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#1 TargetDog
Member since 2003 • 10076 Posts

That's beyond stupid. Absolute garbage. Someone was clearly paid for this review.

The greatest Star Wars game of all time is Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, released in 1997. That game is followed closely by Knights of the Old Republic. The Force Unleashed is just God of War with lightsabers, only Starkiller isn't as awesome as Kratos.

Sometimes this generation just makes me shake my head. What a whole load of commercial crap.



Did you... even play the demo? TFU is nothing like God of War, at all. If anything I'd say it's more similar to Psi-Ops.

So it's that hardest because he always has to flip his lightsaber from backhand to forehand when he strikes and back to backhand as he's at rest? Seems more like a party trick to me (Artificially made more difficult then it needs to be, purely for the sake of impressing others).Luigi_Vincetana

Actually, no, it's not just a party trick. If you actually care about this, you can read about it at And no, the writers of that article did not make the whole thing up, there's a whole expanded universe of Star Wars that goes waaaaaay beyond the films.

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#2 TargetDog
Member since 2003 • 10076 Posts
I wonder if the Wii version is any good.
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#3 TargetDog
Member since 2003 • 10076 Posts

I entirely agree with you. Most multiplayer in games this gen as well as last gen are really just a gimmick. dream431ca

Why is it acceptable for a game to focus only on single player to you, but not the other way around? Personally, I prefer a good single player game over a good multiplayer one, but some games are designed to be experienced with others and are better games as a result.

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#4 TargetDog
Member since 2003 • 10076 Posts

[QUOTE="TargetDog"]I actually wish there were more open ended and open world games. Those are things this gen should be able to do better than last gen and they should take full advantage of it. To me this gen has been devoid of creativity. Early last gen you saw incredible stuff, not just niche games like Ico but also creativity in mainstream games like GTA3 and Metroid Prime. Now it's just sequel, sequel, sequel, or shooter, shooter, shooter. Everything has been done before and nothing feels fresh.Tylendal

That's one of the main reasons I got a Wii. Endless Ocean, No More Heroes, Blastworks, Trauma Center. Interspersed with more traditional games like SSBB or SMG those are the games that give me a new and fresh experience.

Yeah, the Wii has plenty of original games, but most of them aren't of high quality. I can think of all the original games I enjoyed this year on one hand. No More Heroes, Zack and Wiki, Uncharted, Mass Effect, and Viva Pinata. This isn't including downloadable games, though, which have been a godsend this gen IMO. You would never see Braid or Lostwinds released as full games.

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#5 TargetDog
Member since 2003 • 10076 Posts
I don't think this would be the correct financial decision for SE, but I don't really care all that much since the KH series has always been unappealing to me anyway.
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#6 TargetDog
Member since 2003 • 10076 Posts
I actually wish there were more open ended and open world games. Those are things this gen should be able to do better than last gen and they should take full advantage of it. To me this gen has been devoid of creativity. Early last gen you saw incredible stuff, not just niche games like Ico but also creativity in mainstream games like GTA3 and Metroid Prime. Now it's just sequel, sequel, sequel, or shooter, shooter, shooter. Everything has been done before and nothing feels fresh.
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#7 TargetDog
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Pretty much the same thing every other major gaming publication has said. Not that they're wrong.
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#8 TargetDog
Member since 2003 • 10076 Posts

[QUOTE="TargetDog"]Blizzard is not what they used to be. All they seem to be capable of now is making rehashes. It's dissappointing to me that they would rather play the safe route and make a SC2 or a D3 (both of which look nearly the same as SC and D2) instead of making a new, fresh IP.Koalakommander

Blizzard started it's success through what you call "rehashes." So they are actually exactly what they used to be.

Take the safe route? If you've read any interviews you would know that making Starcraft 2 is the scariest and most challenging project they've ever had.

Oh, please. Warcraft - Warcraft II - Starcraft and Diablo - Diablo II all offered significant gameplay changes or leaps, not to mention that for those IPs to be successful they had to be created in the first place.. Starcraft 2 doesn't seem to be different than Starcraft in any major aspects. And the expectations for a new Starcraft 2 would obviously be tremendously huge, which is why I'm surprised that they bothered making a new one in the first place. In the end, money is more important than anything else, I suppose.

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#9 TargetDog
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STALKER is the only true FPS that came out this gun which significantly deviates from the usual FPS formula, IMO. Games like Crysis and FEAR have stuff like slo-mo and suit abilities, but in the end they're still all about going straight forward and shooting stuff. Bioshock seems to offer open-ended gameplay, but it's really more of an illusion than anything. There are 4 FPS games I can think of that offer truely unique experiences: System Shock 2, Deus Ex, STALKER and the Chronicles of Riddick.
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#10 TargetDog
Member since 2003 • 10076 Posts
cool story bro