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#1 SexySasquatch11
Member since 2008 • 500 Posts

brb playing sales. 110million

This is the dumbest comment I always here. EVERYONE plays sales, EVERYONE. If the PS1 sold 100 consoles world wide, would the PS2 have been released? If no one bought Persona 1 would Persona 2 have been made? EVERY sequel, EVERY, is made because it sold well. So yes you play sales just like everyone else. So please quit using that stupid arguement.

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#2 SexySasquatch11
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SSBB, not only is it the most overrated piece of crap released this gen its one of the worst games I ever played.

And yes Crysis is overrated also.

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#3 SexySasquatch11
Member since 2008 • 500 Posts

look more closely at my statement. especially the "not considered the same game" part.


But like I said about Tiger Woods Wii is a different game than the others. And I thought added features didn't warrent an exclusive title here, thats why remakes weren't counted. REmake on the GC was at its core RE1 but it added a hell of a lot for features and expanded the game and its not exclusive? If better graphics/online/features make a game exclusive then shouldn't all PC games be considered exclusive? With all the mods out there today games on the PC are on another level than consoles.

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#4 SexySasquatch11
Member since 2008 • 500 Posts

there are enough differences that it's not considered the same game.


But thats not what you said.

1. A game that exists on more than one platform (including the pc) is not all.

I can find it one PS2 and PSP. Didn't say if there's enough differences its ok. Why isn't Tiger Woods exclusive for the Wii? Doesn't it play 100% differently than the 360 and PS3 versions? Double standards?

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#5 SexySasquatch11
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I mean they have more of a history of mistreating people in general and making money grabs but people allways bash Microsoft and sometimes bash Sony as being to corporate... It is getting ridiculous as people claim Microsoft mistreated rare do to some fansite claiming so.

I mean Nintendo are known as the heralds of inovation and it is claimed that Kinect is a rip off of the Wii despite being revolutionary and using no buttons/plastic.

To me it seems Nintendo has copied alot more then the other companies and innovated more because they have been in longer. Nintendo stole the idea for CD's from Sega as well as the analog stick. Then the GC used dual analog (playstation) . The Wiimotes are wireless (360) The 3DS will have an analog and home button as a portable (psp) etc.

Achievements are supposedly to be stolen and put on the 3DS wonder what they will call them (Sony did trophies lol maybe they will be medals)


Phew, I was hoping they'd make the sensor bar/camera out of gold. Now I can see the high asking price for it! Microsoft spares no expense for its gamers!

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#6 SexySasquatch11
Member since 2008 • 500 Posts

This may all seem pretty straightforward and obvious but some confusion has recently reared its ugly head.

1. A game that exists on more than one platform (including the pc) is not all.

2. This is system wars...not console wars. The pc counts as much here as any other system.

If you disagree, find another forum.

3. This is system wars...not company wars. The PC is not a Microsoft platform. It is an open platform. Microsoft just so happens to make the most common operating system and that is also only just one component that makes a PC work.

4. The "console exclusive" term has no place here because it selectively excludes a system that is included in this forum. (see above) Find a better term to use.

5. An already multiplat game going to another system is not an exclusive lost for any system the game was originally on.


OBJECTION! The bolded statement clearly contradicts a previous call you made. If its on more than one system then why did you yourself say that MLB '10 was exclusive for the PS3? Sure it had more features than the others but the core gameplay is the same.

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#7 SexySasquatch11
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Pretty poor on MS's part, but Gears 3 will be a solid game none the less.


Of the games on your list I left what games I'm interested in...looks pretty even to me...

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#8 SexySasquatch11
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Yeah I have played the game, I havent beat it yet but thats because I find it extremely boring. Its exactly like Mario Galaxy 1 and I had to force myself to finish the game. I got it at the same time I got Halo 3 and Gears of War and I had to force myself to stop playing those games just because I felt bad that my parents bought me SMG for Christmas and I hadnt even played it. My tastes in games have just changed since I was a little kid. Games like Zelda and Mario are just not fun to me anymore. I would much rather play deeper games like The elder scrolls, GTA, and Halo.


Wait did you just use deeper games and Halo in the game sentence...don't make me laugh. Hell even GTA4 was a gutted version of what the other installments had. I'll give you Elder Scrolls though, but saying Halo is a deep game is like saying Mario's the maturest game out there. Halo was the most casual FPS out there until CoD4...

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#9 SexySasquatch11
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If Super Mario Galaxy 2 didn't have the word "Mario" in the title and there was a different main character, I guarantee it would not have gotten such high reviews. Im not trying to hate on Nintendo, I used to be a huge Nintendo fan but I have realized that they just rehash the same game over and over again. The worst example of this is Zelda. Zelda ocarina of time is my favorite game of all time but since it came out, nintendo has seriously completely rehashed the game over and over (except Majoras mask). But anyway, it seems like alot of people who are saying Super Mario Galaxy 2 deserves a 10 are blinded by nostalgia. Im not saying SMG2 is a bad game but it really is not as great as everyone makes it out to be and without Mario in it, it would have got lower scores.


Since then Nintendo has released 3 Zelda's. Majora's Mask(which is nothing like OOT), Windwaker(which was different than OOT) and Twilight Princess(which was suppose to be a "clone" of OOT because thats what people wanted!!!). So I say you're logic fails pretty hard. I think GS said that when Galaxy 1 came out that it would have score just as high if it wasn't mario. A good game is a good game no matter who's on the box.

And you wanna talk about rehashes...lets get GoW3, GeoW2, Bioshock 2, GT5, Forza 3, Halo...most sequels rehashes it's predecessors. They keep what people like change some other things and add new features. Don't get me wrong Nintendo does it too, but so does every other damn company these days. Games get refaced every now and them, RE4, but that doesn't always make it for the greater good.

So I'll say you played one 3D mario you played them all, played one CoD played them all, played one GoW you played them all...I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Core gameplay always stays the same just gets tweeked a little. But you're whole Zelda thing is BS.

Galaxy 1 deserved a 10, Galaxy 2 didn't, and neither did GTA4 or MGS4. The reviewers were just fanboy blinded by nostalgia...

EDIT: I'm talking about console Zelda's but I think the handheld ones still fall into the category that you have no clue what you're talking about.

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#10 SexySasquatch11
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[QUOTE="djsifer01"]Yes, GT5 will out sell every other game this gen easily. For those of you who said no, you obviously no nothing of GT popularity. Its the Halo/COD of racing sims.thom_maytees

Seeing how the 3rd or 4th one, don't remember which, is the best selling PS2 game and overall game last gen with about 14 mil copies sold with an install base of 100 mil+

The PS2 version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2 - 17.33 million) sold more copies than Gran Turismo 3 (PS2 – 14.89 million shipped).

Oops my bad, for the 3rd and 4th GT games are the 2nd and 3rd best selling on the PS2. Was off a little but my point still stands.