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Edited By ShadowNeverDies

@Dieknochenblume There was also some technical issues that broke his immersion pretty badly so he took off points for that as well. And then you just kind of have to once done just kind of look at the product and go was that good, great, or a masterpiece? He probably fell on great then docked points for what he saw to be negative. But you didn't read the review if you just got that he took off 2 whole points because he didn't like the main character. Same thing with the GTA V review, that reviewer more or less just didn't like a lot of things about the story not just the main characters.

And if by Tidus you are referring to Final Fantasy 10, that's an opinion. I don't really like him either but Final Fantasy is a completely different animal than the Last of Us. Video Games aren't going to be viewed as well as other art forms if people have this kind of reaction anytime something they like doesn't get a perfect score. Like an 8 is a good score.

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@SniperFire17 Well at least it's something new and I'll give it to Crytek for trying. If the goal was just to look better than Killzone they won but it's probably not a better game (although I've never liked Killzone, that series has always been flash/graphics over substance to me).

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Why I think this is getting a lower score on Gamespot is that I think the other sights actually enjoyed the story to a certain extent and that can carry shallow gameplay to a certain extent. So if a site liked the story it's a 6 or a 7 and if a site didn't like it then yeah you are looking at like a 4 game which makes it like the PS3 disaster game which was Lair. Also it really seems like this was going to be a Kinect game with how it plays and then they just decided against it which made no sense. With the new Kinect I can see how this could be more engaging/unique if you were literally doing the button prompts with certain sword moves or literally holding your arm up like a shield but that obviously didn't happen. Either way will probably pick it up because this does seem like the tentpole game graphically between both consoles which is no surprise as it's coming from the story looks fine to me and I weirdly can stand shallow gameplay for certain gameplay types especially if it's a world that isn't usually explored in games in this way.

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Edited By ShadowNeverDies

I know microsoft is going to be the main subject here but wtf at EA, that's like changing the name of Madden or Tony Hawk not cool guys. Also weird to do it now because Tiger Woods is still the best golfer in the world despite the recent lack of majors and this can't be related to his 'thing' because it's been a while lol.

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I love alpha builds because you can see the stuff that still hasn't been made yet, like people not moving at all and those little sisters just disappearing into the ocean through a the ocean lol.

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I feel like Bioshock Infinite is getting a little forgotten at this point in the year lol.

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@Gamerhomer I'm a console gamer, I hate the elite PC gamer club and I make fun of my friends who belong to that group by basically pointing out how their are no games today being made as tentpole exclusives for the PC (the last to me was Crysis 1). But...and this is a big but...Half-Life 2 is the greatest shooter ever made imo. From story to gameplay to innovation to just atmosphere that game is so great it's as close to a perfect game as you're ever going to find. I still can't believe that game came out in 2004. The follow up two episodes were fine with episode 2 being the stand out but from start to finish Half-Life 2 is a masterpiece. Also the G-man is still one of the more fascinating characters in gaming, well until Valve messes him up lol.

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@soilworker651 @ShadowNeverDies It's tough because the story is so set-up at this point for either greatness or a major let-down, my feeling is they'll just pull a Matrix Revolutions where when it happens it'll end with Freeman looking at a rainbow. People forget at this point how great Half-Life 2 was...the facial animations in that game still freaking hold up today. In a year that also saw Halo 2, Doom 3, Metroid Prime 2 Half-Life 2 was pretty much in a league of it's own. But now I just think it's been too long and when it does come out it's just going to stink...not like be awful but be more like an 8 or 9 which in a way is even worse.

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Well this is annoying, I'd still say Half-Life 2 is the arguably the greatest shooter ever made especially when you consider when it came out, not to mention the last one ended on a huge cliffhanger it's just obnoxious of Valve not to release something Half-Life by this point. I'd expect Portal 4 not just 3 by this point before I'd see Half-Life 3. Not to mention I think we'd even see Left For Dead 3 first, it's just weird but I think Valve just doesn't care that much about Half-Life at this point.

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2014 is way too ridiculously soon a release date guys, hopefully it's not pushed back so far it ends up like Too Human or even worse Duke Nukem Forever where it's just 10 years late to the party.

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