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#1 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

Lula 3d.... :P

seriously gonna have to agree with linkthewindow and say Civ 3, sooooo many lost hours to that game!

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#2 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

I like to look good - everyone does - but I don't slave over my appearance. You can only do so much when you're a flaming ginger like me.Buffalo_Soulja

I hear that man!

Serious not, ginger men have extra testosterone, so it makes body building and excersie a bit eaiser for your body to handle, it also explains that, while men think about sex every 5 seconds, ginger guys (and girls for that matter) think about it every 2 seconds!!!

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#3 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

I personally do, and is part of the reason I work out a couple of hours a day. I also care about how I dress, and stick mainly to name brands. Call me a sheep, but It's just the way I am.

SO how about yall? Are you concerned about your body image or couldn't care less?


Yeah i really do care about it.  Not only from the physical appearence aspect, but the health and wellbeing it brings.

Last year i was overweight and not looking to great, I had no energy and my fiancee thought i was in bad shape, so picked up inlinin' and going to the gym 4 times, and year later the total opposit is true.  It is well worth the effort to have a good diet and take excersie in my opinion.

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#4 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

Its alot about confidence.


Women obviously like attractive well groomed men, but its not their main focus.  I am not a love Guru, i don't claim to be an expert on women, but if you can show a girl you like her, you aren't a nervous wreck talking to her and you can dance with her, then thats a good start.  Watch your mate, see if he acts confident with women, and thier reactions to him.


Its a myth women date a$$holes, but it is a fact a$$holes are confident!  If that makes sense.  And just remeber, women are humans too, not animals, and not objects to be owned (well maybe lusted over at least! :P) treat her with respect, be confident, but also she isn't made out of bone china!


Preppy girls? im unfamiliar with that. In the UK i think we call it trendies, either way that means yes they are after you mate because of his clothes, because all preppy people, boys or girls want to be popular and look the best.  The girls will go fo the cliche jocks and the guys go for the blondest, stupidest most inane woman they can find!


Hope this makes sense man




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#5 Sangu1ne
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Christ on a bike!
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#6 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

Best way to get up is:

A good diet


Plenty of excerise and fresh air

Having at least your basic age requirement for sleep each night

Not messing up your internal clock in by sleep late at weekends

Alarm clock is good but it helps if you ave a comfy bed that allows your body to rest properly

In short a healthy lifestyle is the key to it all, it is more difficult the more stress you have in your life too!!

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#7 Sangu1ne
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I have no problem at all with it, if it saves peoples lives or improves the quality of life then we should pursue it.  IMHO an embryo is not alive until its heart beats.

There are far too many hang up on what religion claims to be the most appropirate course or discourse of action. 

Admittedly death is for the dying, so to speak, and there is a glaring fact that there is a chance the emryo's are in fact alive - although perception is just that; what we perceive has the ability to perceive is our perception - there is not scientific proof of concious and there is certainly no scienctific proof of a soul either.

Humanists would also agree that killing something to save another is wrong, but they would say the same for the greater good which is fundamentally flawed and ironic in the extreme of what they stand for!

Also becomes more blurred with a MD's hypocratic oath to protect life......

A good question is at what point does a human being become as such?  If i grew a human heart in a tube, would you all agree it is not a human being?  But what about if i grew a human brain (humour me that both would be alive)?  Or a body with no brain?  When religiously is a sould formed?  When humanistically are you alive and perceptive?  If god creates all life, he must have let you grow that life fit for purpose?

Also, by a few of the put forward arguements, you could ascertain menstration is the loss of human life, as is masturbation in men?

These are tough questions to answer and it boils down to belief and/or faith really.  I'd imagine countries ike Germany accepting it, whilst the bible belt of the US condemning it heavily.

All in all relgion and science need restraining orders on each other!


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#8 Sangu1ne
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Halo may have a "triolgy" but Starcraft has a storyline, and a damn good one at that.  I am more than happy for them to keep the gameplay the same but polished if the story is there.  As with all Bliazzrd games, the story is what makes them for me.

I must admit i hope there is some innovation, but as someone else in this thread posted, leave the Starcraft IP alone and create a new one to make big changes!!

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#9 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

Hiyas all

Thanks for the invite, ill do my best to treat this not as a union :P

Any suggestions on what to treat it as? :)


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#10 Sangu1ne
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I really hope it will be Starcraft 2.

I actually beleive it will be Starcraft 2 aswell, aka Korea etc etc.  I wouldn't also be surprised if was WoS, but as mentioned above its pretty obvious that won't happen, but if it was eve style too it could be fun!

I also love a Warcraft 4, im not fussed about diablo tho.  But maily a return to RTS for Blizz would be nice!