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#1 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

I know how you feel i recently "dumped" (for lack of a better phrase) my fiancee of 6 years.

At first you will feel pretty gutted, attached and probably lonely. But in my opinion the best thing to do is to move on, go out with your friends, talk about it to the but not ad nauseium. Try not to speak to her/text/email, and remeber if she went off behind your back, then shes a bad person and you will in the long term be better off without her. You will meet someone else, you just need to remain confident and positive. It will happen.

Best of luck, i know its a nasty experience, trust me look back in few months and you will be wondering why you were bothered in the first place!


*hugs* sorry to hear that buddy, this next round is on me! :D


Thanks mate!  Im more than fine now, met plenty of nicer women since her!

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#2 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

[QUOTE="kroxfire"]why don't you just believe god created evolution?flight78

It doesnt blend all to well ! 

Actually its called Theistic evolution, aka evolutionary creationism.  Followers claim that god used evolution as a tool to create.  Which is far more beleivable than day-creationism, if at all.  Not forgetting each religion has its crazy spin on creationism.

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#3 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

I know how you feel i recently "dumped" (for lack of a better phrase) my fiancee of 6 years.

At first you will feel pretty gutted, attached and probably lonely.  But in my opinion the best thing to do is to move on, go out with your friends, talk about it to the but not ad nauseium.  Try not to speak to her/text/email, and remeber if she went off behind your back, then shes a bad person and you will in the long term be better off without her.  You will meet someone else, you just need to remain confident and positive.  It will happen.

Best of luck, i know its a nasty experience, trust me look back in few months and you will be wondering why you were bothered in the first place!

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#4 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

TBH, more people should be making comments about his weight, you were fair to say it, its true, if people can't handle the truth that is their problem

As for insensitive, unless he is actually suffering from thyroid or other glandulsr problems (which is rare) he has no excuse.  Also 300 LB will significantly shorten his life, perhpas if your aunt had said this to him then he would be a healthy weight and not looking at a heart attack in his late 40s

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#5 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

It would weigh the same if you melted it, in say a saucepan, as no molecules would be lost to the air and the amount of wax particles remains constant.

However if you light the wic, the candle looses weight because you are transferring the wax from solid to liquid to gas and the gas is free to move away from the candle into the surronding enviroment.

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#6 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

The ignorance of creationsits just amazes me!  I don't know whats worse radical Islam or the bible belt in America....

For example saying a turtle evolves in to horse and laughing at it shows how they don't appreciate there arebillions if not trillions of animal lives that transpire between each evolutionary step no matter how small.

Sooner we all become secular humanists the better.

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#7 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

This one has actually worked

Put an ice cube from your drink into your mouth, walk up to the lady your after, look at her and bite the ice cube with your teeth.  Quickly follow up with, "Ok now i have broken the ice, can i buy you a drink?!"

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#8 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

 remember that random genetic mistakes, called mutations, cannot make all of the special apparatus described above. This is not the result of evolution, but the fingerprint of the Master Designer. In fact, the apostle Paul said that such highly sensitive infrared sensors studied today are evidence of God's creation. This is indeed "clearly seen" (Romans 1:20).

I find it quite interesting, how you manage to claim the apostle Paul was aware of infrared sensors, what 2000 years ago?  Seriously if your going to post bias at least check your post for logical assumptions first.

(Mark 1:17)

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#9 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

[QUOTE="AngelB1ack"]It is not ironic at all really..pyroistheone

A person who follows Christianity taking shots at someone who follows. That's practically the definition of irony. 

No.  This is conincidental.

The picture of Jesus Christ would *suggest* that Angelb1ack is a Christain. 

To be ironic you would have to know he was;

An unswerving christian, and as per his post, was *weak* and *followed* the dogma of christianity, two things of which you cannot ascertain from the forum thread, ava, or sig.  Therefore it is coincidental nothing more that he makes diggs at followers and has a picture of jesus and the cross!!!!

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#10 Sangu1ne
Member since 2006 • 100 Posts

What about the Mossad agents who were arrested on the George Washington Bridge? What about building 7? What about the thermite spewing out of the buildings? What about the buildings "pancaking" in 10 seconds...... when computer models have shown that it was physically impossible for the collapse to occur so rapidly without it being a controlled demolition?  What about the WTC buildings being the only ones made from steel that have collapsed. A building in Spain which was structurally very similar to the WTC buildings was on fire for days, yet was still standing? I'm sorry, I would like to believe that the government never lied....... and it was some man in a cave who carried out the attacks, but I refuse to not believe the FACTS. Please, no more Popular Mechanics articles, because they have all be debunked, and i shall post these debunks if u wish.proctorsurf

You must have failed at english, you need to revise your definition of conclusive.