won, why don't you try to find someone better, someone she'll be jealous of? The thing here is not letting her see you in a weak state, talk to her as if nothing had happened, even if you are not still over her make her THINK you have. You can either sit on your pc planning a crappy revenge, or you could go out and meet new people, new friends, and possibily a better girl.CreasianDevaili
But do you think it may be possible to do both to some degree? I mean make her feel crappy while lookIng like im a new happy and improved man with a hot and better girlfriend?

How in the **** can you honestly believe that second sentence could ever work? You're symbolic of a stalker on this girl. You're obsessed. You're also going to put ALL of this effort and other people on the line just to try and ante up on her? Hell man.. maybe she left you cause she saw you have problems. Ramble about all this **** into a voice recorder, play it back, and see if you can be fixed.

No, she left me because she has problems. She knows im a great guy, she made that very clear when she said that to me before she left me. This all happened just a few weeks ago man- of course its going to look like im obssesed, im still hurt..
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#6 TheGrayEye
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Not if you go down the revenge route and she plain ends up hating you. She won't be jealous, or feel that she's missed out on something. She'll just hate you. yellerbelly
But what if I just make some powerful comments towards her, like tell her how I knew I deserved better than the kind of girl she is, so now Im with a beautiful new girl. Something like that that doesnt exactly make me look sad and hurt, but stronger and better, while still kind of getting back at her verbally.
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#7 TheGrayEye
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[QUOTE="Franklinstein"]I know it may seem harsh man... but the best thing for you, is to just forget she even exist. Actively think about other subjects, even though it seems to feel like the only thing on your mind. You have to just think of other things, occupy your mind by hanging out with friends preferably though, if you're alone, it's harder.Darthkaiser

But I'm going to have to see her at least once every single day- she'll probably come into the area where me and my co-workers (some of her friends) are, and tell them about her boyfriend and stuff, and I'm going to have to sit there and listen to all of it...

That's the position you want HER to be in You want HER to be listening to your cool stories about your new girlfriend, you want HER to see how your life is so friggin awesome, you want HER to miss YOU, you want her to realize how after she used you your life has improved and instead of seeing you destroyed she'll see a new guy a better one, a cooler one and she might even feel her boyfriend is not enough and she'll probably want you back, then one day she'll scream "Let's get back together" and you'll whisper "No". And if that day never happens, then you still win, you have a new GF, better lifestyle and by that time you probably have forgotten about her. I know right now you feel like she wins, but YOU have the power to change that, you have the power to make her feel like you laughed last, if you just sit there plotting a revenger like taking a dump on her car or something you'll only prove how SHE won, why don't you try to find someone better, someone she'll be jealous of? The thing here is not letting her see you in a weak state, talk to her as if nothing had happened, even if you are not still over her make her THINK you have. You can either sit on your pc planning a crappy revenge, or you could go out and meet new people, new friends, and possibily a better girl.

But do you think it may be possible to do both to some degree? I mean make her feel crappy while lookIng like im a new happy and improved man with a hot and better girlfriend?
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#8 TheGrayEye
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Mate I get it ok, you had an awful thing happen to you and you want her to feel the pain you feel. But you need to let it go. Don't let her turn you into something bitter. You seem like a good person, revenge is going to hurt you. You obviously still have some feelings for her, regardless of what those feelings are the fact that you're so bothered proves you still have feelings for her, so sleeping with her again, as "revenge" isn't going to help you, and honestly she probably won't even care about her current boyfriends feelings if you did manage to get her to sleep with you; once a cheater, always a cheater. She won't feel like a slut, you ever notice how people like that never seem bothered about labels? It's because they aren't. Move on my friend, to better girls.ravengirl101

I see what you're saying, but thats the thing, she honestly doesn't believe she is a slut. She's fully convinced she's a good girl, and creates a kind of reason in her head for what she does.

The last few times I had talked to her, I was trying to find out what was going on and I kept pushing and pushing for answers, and that alone I could tell was upseting her, she was already feeling the guilt from just that, and threatend to never talk to me again permenately if I kept asking her those questions. I know I can break down that little "good girl" mentality wall she has set up in her mind, and show her for what she is- what she doesn't want to accept. It's just justice- imagine if we never punish bad people for doing bad things? I think I need to be the one to teach her a lesson, one way or another- and I think I'm in the perfect position to do it...

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#9 TheGrayEye
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I have no need or desire to prove you right or wrong. Proceed however you wish because that is ultimately what you wish to do and what you're going to do and any advice on here can be totally ignored of course. But just remember this, right now you're consumed with hate and rage, but you won't be in the not too distant future. If you wish to have that bad experience and that bad blot on your karma there is nothing anyone can do. But I think you're better than that, better than her. And I think you know that you're the better person. So be the better person. Move on with your life with your dignity still intact.


Ugh, I don't know what to do now. I know I'm better than her, but I honestly don't really care what I think of myself- me being a decent guy isn't going to make that pain go away. I just can't let her get away with it, I need to do something, be it make her feel like a slut and watch her get upset, or get revenege sex and then make her feel like and slut and watch her get upset (the latter would be admittedly more satisfying)..

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#10 TheGrayEye
Member since 2006 • 2579 Posts

I know it may seem harsh man... but the best thing for you, is to just forget she even exist. Actively think about other subjects, even though it seems to feel like the only thing on your mind. You have to just think of other things, occupy your mind by hanging out with friends preferably though, if you're alone, it's harder.Franklinstein

But I'm going to have to see her at least once every single day- she'll probably come into the area where me and my co-workers (some of her friends) are, and tell them about her boyfriend and stuff, and I'm going to have to sit there and listen to all of it...