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Edited By TheFlawedGoblin

What is funny to me is that there is a demographic of people who literally MUST have things when they first come out and its like no one has learned anything from the previous console launches and the years to follow. As a smart consumer, I know for a fact that PS4 will be repackaged every year with more hard drive space, a few extra little upgrades, and for a lower price. Eventually, when they are done milking every last cent from the PS3 they will release a backwards compatible model of the PS4 which will give them a reason to raise the price back up. This is how companies keep cashing in on the same systems for a 8 to 10 years at a time. Its smart business in a world of impulsive consumers. I on the other hand will wait til a backwards compatible model comes out.

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@GunnyHath @TheFlawedGoblin No my friend its perfectly legal to download but not to distribute. Also, don't you think its a bit greedy to try and re sell a game from the nes or snes era when these companies aren't really having to do anything to redistribute the game other than just throw up online? Its not like they put more work into it. They are simply cashing in on people dumb enough to not realize how to download emulators and roms for free on public websites. There is no torrenting involved. Regardless, if you want to pay for an out dated game to line the pockets of some CEO who literally did nothing for that game in over 20 years, be my guest. I'm not stopping you or anyone else from doing that. I just think its foolish.

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Edited By TheFlawedGoblin

Every time people get excited about the re release of a nintendo or super nintendo game like this I just have one simple question to ask: Have none of you heard of roms and emulators??? lol They are generally free to download and you don't even have to pirate them. Why people would want to pay for free games is beyond me lol

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Also, TV is not a mass market anymore. Every I know gets their shows from Netflicks or the Internet. Cable TV is a dying breed. I haven't had cable now for almost 3 years and I love it. I actually can pick and choose the shows I actually want to watch rather than pay for 300 channels I never watch just to have the three that I do lol. EA just came off moronic in this article. How long til we hear about bankruptcy? I give them one year.

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Wow that is just delusional on the part of EA. Gaming may be one of the biggest markets on the planet underneath resources that we actually need lol. EA just doesn't really put out games that spark attention. Its not that gaming isn't a mass market, its that EA games just don't sell all that well.

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@tptimmy He was being a d**k. He got what he deserved.

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Well, this is what happens when a way-too-rich baseball player tries to fund a video game company with no knowledge of how to do so. It fails. I hope Schilling has to pay out of his pocket to fix this.

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Well, I'm probably the only one who feels this way but I really thought Halo was insanely overrated. The single player stories were meh and the main feature, being multiplayer, is just not that different from any other FPS game. With Halo Wars at least it was something different for the series. I mean I compare Halo to Call of Duty in the sense that they essentially release the same game over and over again with new maps. Maybe some new weapons. That's not innovation. However, I don't blame for doing it because people seem to love repetition. It sucks for people like me who like new and different things because I feel like I only get a truly new and innovative game every two years or so in this age dominated by trying to make things as close to reality as possible. I feel like did people forget that we play video games to escape reality? I don't need to play a game where I have to do menial shit like eat food food and drink water just to survive lol. Those details were glossed over in past video games because its annoying to keep up with. Who wants to be annoyed when playing a game? I think the focus for the future of games should be more towards the fun aspect rather than reality. Just my opinion.

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I'd actually like to see Mass Effect go into a totally new story with completely different characters. I'm so sick of trilogies and prequels. I want innovation. Do something different.

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Well to me Final Fantasy died when the two major contributors to the series left being Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu. Right there are the major element of what final fantasy was being the music and the story. Graphics don't impress me all that much anymore because its become a standard now that game look pretty smooth and realistic and as far as the new direction of the series I stopped after 13 because I was really disappointed. It was like the WB took elements of from Final Fantasy and made a cheesy teen drama storyline in which all of the characters were way over emotional and over dramatic about everything that happened. The one epic moment that they could have had when that guy was going to shoot himself in the head which I thought was a pretty intense moment, but then they went the whole kiddie way and every lives and blah blah blah I just thought it was very generic compared to past Final Fantasy games. Do you want to know why 7 was by far the best in the series? Simply put it was the most adult game out of all of them. That's what people want. Adult doesn't mean sex, drugs, and all that nonsense but just a serious storyline where the hero isn't a 16 year old because even as a kid that is just not believable and just that storyline from 7 was so dark but so epic. Whoever took over these games should try to figure something new out for 15 and beyond and kill this trilogy nonsense. Stick to the outline where every new FF is a new game with a new story. That way when a storyline sucks we only have to play through it once and move on where as in this trilogy BS we're stuck with 3 games of characters that just aren't interesting at all. Just my opinion anyways.